We have about 7 app servers running .NET windows services that ping a single sql server 2005 queue table and fetch a fixed amount of records to process at fixed intervals. The amount of records to process and the amount of time between fetches are both configurable and are initially set to 100 and 30 seconds initially.
我们有大约7个运行.NET Windows服务的应用服务器,它们ping单个sql server 2005队列表并获取固定数量的记录以固定间隔进行处理。要处理的记录数量和提取之间的时间量都是可配置的,最初设置为100和30秒。
Currently, my queue table has an int status column which can be either "Ready, Processing, Complete, Error". The proc that fetches the records has a sql transaction with the following code inside the transaction:
目前,我的队列表有一个int status列,可以是“Ready,Processing,Complete,Error”。获取记录的proc有一个sql事务,事务中包含以下代码:
1) Fetch x number of records into temp table where the status is "Ready". The select uses a holdlock hint
1)将x个记录提取到临时表中,状态为“就绪”。 select使用holdlock提示
2) Update the status on those records in the Queue table to "Processing"
The .NET services do some processing that may take seconds or even minutes per record. Another proc is called per record that simply updates the status to "Complete". The update proc has no transaction as I'm leaning on the implicit transaction as part of the update clause here.
I don't know the traffic exceptions for this but figure it will be under 10k records per day.
Is this the best way to handle this scenario? If so, are there any details that I've left out, such as a hint here or there?
Thanks! Dave