- python3
- requests
- psycopg2 (操作postgres数据库)
公众号右上角 -> 全部消息
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/mp/profile_ext?action=getmsg&__biz=MzI2NDk5NzA0Mw==&f=json&offset=10&count=10&is_ok=1&scene=126&uin=777&key=777&pass_ticket=QhOypNwH5dAr5w6UgMjyBrTSOdMEUT86vWc73GANoziWFl8xJd1hIMbMZ82KgCpN&wxtoken=&appmsg_token=971_LwY7Z%252BFBoaEv5z8k_dFWfJkdySbNkMR4OmFxNw~~&x5=1&f=json
- Cookie: pgv_pvid=2027337976; pgv_info=ssid=s3015512850; rewardsn=; wxtokenkey=777; wxuin=2089823341; devicetype=android-26; version=26070237; lang=zh_CN;pass_ticket=NDndxxaZ7p6Z9PYulWpLqMbI0i3ULFeCPIHBFu1sf5pX2IhkGfyxZ6b9JieSYRUy;wap_sid2=CO3YwOQHEogBQnN4VTNhNmxQWmc3UHI2U3kteWhUeVExZHFVMnN0QXlsbzVJRUJKc1pkdVFUU2Y5UzhSVEtOZmt1VVlYTkR4SEllQ2huejlTTThJWndMQzZfYUw2SldLVGVMQUthUjc3QWdVMUdoaGN0Nml2SU05cXR1dTN2RkhRUVd1V2Y3SFJ5d01BQUF+fjCB1pLcBTgNQJVO
- __biz:相当于是当前公众号的id(唯一固定标志)
- offset:文章数据接口请求偏移量标志(从0开始),每次返回的json数据中会有下一次请求的offset,注意这里并不是按某些规则递增的
- count:每次请求的数据量(亲测最多可以是10)
- pass_ticket:可以理解是请求票据,而且隔一段时间后(大概几个小时)就会过期,这也是为什么微信公众号比较难按固定规则进行抓取的原因
- appmsg_token:同样理解为非固定有过期策略的票据
- Cookie:使用的时候可以把整段贴上去,但最少仅需要wap_sid2这部分
- {
- "ret": 0,
- "errmsg": "ok",
- "msg_count": 10,
- "can_msg_continue": 1,
- "general_msg_list": "{\"list\":[{\"comm_msg_info\":{\"id\":1000005700,\"type\":49,\"datetime\":1535100943,\"fakeid\":\"3264997043\",\"status\":2,\"content\":\"\"},\"app_msg_ext_info\":{\"title\":\"金融危机又十年:钱荒之下,二手基金迎来高光时刻\",\"digest\":\"退出永远是基金的主旋律。\",\"content\":\"\",\"fileid\":100034824,\"content_url\":\"http:\\/\\/mp.weixin.qq.com\\/s?__biz=MzI2NDk5NzA0Mw==&mid=2247518479&idx=1&sn=124ab52f7478c1069a6b4592cdf3c5f5&chksm=eaa6d8d3ddd151c5bb95a7ae118de6d080023246aa0a419e1d53bfe48a8d9a77e52b752d9b80&scene=27#wechat_redirect\",\"source_url\":\"\",\"cover\":\"http:\\/\\/mmbiz.qpic.cn\\/mmbiz_jpg\\/QicyPhNHD5vYgdpprkibtnWCAN7l4ZaqibKvopNyCWWLQAwX7QpzWicnQSVfcBZmPrR5YuHS45JIUzVjb0dZTiaLPyA\\/0?wx_fmt=jpeg\",\"subtype\":9,\"is_multi\":0,\"multi_app_msg_item_list\":[],\"author\":\"石亚琼\",\"copyright_stat\":11,\"duration\":0,\"del_flag\":1,\"item_show_type\":0,\"audio_fileid\":0,\"play_url\":\"\",\"malicious_title_reason_id\":0,\"malicious_content_type\":0}}]}",
- "next_offset": 20,
- "video_count": 1,
- "use_video_tab": 1,
- "real_type": 0
- }
- -- ----------------------------
- -- Table structure for tb_article
- -- ----------------------------
- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "public"."tb_article";
- CREATE TABLE "public"."tb_article" (
- "id" serial4 PRIMARY KEY,
- "msg_id" int8 NOT NULL,
- "title" varchar(200) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
- "author" varchar(20) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
- "cover" varchar(500) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
- "digest" varchar(200) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
- "source_url" varchar(800) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
