
时间:2021-09-23 21:46:17

So I'm pretty new and am still learning but I can't find an answer anywhere..., that being said here is my question: I'm trying to generate output with multiple lists on different line and I want one at a time, I'll post my non-working code, and then a sample of code of one that works with just a single list:


Prints every variable repeatedly on each line the list is called:


networks = ["", "", ""]
vlans = ["1001", "1002", "1003"]
name = ["MGMT", "DATA", "VOICE"]

for s in (networks, vlans, name):
    print "vlan %r" % (vlans)
    print "Name %r" % (name)
    print "int vlan %r" % (vlans)
    print " ip add %r" % (networks)

Generates desired output, placing variable sequentially one at a time:


networks = ['', '', '']

for address in networks:
    print "ip add %s" % address
    print "description I can't place multiple variables :'("

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated, ultimately the reason I want to format with list names is the ability to be able to use multiple lists on a single line in this fashion. Again thank you in advance.


Edit: In advance, I understand doing separate for loops for each list, I want this to be done with the order of operations the print statements are made in.


2 个解决方案


networks = ["", "", ""]
vlans = ["1001", "1002", "1003"]
names = ["MGMT", "DATA", "VOICE"]

for network, vlan, name in zip(networks, vlans, names):
    print "vlan %r" % (vlan)
    print "Name %r" % (name)
    print "int vlan %r" % (vlan)
    print " ip add %r" % (network)


Regarding your code. for s in (list1, list2...) iterates the tuple of lists, not the the lists themselves, hence s is a list at each iteration. In fact, you don't even use s in your code. You refer to your master lists at each iteration, hence you get them printed entirely every single time.

关于你的代码。 for s in(list1,list2 ...)迭代列表的元组,而不是列表本身,因此s是每次迭代的列表。实际上,您甚至不在代码中使用s。您在每次迭代时都会引用主列表,因此您每次都会完全打印它们。


You can use zip:


for ip, vlan, n in zip(networks, vlans, name):
    print ip
    print vlan
    print n


networks = ["", "", ""]
vlans = ["1001", "1002", "1003"]
names = ["MGMT", "DATA", "VOICE"]

for network, vlan, name in zip(networks, vlans, names):
    print "vlan %r" % (vlan)
    print "Name %r" % (name)
    print "int vlan %r" % (vlan)
    print " ip add %r" % (network)


Regarding your code. for s in (list1, list2...) iterates the tuple of lists, not the the lists themselves, hence s is a list at each iteration. In fact, you don't even use s in your code. You refer to your master lists at each iteration, hence you get them printed entirely every single time.

关于你的代码。 for s in(list1,list2 ...)迭代列表的元组,而不是列表本身,因此s是每次迭代的列表。实际上,您甚至不在代码中使用s。您在每次迭代时都会引用主列表,因此您每次都会完全打印它们。


You can use zip:


for ip, vlan, n in zip(networks, vlans, name):
    print ip
    print vlan
    print n