
时间:2022-05-01 21:29:25

I am trying to define a variable in a for loop in r using the paste function, an example is as follows:


for (i in 1:length(XX)) {
    (paste0("Test",Name[i],sep="")) <- sqlQuery(channel, paste("SampleQuery", sep = ""))

I get the following error:


Error in (paste0("Test", Name[i], sep = "")) <- sqlQuery(channel,  : 
target of assignment expands to non-language object

Thanks for any help!


1 个解决方案



From the documentation, the output of paste0 is a character vector, not a variable. You can't use a character vector and the <- operator to assign into a variable, for that you need assign().

从文档中,paste0的输出是一个字符向量,而不是一个变量。您不能使用字符向量和< - 运算符来分配变量,因为您需要assign()。

But anyway, you'd be better off storing a list of related sql results in an actual list, rather than a bunch of variables. Keeps the environment tidier and easier to access programmatically afterward




From the documentation, the output of paste0 is a character vector, not a variable. You can't use a character vector and the <- operator to assign into a variable, for that you need assign().

从文档中,paste0的输出是一个字符向量,而不是一个变量。您不能使用字符向量和< - 运算符来分配变量,因为您需要assign()。

But anyway, you'd be better off storing a list of related sql results in an actual list, rather than a bunch of variables. Keeps the environment tidier and easier to access programmatically afterward
