
时间:2021-03-17 21:05:14
void problem3(void) {
    int overflowme[16];
    int x = (int) problem3; // x is the address of the first instr for problem3
    printf("hello world\n");
    overflowme[17] = x; 

I'm wondering what does the (int) do in C programming.


6 个解决方案



It's a typecast, and tells the compiler "Ignore the type that problem3 really has, and deal with it as if it were typed as an int".


In this example, problem3 has a function pointer type, so normally the compiler would reject the program (Using a function pointer when an integer is expected is normally a programmer error). The typecast forces a different interpretation - the programmer is stepping in and saying "I know what I'm doing".




It's an explicit cast. You are casting the value of problem3 to an integer and then assigning that integer value to x.


Note that this does not actually change the value of problem3.




It's a type cast - it's a form of converting the type of the operand (problem3 in your example) to another type.


In C (and in C++ when a 'C-style cast is used), the cast can perform one of several things:


  • do nothing but change the type of something without changing the form of the data. For example, when you cast a pointer to an int.
  • 在不改变数据形式的情况下,除了改变数据的类型之外,别无他法。例如,当您将指针投射到int上时。
  • perform a conversion as part of the cast operation. For example, when casting a float to an int, the data is actually transformed from the form used to represent floating point values (usually an exponent/mantissa form) to a plain old integer (with any fractional part lost)
  • 作为转换操作的一部分执行转换。例如,当将浮点数转换为int类型时,数据实际上是从表示浮点值(通常是指数/尾数形式)的表单转换为普通的旧整数(任何部分丢失)

Because the different forms of casting can be confusing or unclear as to what's happening (or intended to happen), C++ added several specific casting operators:


  • reinterpret_cast<>() which corresponds to the first form described above
  • reinterpretation t_cast<>(),它对应于上面描述的第一种形式
  • static_cast<>() which corresponds to the second form (even if the conversion doesn't result in a change of the internal data format)
  • static_cast<>()对应于第二种形式(即使转换不会导致内部数据格式的更改)
  • const_cast<>() which is a special case of casting that is able to remove the const or volatile qualifiers that might be applied to an object
  • const_cast<>()是可以删除可能应用于对象的const或volatile限定符的强制类型转换的特殊情况
  • dynamic_cast<>() which is entirely new to C++ and has no similar functionality in C. This operator is used to safely 'downcast' a base object type to one of its derived types.
  • dynamic_cast<>()对c++来说是全新的,在C中没有类似的功能。该操作符用于将基对象类型安全地“向下”到它的派生类型之一。

Because they're inherently dangerous, casts are generally considered bad form. When you perform a cast operation, you're subverting the compiler's ability to perform type checking. However, there are times when it might be necessary or very useful, and you'll see it used often in C code.


In your example, problem3 is a pointer to a function, and the cast is 'converting' the address for that function to an int. It's then storing that address-as-int into the array, but actually one array element past the end of the array (which is a no-no). On many platforms that invalid array element is where the return address for the the function is stored, so what will happen is when the problem3() function returns, it'll return to itself and run again (ad-infinitum - sort of).

在您的示例中,问题3是一个指向函数的指针,而cast是将函数的地址“转换”为int,然后将该地址作为int类型存储到数组中,但实际上是数组末尾的一个数组元素(这是不允许的)。在许多平台上,无效的数组元素是存储函数的返回地址,所以当问题3()函数返回时,它将返回自己并再次运行(ad-infinitum - sort of)。

It'll eventually underflow the stack because the new, 'hacked' run of problem3() won't have a function call that put a return address on the stack - it'll just trash whatever else was on the stack before it and return to itself again, repeating the process until the stack underflows which will likely cause a processor exception.




As others have noted this is just explicit cast. It just changes type of variable into int type.


But from code you posted it looks like this function is preparing for some kind of buffer overflow or something. What is the rest of this function ?