- "content_url" varchar(600) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
- "post_time" timestamp(6),
- "create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL
- )
- ;
- COMMENT ON COLUMN "public"."tb_article"."id" IS '自增主键';
- COMMENT ON COLUMN "public"."tb_article"."msg_id" IS '消息id (唯一)';
- COMMENT ON COLUMN "public"."tb_article"."title" IS '标题';
- COMMENT ON COLUMN "public"."tb_article"."author" IS '作者';
- COMMENT ON COLUMN "public"."tb_article"."cover" IS '封面图';
- COMMENT ON COLUMN "public"."tb_article"."digest" IS '关键字';
- COMMENT ON COLUMN "public"."tb_article"."source_url" IS '原文地址';
- COMMENT ON COLUMN "public"."tb_article"."content_url" IS '文章地址';
- COMMENT ON COLUMN "public"."tb_article"."post_time" IS '发布时间';
- COMMENT ON COLUMN "public"."tb_article"."create_time" IS '入库时间';
- COMMENT ON TABLE "public"."tb_article" IS '公众号文章表';
- -- ----------------------------
- -- Indexes structure for table tb_article
- -- ----------------------------
- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "unique_msg_id" ON "public"."tb_article" USING btree (
- "msg_id" "pg_catalog"."int8_ops" ASC NULLS LAST
- );
- class WxMps(object):
- """微信公众号文章、评论抓取爬虫"""
- def __init__(self, _biz, _pass_ticket, _app_msg_token, _cookie, _offset=0):
- self.offset = _offset
- self.biz = _biz # 公众号标志
- self.msg_token = _app_msg_token # 票据(非固定)
- self.pass_ticket = _pass_ticket # 票据(非固定)
- self.headers = {
- 'Cookie': _cookie, # Cookie(非固定)
- 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/57.0.2987.132 '
- }
- wx_mps = 'wxmps' # 这里数据库、用户、密码一致(需替换成实际的)
- self.postgres = pgs.Pgs(host='localhost', port='5432', db_name=wx_mps, user=wx_mps, password=wx_mps)
- def start(self):
- """请求获取公众号的文章接口"""
- offset = self.offset
- while True:
- api = 'https://mp.weixin.qq.com/mp/profile_ext?action=getmsg&__biz={0}&f=json&offset={1}' \
- '&count=10&is_ok=1&scene=124&uin=777&key=777&pass_ticket={2}&wxtoken=&appmsg_token' \
- '={3}&x5=1&f=json'.format(self.biz, offset, self.pass_ticket, self.msg_token)
- resp = requests.get(api, headers=self.headers).json()
- ret, status = resp.get('ret'), resp.get('errmsg') # 状态信息
- if ret == 0 or status == 'ok':
- print('Crawl article: ' + api)
- offset = resp['next_offset'] # 下一次请求偏移量
- general_msg_list = resp['general_msg_list']
- msg_list = json.loads(general_msg_list)['list'] # 获取文章列表
- for msg in msg_list:
- comm_msg_info = msg['comm_msg_info'] # 该数据是本次推送多篇文章公共的
- msg_id = comm_msg_info['id'] # 文章id
- post_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(comm_msg_info['datetime']) # 发布时间
- # msg_type = comm_msg_info['type'] # 文章类型
- # msg_data = json.dumps(comm_msg_info, ensure_ascii=False) # msg原数据
- app_msg_ext_info = msg.get('app_msg_ext_info') # article原数据
- if app_msg_ext_info:
- # 本次推送的首条文章
- self._parse_articles(app_msg_ext_info, msg_id, post_time)
- # 本次推送的其余文章
- multi_app_msg_item_list = app_msg_ext_info.get('multi_app_msg_item_list')
