
时间:2021-03-25 22:52:41

I have two csv files that I want to compare and perform a function/calculation if four conditions are satisfied.



SN  CY  Year    Month   Day Hour    Lat Lon
196101  1   1961    1   14  12  8.3 134.7
196101  1   1961    1   14  18  8.8 133.4
196101  1   1961    1   15  0   9.1 132.5
196101  1   1961    1   15  6   9.3 132.2
196101  1   1961    1   15  12  9.5 132
196101  1   1961    1   15  18  9.9 131.8
196125  1   1961    1   14  12  10.0 136
196125  1   1961    1   14  18  10.5 136.5


 Year    Month Day RR Hour Lat  Lon
 1961    1   14  0   0   14.0917 121.055
 1961    1   14  0   6   14.0917 121.055
 1961    1   14  0   12  14.0917 121.055
 1961    1   14  0   18  14.0917 121.055
 1961    1   15  0   0   14.0917 121.055
 1961    1   15  0   6   14.0917 121.055

I am trying to calculate the distance between Lat-Lon points from these two files whenever they have the same Year,Month,Day,Hour. Here is my code:


jtwc <-read.csv("file1.csv",header=T,sep=",")
stn  <-read.csv("file2.csv",header=T,sep=",")

dms_to_rad <- function(d, m, s) (d + m / 60 + s / 3600) * pi / 180
great_circle_distance <- function(lat1, long1, lat2, long2) {
   a <- sin(0.5 * (lat2 - lat1))
   b <- sin(0.5 * (long2 - long1))
   12742 * asin(sqrt(a * a + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * b * b))

jtwc$dist<- great_circle_distance(dms_to_rad(jtwc$Lat,0,0),dms_to_rad(jtwc$Lon,0,0),dms_to_rad(stn$Lat,0,0),dms_to_rad(stn$Lon,0,0))

The "SN" column is a unique identifier in file1. What I want to do:


[1] Calculate the distance(jtwc$dist) when the two files have the same Year,Month,Day, and Hour.

[1]当两个文件具有相同的年,月,日和小时时,计算距离(jtwc $ dist)。

[2] In case a row has the same Year,Month,Day,and Hour but different SN number in file1,I will use the values in the row with the same Year,Month,Day,and Hour in file2 in computing the distance.


The output should like this:


SN  CY  Year    Month   Day Hour    Lat Lon dist
196101  1   1961    1   14  12  8.3 134.7  1620.961
196101  1   1961    1   14  18  8.8 133.4  1467.859
196101  1   1961    1   15  0   9.1 132.5  1334.382
196101  1   1961    1   15  6   9.3 132.2  1324.915
196125  1   1961    1   14  12  10.0 136   1687.127
196125  1   1961    1   14  18  10.5 136.5  1724.351

Any suggestion on how to do this correctly?


1 个解决方案



If I understand you right, you can try this solution:


dms_to_rad <- function(d, m, s) (d + m / 60 + s / 3600) * pi / 180
great_circle_distance <- function(lat1, long1, lat2, long2) {
  a <- sin(0.5 * (lat2 - lat1))
  b <- sin(0.5 * (long2 - long1))
  12742 * asin(sqrt(a * a + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * b * b))

#read file
dir1 = 'path_to_your_files'
dir1 = 'path_to_your_files'
jtwc <- read.csv(dir1) %>% 
stn <- read.csv(dir2) %>% 

stn <- left_join(jtwc,stn,by = 'key') %>% 
      drop_na() %>% 
      mutate_at(vars(Lat.x,Lon.x, Lat.y,Lon.y),funs(dms_to_rad),m = 0,s  =0) %>% 
      mutate(dist = great_circle_distance(Lat.x,Lon.x, Lat.y,Lon.y))




If I understand you right, you can try this solution:


dms_to_rad <- function(d, m, s) (d + m / 60 + s / 3600) * pi / 180
great_circle_distance <- function(lat1, long1, lat2, long2) {
  a <- sin(0.5 * (lat2 - lat1))
  b <- sin(0.5 * (long2 - long1))
  12742 * asin(sqrt(a * a + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * b * b))

#read file
dir1 = 'path_to_your_files'
dir1 = 'path_to_your_files'
jtwc <- read.csv(dir1) %>% 
stn <- read.csv(dir2) %>% 

stn <- left_join(jtwc,stn,by = 'key') %>% 
      drop_na() %>% 
      mutate_at(vars(Lat.x,Lon.x, Lat.y,Lon.y),funs(dms_to_rad),m = 0,s  =0) %>% 
      mutate(dist = great_circle_distance(Lat.x,Lon.x, Lat.y,Lon.y))
