
时间:2021-03-25 22:52:35

I have a list of dictionaries that all have the same structure within the list. For example:


test_data = [{'id':1, 'value':'one'}, {'id':2, 'value':'two'}, {'id':3, 'value':'three'}]

What I need to do is compare each of these dictionaries and return "similar" dictionaries based on a value key pair. For example, given the key value and the value oen, I want to find all the matching dictionaries almost similar to oen which in this case would be [{'id':1, 'value':'one'}].


The difflib has a function get_close_matches which is close to what I need. I'm able to extract the values of the specific key using a list comprehension and then compare those values to my search:


values = [ item['value'] for item in test_data ]
found_vals = get_close_matches('oen', values) #returns ['one']

What I need this to do is go one step further and tie everything back together with the original dictionary:


In  [1]: get_close_dicts('oen', test_data, 'value')
Out [1]: [{'id':1, 'value':'one'}]

Note: The list of dictionaries is quite large, and therefore I'm hoping to be as efficient/fast as possible.


3 个解决方案



You can create a reverse lookup dict prior to running get_close_dicts on your data, so that once you have a set of values returned, you can use them to lookup the relevant dict(s).


If you're guaranteed to have unique values across your dicts for the 'value' key, then you can do:


reverselookup = {thedict['value']:thedict for thedict in test_data}

If, however, you need to handle the case where multiple dicts will have the same value for the 'value' key, then you need to map all of them (this will give you a dict where the key is the value in 'value' and the value is the list of dicts that have that value):


from collections import defaultdict
reverselookup = defaultdict(list)
for testdict in test_data:

For example, if your test data had an extra dict in it like this:


>>> test_data = [{'id':1, 'value':'one'}, {'id':2, 'value':'two'}, 
                 {'id':3, 'value':'three'}, {'id':4, 'value':'three'}]

Then the above reverse lookup construction would give you this:


  "three": [
      "id": 3,
      "value": "three"
      "id": 4,
      "value": "three"
  "two": [
      "id": 2,
      "value": "two"
  "one": [
      "id": 1,
      "value": "one"

Then after you have your values, just retrieve the dicts (then you can chain if you have the list of lists use case, no need to chain if you have the first use case):


from itertools import chain    
chain(*[reverselookup[val] for val in found_vals])



You could:

return [d for d in test_data if get_close_matches('oen', [d['value'])]]

Pay attention get_close_matches could return more than one result.




No matter what, you're going to end up iterating through every dictionary at some point. There's no getting around that. What you can do is get all the work done in a preprocessing phase, to make your actual calls to the function immediate.


As ValAyal mentioned, a reverse lookup dictionary is a good idea here. I'm imagining a dictionary value_dict, where the key is the value from the first dictionary, and the value contains both exact and similar value matches. Take this example with d1 and d2, which are in your list that you want to search. If


d1 = {'id':1, 'value':'one'}
d2 = {'id':3, 'value':'oen'}


value_dict["one"] = {"exact": [d1], "close": [d2]}
value_dict["oen"] = {"exact": [d2], "close": [d1]}

Whenever you insert a dictionary that has an already-seen value, you can immediately determine all the exact and close matches (just by looking up that value), and add to the various lists accordingly. If you have a new value that hasn't been seen before, you'd have to compare it to all the values currently in the value_dict. For example, if you wanted to add


d3 = {'id':5, 'value':'one'}

You'd look up value_dict["one"] and get both the exact and close lists. These lists include all of the other value_dict entries you need to modify. You'd need to add to the exact matches of one and the close matches of oen; both these values you can get from the returned lists. You end up with

你会查找value_dict [“one”]并获得完全列表和关闭列表。这些列表包含您需要修改的所有其他value_dict条目。你需要添加一个完全匹配和oen的近似匹配;您可以从返回的列表中获取这两个值。你结束了

value_dict["one"] = {"exact": [d1, d3], "close": [d2]}
value_dict["oen"] = {"exact": [d2], "close": [d1, d3]}

So once all that preprocessing is done, your function becomes simpler: something like get_close_dicts(val) (I don't know what the third argument does in your example) can just do return value_dict[val]["exact"] + value_dict[val]["close"]. You now have a function that gives an immediate answer.