- if multi_app_msg_item_list:
- for item in multi_app_msg_item_list:
- msg_id = item['fileid'] # 文章id
- if msg_id == 0:
- msg_id = int(time.time() * 1000) # 设置唯一id,解决部分文章id=0出现唯一索引冲突的情况
- self._parse_articles(item, msg_id, post_time)
- print('next offset is %d' % offset)
- else:
- print('Before break , Current offset is %d' % offset)
- break
- def _parse_articles(self, info, msg_id, post_time):
- """解析嵌套文章数据并保存入库"""
- title = info.get('title') # 标题
- cover = info.get('cover') # 封面图
- author = info.get('author') # 作者
- digest = info.get('digest') # 关键字
- source_url = info.get('source_url') # 原文地址
- content_url = info.get('content_url') # 微信地址
- # ext_data = json.dumps(info, ensure_ascii=False) # 原始数据
- self.postgres.handler(self._save_article(), (msg_id, title, author, cover, digest,
- source_url, content_url, post_time,
- datetime.now()), fetch=True)
- @staticmethod
- def _save_article():
- sql = 'insert into tb_article(msg_id,title,author,cover,digest,source_url,content_url,post_time,create_time) ' \
- 'values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)'
- return sql
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- biz = 'MzI2NDk5NzA0Mw==' # "36氪"
- pass_ticket = 'NDndxxaZ7p6Z9PYulWpLqMbI0i3ULFeCPIHBFu1sf5pX2IhkGfyxZ6b9JieSYRUy'
- app_msg_token = '971_Z0lVNQBcGsWColSubRO9H13ZjrPhjuljyxLtiQ~~'
- cookie = 'wap_sid2=CO3YwOQHEogBQnN4VTNhNmxQWmc3UHI2U3kteWhUeVExZHFVMnN0QXlsbzVJRUJKc1pkdVFUU2Y5UzhSVEtOZmt1VVlYTkR4SEllQ2huejlTTThJWndMQzZfYUw2SldLVGVMQUthUjc3QWdVMUdoaGN0Nml2SU05cXR1dTN2RkhRUVd1V2Y3SFJ5d01BQUF+fjCB1pLcBTgNQJVO'
- # 以上信息不同公众号每次抓取都需要借助抓包工具做修改
- wxMps = WxMps(biz, pass_ticket, app_msg_token, cookie)
- wxMps.start() # 开始爬取文章
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/mp/appmsg_comment?action=getcomment&scene=0&__biz=MzI2NDk5NzA0Mw==&appmsgid=2247518723&idx=1&comment_id=433253969406607362&offset=0&limit=100&uin=777&key=777&pass_ticket=NDndxxaZ7p6Z9PYulWpLqMbI0i3ULFeCPIHBFu1sf5pX2IhkGfyxZ6b9JieSYRUy&wxtoken=777&devicetype=android-26&clientversion=26070237&appmsg_token=971_dLK7htA1j8LbMUk8pvJKRlC_o218HEgwDbS9uARPOyQ34_vfXv3iDstqYnq2gAyze1dBKm4ZMTlKeyfx&x5=1&f=json
- Cookie: pgv_pvid=2027337976; pgv_info=ssid=s3015512850; rewardsn=; wxuin=2089823341; devicetype=android-26; version=26070237; lang=zh_CN; pass_ticket=NDndxxaZ7p6Z9PYulWpLqMbI0i3ULFeCPIHBFu1sf5pX2IhkGfyxZ6b9JieSYRUy; wap_sid2=CO3YwOQHEogBdENPSVdaS3pHOWc1V2QzY1NvZG9PYk1DMndPS3NfbGlHM0Vfal8zLU9kcUdkWTQxdUYwckFBT3RZM1VYUXFaWkFad3NVaWFXZ28zbEFIQ2pTa1lqZktfb01vcGdPLTQ0aGdJQ2xOSXoxTVFvNUg3SVpBMV9GRU1lbnotci1MWWl5d01BQUF+fjCj45PcBTgNQAE=; wxtokenkey=777
- __biz:同上
- pass_ticket:同上
- Cookie:同上
- offset和limit:代表偏移量和请求数量,由于公众号评论最多展示100条,所以这两个参数也不用改它
- comment_id:获取文章评论数据的标记id,固定但需要从当前文章结构(Html)解析提取
- appmsgid:票据id,非固定每次需要从当前文章结构(Html)解析提取
- appmsg_token:票据token,非固定每次需要从当前文章结构(Html)解析提取
- def _parse_article_detail(self, content_url, article_id):
