Java内存模型和c++ 11内存模型有什么相似之处?

时间:2022-06-17 21:05:20

The new c++ standard introduces the notion of a memory model. There were already questions on SO about it, what does it mean, how does it change the way we write code in c++ and so on.


I'm interested in getting to know how does the C++ memory model relate to the older, well known java memory model (1.5). Is it the same? Is it similar? Do they have any significant differences? If so, why?


The java memory model has been around since a long time and many people know it quite decently, so I guess it might be helpful, not only for me, to learn the C++ memory model, by comparing it with the java one.


1 个解决方案



The Java memory model was an important influence on the C++11 memory model, and was where we pulled the terms happens-before and synchronizes-with from. However, the C++11 memory model offers much more fine-grained control over memory ordering than the Java memory model.

Java内存模型是c++ 11内存模型的一个重要影响因素,在这里,我们将词汇事件(在事件发生之前)和同步事件(从事件开始)拖出。但是,c++ 11内存模型提供了比Java内存模型更细粒度的内存排序控制。

Java volatile variables are equivalent to C++11 std::atomic<> variables, if you use std::memory_order_acquire memory ordering for reads, std::memory_order_release ordering for writes, and std::memory_order_acq_rel ordering for RMW operations.

Java volatile变量相当于c++ 11 std::原子<>变量,如果您使用std:: memory_order_get内存排序为读,std::memory_order_release排序为写,std::memory_order_acq_rel为RMW操作排序。

There is no equivalent in Java to std::memory_order_relaxed, or std::memory_order_seq_cst.

Java中没有与std: memory_order_弛豫或std::memory_order_seq_cst等价的东西。



The Java memory model was an important influence on the C++11 memory model, and was where we pulled the terms happens-before and synchronizes-with from. However, the C++11 memory model offers much more fine-grained control over memory ordering than the Java memory model.

Java内存模型是c++ 11内存模型的一个重要影响因素,在这里,我们将词汇事件(在事件发生之前)和同步事件(从事件开始)拖出。但是,c++ 11内存模型提供了比Java内存模型更细粒度的内存排序控制。

Java volatile variables are equivalent to C++11 std::atomic<> variables, if you use std::memory_order_acquire memory ordering for reads, std::memory_order_release ordering for writes, and std::memory_order_acq_rel ordering for RMW operations.

Java volatile变量相当于c++ 11 std::原子<>变量,如果您使用std:: memory_order_get内存排序为读,std::memory_order_release排序为写,std::memory_order_acq_rel为RMW操作排序。

There is no equivalent in Java to std::memory_order_relaxed, or std::memory_order_seq_cst.

Java中没有与std: memory_order_弛豫或std::memory_order_seq_cst等价的东西。