I have a website and want to be able to allow the user to run a Java file on the server from the website.
I want the user to click a button which will run the Java file on the server AND anything printed to standard-out by the Java program will be printed out on the website for the user to see.
How can this be done (call Java program from PHP and feed the standard out from the Java file back to the PHP website in real time)?
Thanks for the answers on how to run the Java program from PHP. However I also want to be able, as the Java program is printing to stdout where it will be printing out a lot of text as it is executing, to be able to print this out on the webpage so that the user can see what stage the Java program is in its execution.
How can this be done and does it require any additional AJAX or JavaScript or anything like that?
5 个解决方案
The PHP exec()
function is the way to go, but you should be very careful in what you allow to executed.. in other words don't rely on user input as it could potentially compromise your entire server.
PHP exec()函数是可行的方法,但您应该非常小心您允许执行的内容..换句话说,不要依赖用户输入,因为它可能会危及您的整个服务器。
Calling the Java application launcher using exec, you can execute any Java application from PHP, e.g.
<?php exec("java -jar file.jar arguments", $output); ?>
Since you mention real time I would suggest setting up a PHP to Java Bridge. Initializing the JVM at each request takes up a lot of resources.
既然你提到实时我会建议设置PHP到Java Bridge。在每个请求初始化JVM会占用大量资源。
PHP / Java Bridge
The PHP/Java Bridge is an implementation of a streaming, XML-based network protocol, which can be used to connect a native script engine, for example PHP, Scheme or Python, with a Java or ECMA 335 virtual machine. It is up to 50 times faster than local RPC via SOAP, requires less resources on the web-server side. It is faster and more reliable than direct communication via the Java Native Interface, and it requires no additional components to invoke Java procedures from PHP or PHP procedures from Java.
PHP / Java Bridge是基于XML的流式网络协议的实现,可用于将本机脚本引擎(例如PHP,Scheme或Python)与Java或ECMA 335虚拟机连接。它通过SOAP比本地RPC快50倍,在Web服务器端需要的资源更少。它比通过Java Native Interface的直接通信更快,更可靠,并且它不需要额外的组件来从Java调用Java程序或PHP程序。
Check out exec and the other program execution functions. But do this very carefully, or it's a recipe for exploits.
I would rather wrap the Java class in a Java applet, which can then be invoked from a javascript call on the client side : see http://www.rgagnon.com/javadetails/java-0170.html
我宁愿将Java类包装在Java applet中,然后可以从客户端的javascript调用中调用它:参见http://www.rgagnon.com/javadetails/java-0170.html
Otherwise, if the call throws a lot of text to the standard output or the class has to be run on the server because of system dependencies, calling from php exec is the way to go, but you will probably need something like cometd to display the text on the client in real time. There are implementations for various javascript toolkits such as Dojo or jQuery.
否则,如果调用将大量文本抛出到标准输出或由于系统依赖性而必须在服务器上运行类,则从php exec调用是可行的方法,但是您可能需要像cometd这样的东西来显示客户端上的文字实时。有各种javascript工具包的实现,如Dojo或jQuery。
For the server side, there seems to be a cometd implementation in php here.
I hope this helps...
Is the passthru function of any use?
The PHP exec()
function is the way to go, but you should be very careful in what you allow to executed.. in other words don't rely on user input as it could potentially compromise your entire server.
PHP exec()函数是可行的方法,但您应该非常小心您允许执行的内容..换句话说,不要依赖用户输入,因为它可能会危及您的整个服务器。
Calling the Java application launcher using exec, you can execute any Java application from PHP, e.g.
<?php exec("java -jar file.jar arguments", $output); ?>
Since you mention real time I would suggest setting up a PHP to Java Bridge. Initializing the JVM at each request takes up a lot of resources.
既然你提到实时我会建议设置PHP到Java Bridge。在每个请求初始化JVM会占用大量资源。
PHP / Java Bridge
The PHP/Java Bridge is an implementation of a streaming, XML-based network protocol, which can be used to connect a native script engine, for example PHP, Scheme or Python, with a Java or ECMA 335 virtual machine. It is up to 50 times faster than local RPC via SOAP, requires less resources on the web-server side. It is faster and more reliable than direct communication via the Java Native Interface, and it requires no additional components to invoke Java procedures from PHP or PHP procedures from Java.
PHP / Java Bridge是基于XML的流式网络协议的实现,可用于将本机脚本引擎(例如PHP,Scheme或Python)与Java或ECMA 335虚拟机连接。它通过SOAP比本地RPC快50倍,在Web服务器端需要的资源更少。它比通过Java Native Interface的直接通信更快,更可靠,并且它不需要额外的组件来从Java调用Java程序或PHP程序。
Check out exec and the other program execution functions. But do this very carefully, or it's a recipe for exploits.
I would rather wrap the Java class in a Java applet, which can then be invoked from a javascript call on the client side : see http://www.rgagnon.com/javadetails/java-0170.html
我宁愿将Java类包装在Java applet中,然后可以从客户端的javascript调用中调用它:参见http://www.rgagnon.com/javadetails/java-0170.html
Otherwise, if the call throws a lot of text to the standard output or the class has to be run on the server because of system dependencies, calling from php exec is the way to go, but you will probably need something like cometd to display the text on the client in real time. There are implementations for various javascript toolkits such as Dojo or jQuery.
否则,如果调用将大量文本抛出到标准输出或由于系统依赖性而必须在服务器上运行类,则从php exec调用是可行的方法,但是您可能需要像cometd这样的东西来显示客户端上的文字实时。有各种javascript工具包的实现,如Dojo或jQuery。
For the server side, there seems to be a cometd implementation in php here.
I hope this helps...
Is the passthru function of any use?