
时间:2022-05-01 21:29:19

I have two datasets, one containing a list of indices and the other containing a list of numbers.


v <- c("a", "b", "c", "d")

lst <- list(c("4", "75097", "72607", "72607", "62572"), NA, c("5", "113116", "5372", "5372", "11767"), c("4", "11767", "85822", "85822", "82080", "82080", "77055"))

I would like to print them side by side and feed the result into a txt file, with the following code:


connect <- file("new.txt")
writeLines(paste(v, lst, sep=" "), connect)

The result I get is this:


a c("4", "75097", "72607", "72607", "70692", "70692", "69112", "69112", "62572")
b NA
c c("5", "113116", "5372", "5372", "11767", "11767", "85822", "85822", "82080", "82080", "77055")

How do I print the vectorial strings on the lst without the c(...) to give this result?


a 4 75097 72607 72607 62572 
b NA 
c 5 113116 5372 5372 11767
d 4 11767 85822 85822 82080 82080 77055 

1 个解决方案



We can use Map to paste the list elements with the corresponding elements of vector


out <- Map(function(x, y) paste(x, paste(y, collapse=' '), sep= ' '), v, lst) 

Or use sapply to loop over the list, paste the contents together and then paste with the vector


out <- paste(v, sapply(lst, paste, collapse=' '))

For printing, we can use cat


cat(unlist(out, use.names = FALSE), sep="\n")
#a 4 75097 72607 72607 62572
#b 5 113116 5372 5372 11767
#c 4 11767 85822 85822 82080 82080 77055
#d 5 79414 79867 79867 80161 78893 79867 79867 80650 80650 80161



We can use Map to paste the list elements with the corresponding elements of vector


out <- Map(function(x, y) paste(x, paste(y, collapse=' '), sep= ' '), v, lst) 

Or use sapply to loop over the list, paste the contents together and then paste with the vector


out <- paste(v, sapply(lst, paste, collapse=' '))

For printing, we can use cat


cat(unlist(out, use.names = FALSE), sep="\n")
#a 4 75097 72607 72607 62572
#b 5 113116 5372 5372 11767
#c 4 11767 85822 85822 82080 82080 77055
#d 5 79414 79867 79867 80161 78893 79867 79867 80650 80650 80161