- """从文章页提取相关参数用于获取评论,article_id是已保存的文章id"""
- try:
- api = content_url.replace('amp;', '').replace('#wechat_redirect', '').replace('http', 'https')
- html = requests.get(api, headers=self.headers).text
- except:
- print('获取评论失败' + content_url)
- else:
- # group(0) is current line
- str_comment = re.search(r'var comment_id = "(.*)" \|\| "(.*)" \* 1;', html)
- str_msg = re.search(r"var appmsgid = '' \|\| '(.*)'\|\|", html)
- str_token = re.search(r'window.appmsg_token = "(.*)";', html)
- if str_comment and str_msg and str_token:
- comment_id = str_comment.group(1) # 评论id(固定)
- app_msg_id = str_msg.group(1) # 票据id(非固定)
- appmsg_token = str_token.group(1) # 票据token(非固定)
- -- ----------------------------
- -- Table structure for tb_article_comment
- -- ----------------------------
- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "public"."tb_article_comment";
- CREATE TABLE "public"."tb_article_comment" (
- "id" serial4 PRIMARY KEY,
- "article_id" int4 NOT NULL,
- "comment_id" varchar(50) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
- "nick_name" varchar(50) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
- "logo_url" varchar(300) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
- "content_id" varchar(50) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
- "content" varchar(3000) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" NOT NULL,
- "like_num" int2,
- "comment_time" timestamp(6),
- "create_time" timestamp(6) NOT NULL
- )
- ;
- COMMENT ON COLUMN "public"."tb_article_comment"."id" IS '自增主键';
- COMMENT ON COLUMN "public"."tb_article_comment"."article_id" IS '文章外键id';
- COMMENT ON COLUMN "public"."tb_article_comment"."comment_id" IS '评论接口id';
- COMMENT ON COLUMN "public"."tb_article_comment"."nick_name" IS '用户昵称';
- COMMENT ON COLUMN "public"."tb_article_comment"."logo_url" IS '头像地址';
- COMMENT ON COLUMN "public"."tb_article_comment"."content_id" IS '评论id (唯一)';
- COMMENT ON COLUMN "public"."tb_article_comment"."content" IS '评论内容';
- COMMENT ON COLUMN "public"."tb_article_comment"."like_num" IS '点赞数';
- COMMENT ON COLUMN "public"."tb_article_comment"."comment_time" IS '评论时间';
- COMMENT ON COLUMN "public"."tb_article_comment"."create_time" IS '入库时间';
- COMMENT ON TABLE "public"."tb_article_comment" IS '公众号文章评论表';
- -- ----------------------------
- -- Indexes structure for table tb_article_comment
- -- ----------------------------
- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "unique_content_id" ON "public"."tb_article_comment" USING btree (
- "content_id" COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default" "pg_catalog"."text_ops" ASC NULLS LAST
- );
- import json
- import re
- import time
- from datetime import datetime
- import requests
- from utils import pgs
- class WxMps(object):
- """微信公众号文章、评论抓取爬虫"""
- def __init__(self, _biz, _pass_ticket, _app_msg_token, _cookie, _offset=0):
- self.offset = _offset
- self.biz = _biz # 公众号标志
