Wikitude/AR SDK用于在3d空间中挑选对象

时间:2021-12-28 21:37:28

Wikitude/AR SDK用于在3d空间中挑选对象

Im looking at integrating an AR Kit into our iOS App so we can use the camera to scan a room or field of view for objects. Above is an example of what i mean, if you were to bring up the camera it would highlight the separate objects in the room and allow them to be clicked and "added" into the system.


Does anyone know if this is achievable with the current AR kits or anything else out there? It all seems to be the fact that objects that you are looking for have to be pre-defined and loaded into a database so the app can find them. Im hoping it should be able to pick out the objects realtime. It doesnt need to actually know any details on the actual object just so that can be pulled off the base scenary.


Any ideas?


1 个解决方案



OpenCV library (iOS) contains many algorithms to compare different image blobs. If you want to match some simple template to find objects then try Viola & Jones algorithm and so called Haar cascades. OpenCV has trained collection of templates in XML files for detecting faces for example. OpenCV contains utility for training thus you are able to generate cascades for other kinds of objects.

OpenCV库(iOS)包含许多算法来比较不同的图像blob。如果您想要匹配一些简单的模板来查找对象,那么可以尝试使用Viola & Jones算法,也就是Haar cascades。OpenCV已经训练了XML文件中的模板集合,用于检测人脸。OpenCV包含用于训练的实用程序,因此您可以为其他类型的对象生成级联。

Some example projects:

一些示例项目: Cascade Classifier Training Example code for detecting Colors and Circle shapes Feature Detection (SURF, ORB, FREAK) Square Detection using Pyramid scaling, Canny, contours, contour simpification

使用 . 2.4.2/ doc/user_guide/ug_traincase.cadrst级联分类器训练检测颜色和圆形的示例代码



OpenCV library (iOS) contains many algorithms to compare different image blobs. If you want to match some simple template to find objects then try Viola & Jones algorithm and so called Haar cascades. OpenCV has trained collection of templates in XML files for detecting faces for example. OpenCV contains utility for training thus you are able to generate cascades for other kinds of objects.

OpenCV库(iOS)包含许多算法来比较不同的图像blob。如果您想要匹配一些简单的模板来查找对象,那么可以尝试使用Viola & Jones算法,也就是Haar cascades。OpenCV已经训练了XML文件中的模板集合,用于检测人脸。OpenCV包含用于训练的实用程序,因此您可以为其他类型的对象生成级联。

Some example projects:

一些示例项目: Cascade Classifier Training Example code for detecting Colors and Circle shapes Feature Detection (SURF, ORB, FREAK) Square Detection using Pyramid scaling, Canny, contours, contour simpification

使用 . 2.4.2/ doc/user_guide/ug_traincase.cadrst级联分类器训练检测颜色和圆形的示例代码