所以一旦完成所有预处理,你的函数就会变得更简单:类似于get_close_dicts(val)(我不知道你的例子中第三个参数做了什么)可以只返回value_dict [val] [“exact”] + value_dict [ VAL] [ “关闭”。你现在有一个能立即给出答案的功能。

The preprocessing step is pretty complex, but the resulting speedup in get_close_dicts will hopefully make up for it. I can elaborate on this more when I get back from work, if you want to know how to implement this. Hopefully this can give you a good idea of a helpful data structure, and I didn't horrendously overthink this.




You can create a reverse lookup dict prior to running get_close_dicts on your data, so that once you have a set of values returned, you can use them to lookup the relevant dict(s).


If you're guaranteed to have unique values across your dicts for the 'value' key, then you can do:


reverselookup = {thedict['value']:thedict for thedict in test_data}

If, however, you need to handle the case where multiple dicts will have the same value for the 'value' key, then you need to map all of them (this will give you a dict where the key is the value in 'value' and the value is the list of dicts that have that value):


from collections import defaultdict
reverselookup = defaultdict(list)
for testdict in test_data:

For example, if your test data had an extra dict in it like this:


>>> test_data = [{'id':1, 'value':'one'}, {'id':2, 'value':'two'}, 
                 {'id':3, 'value':'three'}, {'id':4, 'value':'three'}]

Then the above reverse lookup construction would give you this:


  "three": [
      "id": 3,
      "value": "three"
      "id": 4,
      "value": "three"
  "two": [
      "id": 2,
      "value": "two"
  "one": [
      "id": 1,
      "value": "one"

Then after you have your values, just retrieve the dicts (then you can chain if you have the list of lists use case, no need to chain if you have the first use case):


from itertools import chain    
chain(*[reverselookup[val] for val in found_vals])



You could:

return [d for d in test_data if get_close_matches('oen', [d['value'])]]

Pay attention get_close_matches could return more than one result.




No matter what, you're going to end up iterating through every dictionary at some point. There's no getting around that. What you can do is get all the work done in a preprocessing phase, to make your actual calls to the function immediate.


As ValAyal mentioned, a reverse lookup dictionary is a good idea here. I'm imagining a dictionary value_dict, where the key is the value from the first dictionary, and the value contains both exact and similar value matches. Take this example with d1 and d2, which are in your list that you want to search. If


d1 = {'id':1, 'value':'one'}
d2 = {'id':3, 'value':'oen'}


value_dict["one"] = {"exact": [d1], "close": [d2]}
value_dict["oen"] = {"exact": [d2], "close": [d1]}

Whenever you insert a dictionary that has an already-seen value, you can immediately determine all the exact and close matches (just by looking up that value), and add to the various lists accordingly. If you have a new value that hasn't been seen before, you'd have to compare it to all the values currently in the value_dict. For example, if you wanted to add


d3 = {'id':5, 'value':'one'}

You'd look up value_dict["one"] and get both the exact and close lists. These lists include all of the other value_dict entries you need to modify. You'd need to add to the exact matches of one and the close matches of oen; both these values you can get from the returned lists. You end up with

你会查找value_dict [“one”]并获得完全列表和关闭列表。这些列表包含您需要修改的所有其他value_dict条目。你需要添加一个完全匹配和oen的近似匹配;您可以从返回的列表中获取这两个值。你结束了

value_dict["one"] = {"exact": [d1, d3], "close": [d2]}
value_dict["oen"] = {"exact": [d2], "close": [d1, d3]}

So once all that preprocessing is done, your function becomes simpler: something like get_close_dicts(val) (I don't know what the third argument does in your example) can just do return value_dict[val]["exact"] + value_dict[val]["close"]. You now have a function that gives an immediate answer.

所以一旦完成所有预处理,你的函数就会变得更简单:类似于get_close_dicts(val)(我不知道你的例子中第三个参数做了什么)可以只返回value_dict [val] [“exact”] + value_dict [ VAL] [ “关闭”。你现在有一个能立即给出答案的功能。

The preprocessing step is pretty complex, but the resulting speedup in get_close_dicts will hopefully make up for it. I can elaborate on this more when I get back from work, if you want to know how to implement this. Hopefully this can give you a good idea of a helpful data structure, and I didn't horrendously overthink this.