It's a typecast ie. it converts the variable/constant following it into the specified type. Here, a void (*) (void) type is converted into an int (thing in the braces)

这是一个即定型。它将后面的变量/常量转换为指定的类型。在这里,一个void (*) (void)类型被转换为int(括号中的东西)



It means that problem3 is converted to type int before assigning to the int x

这意味着问题3在赋值给int x之前被转换为int类型



It's a typecast, and tells the compiler "Ignore the type that problem3 really has, and deal with it as if it were typed as an int".


In this example, problem3 has a function pointer type, so normally the compiler would reject the program (Using a function pointer when an integer is expected is normally a programmer error). The typecast forces a different interpretation - the programmer is stepping in and saying "I know what I'm doing".




It's an explicit cast. You are casting the value of problem3 to an integer and then assigning that integer value to x.


Note that this does not actually change the value of problem3.




It's a type cast - it's a form of converting the type of the operand (problem3 in your example) to another type.


In C (and in C++ when a 'C-style cast is used), the cast can perform one of several things:


  • do nothing but change the type of something without changing the form of the data. For example, when you cast a pointer to an int.
  • 在不改变数据形式的情况下,除了改变数据的类型之外,别无他法。例如,当您将指针投射到int上时。
  • perform a conversion as part of the cast operation. For example, when casting a float to an int, the data is actually transformed from the form used to represent floating point values (usually an exponent/mantissa form) to a plain old integer (with any fractional part lost)
  • 作为转换操作的一部分执行转换。例如,当将浮点数转换为int类型时,数据实际上是从表示浮点值(通常是指数/尾数形式)的表单转换为普通的旧整数(任何部分丢失)

Because the different forms of casting can be confusing or unclear as to what's happening (or intended to happen), C++ added several specific casting operators:


  • reinterpret_cast<>() which corresponds to the first form described above
  • reinterpretation t_cast<>(),它对应于上面描述的第一种形式
  • static_cast<>() which corresponds to the second form (even if the conversion doesn't result in a change of the internal data format)
  • static_cast<>()对应于第二种形式(即使转换不会导致内部数据格式的更改)
  • const_cast<>() which is a special case of casting that is able to remove the const or volatile qualifiers that might be applied to an object
  • const_cast<>()是可以删除可能应用于对象的const或volatile限定符的强制类型转换的特殊情况
  • dynamic_cast<>() which is entirely new to C++ and has no similar functionality in C. This operator is used to safely 'downcast' a base object type to one of its derived types.
  • dynamic_cast<>()对c++来说是全新的,在C中没有类似的功能。该操作符用于将基对象类型安全地“向下”到它的派生类型之一。

Because they're inherently dangerous, casts are generally considered bad form. When you perform a cast operation, you're subverting the compiler's ability to perform type checking. However, there are times when it might be necessary or very useful, and you'll see it used often in C code.


In your example, problem3 is a pointer to a function, and the cast is 'converting' the address for that function to an int. It's then storing that address-as-int into the array, but actually one array element past the end of the array (which is a no-no). On many platforms that invalid array element is where the return address for the the function is stored, so what will happen is when the problem3() function returns, it'll return to itself and run again (ad-infinitum - sort of).

在您的示例中,问题3是一个指向函数的指针,而cast是将函数的地址“转换”为int,然后将该地址作为int类型存储到数组中,但实际上是数组末尾的一个数组元素(这是不允许的)。在许多平台上,无效的数组元素是存储函数的返回地址,所以当问题3()函数返回时,它将返回自己并再次运行(ad-infinitum - sort of)。

It'll eventually underflow the stack because the new, 'hacked' run of problem3() won't have a function call that put a return address on the stack - it'll just trash whatever else was on the stack before it and return to itself again, repeating the process until the stack underflows which will likely cause a processor exception.




As others have noted this is just explicit cast. It just changes type of variable into int type.


But from code you posted it looks like this function is preparing for some kind of buffer overflow or something. What is the rest of this function ?




It's a typecast ie. it converts the variable/constant following it into the specified type. Here, a void (*) (void) type is converted into an int (thing in the braces)

这是一个即定型。它将后面的变量/常量转换为指定的类型。在这里,一个void (*) (void)类型被转换为int(括号中的东西)



It means that problem3 is converted to type int before assigning to the int x

这意味着问题3在赋值给int x之前被转换为int类型