I am listing all the data frames in a vector and doing different operations on data frames by calling them from the vector (list_all). I am trying to assign colnames to each dataframe using its first row.
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5
1: caffeine ACHE Adora1 ADORA1 Adora2a
2: 7.25- 7.25 15.00- 44.00 44.00- 49.00 9.40- 48.10
V1 V2
1: paraxanthine daf-12
2: NA
V1 V2 V3 V4
1: theophylline Adora1 ADORA1 Adora2a
2: 0.70- 26.00 0.00- 20.00 1.31- 25.30
list_all <- c("table_1","table_2","table_3") # this list was derived from previous code of 60 lines
n_drugs <- 3
drug_names <- c("caffeine","paraxanthine","theophylline")
output_final <- matrix(ncol=n_drugs , nrow=1)
for (t in 1:length(list_all)){
output_final[t] <- paste(drug_names[t],"output_final", sep = "_")
names_all <- c()
names_all[t,] <- unlist(c(as.character(get(noquote(list_all[t]))[1,]))) #saving colnames in 'names_all'
names_all[t,1] <- c("drug_name") # change first column name
When I run this code line by line it works but when I make funtion and run that funtion I am getting error
"Error in get(noquote(list_all[t])) : object 'NA' not found". Help me out
“get中的错误(noquote(list_all [t])):找不到对象'NA'”。帮帮我
1 个解决方案
Like the above comments suggest, it should be easier to deal with this when importing data, e.g. read.table(..., header = TRUE)
与上述评论建议的一样,在导入数据时应该更容易处理此问题,例如: read.table(...,header = TRUE)。
Yet, if you somehow cannot to do it, this solution may work for you:
set_first_row_name <- function(X) {
X <- as.data.frame(X)
# X should be a data frame
names(X) <- X[1,]
for (the_one_table in list_all) {
# list_all is your created name list of tables
# Do set_first_row_name to each table and assign them back respectively
assign(the_one_table, set_first_row_name(get(the_one_table)))
Like the above comments suggest, it should be easier to deal with this when importing data, e.g. read.table(..., header = TRUE)
与上述评论建议的一样,在导入数据时应该更容易处理此问题,例如: read.table(...,header = TRUE)。
Yet, if you somehow cannot to do it, this solution may work for you:
set_first_row_name <- function(X) {
X <- as.data.frame(X)
# X should be a data frame
names(X) <- X[1,]
for (the_one_table in list_all) {
# list_all is your created name list of tables
# Do set_first_row_name to each table and assign them back respectively
assign(the_one_table, set_first_row_name(get(the_one_table)))