
时间:2022-02-06 21:48:40

Possible Duplicate:
How to get function parameter names/values dynamically from javascript


I'm currently working on a project in javascript (node.js) that has me trying to get an array of parameter names (NOT values, I do not need arguments) from a function. I'm currently using Function.toString() to get the function string and then running a regex against that to get my parameter list.


Let's take the following SIMPLE example:


var myFunction = function (paramOne, paramTwo) { ... }

Running my regex against this, and then doing some string magic (split, etc) I would expect an array back like this:


paramList = ['paramOne', 'paramTwo']

I have something that works but I'm feeling like it's probably not the best solution given some of the funky characters javascript lets you use for variable names and that javascript will let you define functions on multiple lines.


Here is what I currently have:



This gives me my "match" in group 1 and then my param list without parens in group 2, which is cool. Is this really the best way to do what I want? Is there a better regular expression I could use for this? I'm not really looking for something "simpler" but really just something that could catch all possible situations.


Any help would be appreciated, and many thanks in advance!


3 个解决方案



The easiest thing would be to capture everything in the first set of parens, and then use split(/\s*,\s*/) to get the array.




var str = "function(   one  ,\ntwo,three   ,   four   ) { laksjdfl akjsdflkasjdfl }";
var args = /\(\s*([^)]+?)\s*\)/.exec(str);
if (args[1]) {
  args = args[1].split(/\s*,\s*/);
snippet.log("args: " + JSON.stringify(args));
<!-- Script provides the `snippet` object, see http://meta.stackexchange.com/a/242144/134069 -->
<script src="http://tjcrowder.github.io/simple-snippets-console/snippet.js"></script>

How the above works:


  1. We use /\( *([^)]+?) *\)/ to match the first opening parenthesis (\( since ( is special in regexes), followed by any amount of optional whitespace, followed by a capture group capturing everything but a closing parenthesis (but non-greedy), followed by any amount of optional whitespace, followed by the closing ).

    我们使用/ \(*((^))+ ?)* \)/匹配第一个开括号(\(因为在regex(特殊),其次是任何数量的可选的空白,紧随其后的是一个捕获组捕捉一切但关闭括号(但非贪婪),其次是任何数量的可选的空白,其次是关闭)。

  2. If we succeed, we split using /\s*,\s*/, which means we split on sequences which are zero or more whitespace characters (\s*) followed by a comma followed by zero or more whitespace characters (this whitespace thing is why the args in my example function are so weird).


As you can see from the example, this handles leading whitespace (after the ( and before the first argument), whitespace around the commas, and trailing whitespace — including line breaks. It does not try to handle comments within the argument list, which would markedly complicate things.


Side note: Be sure to test on your target browsers, Function#toString returning some form of the source code is a non-standard feature. It's broadly supported (in desktop browsers), but not standard. Note that some browsers will include comments, others will not; if someone includes comments in the function arguments, it could well mess up your parsing of them. You might kick around the Prototype source code for its Function#argumentNames extension, as they've already been down this road...




Do as following:


var ar = str.match(/\((.*?)\)/);
if (ar) {
  var result = ar[0].split(",");

Remember ? after * does a non greedy find




Let me suggest you using regular expressions:


  • [match] /function[^(]*\(([^)]*)\)/ will match the argument list
  • (比赛)/函数\[^]*(((^))*)\)/将匹配参数列表
  • [split] /\W+/ (against the results of the first match data) will split the match into params list
  • [split] /\W+/(针对第一个匹配数据的结果)将把匹配分割为params列表

So, the code should look like this:


var s = "function moo (paramOne, paramTwo) { alert('hello'); }";
var s2 = s.match(/function[^(]*\(([^)]*)\)/)[1];
var paramList = s2.split(/\W+/);



The easiest thing would be to capture everything in the first set of parens, and then use split(/\s*,\s*/) to get the array.




var str = "function(   one  ,\ntwo,three   ,   four   ) { laksjdfl akjsdflkasjdfl }";
var args = /\(\s*([^)]+?)\s*\)/.exec(str);
if (args[1]) {
  args = args[1].split(/\s*,\s*/);
snippet.log("args: " + JSON.stringify(args));
<!-- Script provides the `snippet` object, see http://meta.stackexchange.com/a/242144/134069 -->
<script src="http://tjcrowder.github.io/simple-snippets-console/snippet.js"></script>

How the above works:


  1. We use /\( *([^)]+?) *\)/ to match the first opening parenthesis (\( since ( is special in regexes), followed by any amount of optional whitespace, followed by a capture group capturing everything but a closing parenthesis (but non-greedy), followed by any amount of optional whitespace, followed by the closing ).

    我们使用/ \(*((^))+ ?)* \)/匹配第一个开括号(\(因为在regex(特殊),其次是任何数量的可选的空白,紧随其后的是一个捕获组捕捉一切但关闭括号(但非贪婪),其次是任何数量的可选的空白,其次是关闭)。

  2. If we succeed, we split using /\s*,\s*/, which means we split on sequences which are zero or more whitespace characters (\s*) followed by a comma followed by zero or more whitespace characters (this whitespace thing is why the args in my example function are so weird).


As you can see from the example, this handles leading whitespace (after the ( and before the first argument), whitespace around the commas, and trailing whitespace — including line breaks. It does not try to handle comments within the argument list, which would markedly complicate things.


Side note: Be sure to test on your target browsers, Function#toString returning some form of the source code is a non-standard feature. It's broadly supported (in desktop browsers), but not standard. Note that some browsers will include comments, others will not; if someone includes comments in the function arguments, it could well mess up your parsing of them. You might kick around the Prototype source code for its Function#argumentNames extension, as they've already been down this road...




Do as following:


var ar = str.match(/\((.*?)\)/);
if (ar) {
  var result = ar[0].split(",");

Remember ? after * does a non greedy find




Let me suggest you using regular expressions:


  • [match] /function[^(]*\(([^)]*)\)/ will match the argument list
  • (比赛)/函数\[^]*(((^))*)\)/将匹配参数列表
  • [split] /\W+/ (against the results of the first match data) will split the match into params list
  • [split] /\W+/(针对第一个匹配数据的结果)将把匹配分割为params列表

So, the code should look like this:


var s = "function moo (paramOne, paramTwo) { alert('hello'); }";
var s2 = s.match(/function[^(]*\(([^)]*)\)/)[1];
var paramList = s2.split(/\W+/);