- self.msg_token = _app_msg_token # 票据(非固定)
- self.pass_ticket = _pass_ticket # 票据(非固定)
- self.headers = {
- 'Cookie': _cookie, # Cookie(非固定)
- 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/57.0.2987.132 '
- }
- wx_mps = 'wxmps' # 这里数据库、用户、密码一致(需替换成实际的)
- self.postgres = pgs.Pgs(host='localhost', port='5432', db_name=wx_mps, user=wx_mps, password=wx_mps)
- def start(self):
- """请求获取公众号的文章接口"""
- offset = self.offset
- while True:
- api = 'https://mp.weixin.qq.com/mp/profile_ext?action=getmsg&__biz={0}&f=json&offset={1}' \
- '&count=10&is_ok=1&scene=124&uin=777&key=777&pass_ticket={2}&wxtoken=&appmsg_token' \
- '={3}&x5=1&f=json'.format(self.biz, offset, self.pass_ticket, self.msg_token)
- resp = requests.get(api, headers=self.headers).json()
- ret, status = resp.get('ret'), resp.get('errmsg') # 状态信息
- if ret == 0 or status == 'ok':
- print('Crawl article: ' + api)
- offset = resp['next_offset'] # 下一次请求偏移量
- general_msg_list = resp['general_msg_list']
- msg_list = json.loads(general_msg_list)['list'] # 获取文章列表
- for msg in msg_list:
- comm_msg_info = msg['comm_msg_info'] # 该数据是本次推送多篇文章公共的
- msg_id = comm_msg_info['id'] # 文章id
- post_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(comm_msg_info['datetime']) # 发布时间
- # msg_type = comm_msg_info['type'] # 文章类型
- # msg_data = json.dumps(comm_msg_info, ensure_ascii=False) # msg原数据
- app_msg_ext_info = msg.get('app_msg_ext_info') # article原数据
- if app_msg_ext_info:
- # 本次推送的首条文章
- self._parse_articles(app_msg_ext_info, msg_id, post_time)
- # 本次推送的其余文章
- multi_app_msg_item_list = app_msg_ext_info.get('multi_app_msg_item_list')
- if multi_app_msg_item_list:
- for item in multi_app_msg_item_list:
- msg_id = item['fileid'] # 文章id
- if msg_id == 0:
- msg_id = int(time.time() * 1000) # 设置唯一id,解决部分文章id=0出现唯一索引冲突的情况
- self._parse_articles(item, msg_id, post_time)
- print('next offset is %d' % offset)
- else:
- print('Before break , Current offset is %d' % offset)
- break
- def _parse_articles(self, info, msg_id, post_time):
- """解析嵌套文章数据并保存入库"""
- title = info.get('title') # 标题
- cover = info.get('cover') # 封面图
- author = info.get('author') # 作者
- digest = info.get('digest') # 关键字
- source_url = info.get('source_url') # 原文地址
- content_url = info.get('content_url') # 微信地址
- # ext_data = json.dumps(info, ensure_ascii=False) # 原始数据
- content_url = content_url.replace('amp;', '').replace('#wechat_redirect', '').replace('http', 'https')
- article_id = self.postgres.handler(self._save_article(), (msg_id, title, author, cover, digest,
- source_url, content_url, post_time,
- datetime.now()), fetch=True)
- if article_id:
- self._parse_article_detail(content_url, article_id)
- def _parse_article_detail(self, content_url, article_id):
- """从文章页提取相关参数用于获取评论,article_id是已保存的文章id"""
- try:
- html = requests.get(content_url, headers=self.headers).text
- except:
- print('获取评论失败' + content_url)
- else:
- # group(0) is current line
- str_comment = re.search(r'var comment_id = "(.*)" \|\| "(.*)" \* 1;', html)
- str_msg = re.search(r"var appmsgid = '' \|\| '(.*)'\|\|", html)
- str_token = re.search(r'window.appmsg_token = "(.*)";', html)
- if str_comment and str_msg and str_token:
- comment_id = str_comment.group(1) # 评论id(固定)
- app_msg_id = str_msg.group(1) # 票据id(非固定)
- appmsg_token = str_token.group(1) # 票据token(非固定)
- # 缺一不可
- if appmsg_token and app_msg_id and comment_id:
- print('Crawl article comments: ' + content_url)
- self._crawl_comments(app_msg_id, comment_id, appmsg_token, article_id)
- def _crawl_comments(self, app_msg_id, comment_id, appmsg_token, article_id):
- """抓取文章的评论"""
- api = 'https://mp.weixin.qq.com/mp/appmsg_comment?action=getcomment&scene=0&__biz={0}' \
- '&appmsgid={1}&idx=1&comment_id={2}&offset=0&limit=100&uin=777&key=777' \
- '&pass_ticket={3}&wxtoken=777&devicetype=android-26&clientversion=26060739' \
- '&appmsg_token={4}&x5=1&f=json'.format(self.biz, app_msg_id, comment_id,
- self.pass_ticket, appmsg_token)
- resp = requests.get(api, headers=self.headers).json()
- ret, status = resp['base_resp']['ret'], resp['base_resp']['errmsg']
- if ret == 0 or status == 'ok':
- elected_comment = resp['elected_comment']
- for comment in elected_comment:
- nick_name = comment.get('nick_name') # 昵称
- logo_url = comment.get('logo_url') # 头像
- comment_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(comment.get('create_time')) # 评论时间
- content = comment.get('content') # 评论内容
- content_id = comment.get('content_id') # id
- like_num = comment.get('like_num') # 点赞数
- # reply_list = comment.get('reply')['reply_list'] # 回复数据
- self.postgres.handler(self._save_article_comment(), (article_id, comment_id, nick_name, logo_url,
- content_id, content, like_num, comment_time,
- datetime.now()))
- @staticmethod
- def _save_article():
- sql = 'insert into tb_article(msg_id,title,author,cover,digest,source_url,content_url,post_time,create_time) ' \
- 'values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s) returning id'
- return sql
- @staticmethod
- def _save_article_comment():
- sql = 'insert into tb_article_comment(article_id,comment_id,nick_name,logo_url,content_id,content,like_num,' \
- 'comment_time,create_time) values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)'
- return sql
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- biz = 'MzI2NDk5NzA0Mw==' # "36氪"
- pass_ticket = 'NDndxxaZ7p6Z9PYulWpLqMbI0i3ULFeCPIHBFu1sf5pX2IhkGfyxZ6b9JieSYRUy'
- app_msg_token = '971_Z0lVNQBcGsWColSubRO9H13ZjrPhjuljyxLtiQ~~'
- cookie = 'wap_sid2=CO3YwOQHEogBQnN4VTNhNmxQWmc3UHI2U3kteWhUeVExZHFVMnN0QXlsbzVJRUJKc1pkdVFUU2Y5UzhSVEtOZmt1VVlYTkR4SEllQ2huejlTTThJWndMQzZfYUw2SldLVGVMQUthUjc3QWdVMUdoaGN0Nml2SU05cXR1dTN2RkhRUVd1V2Y3SFJ5d01BQUF+fjCB1pLcBTgNQJVO'
- # 以上信息不同公众号每次抓取都需要借助抓包工具做修改
- wxMps = WxMps(biz, pass_ticket, app_msg_token, cookie)
- wxMps.start() # 开始爬取文章及评论