
时间:2021-02-18 21:06:14

I'd like to understand the advantages provided by these type of threads.


  • On what environment Green Threads is better than Non Green ? Some say green threads are better for multi core processor.

    Green Threads在什么环境下比Non Green更好?有人说绿色线程更适合多核处理器。

  • Any Expected behaviour problems.


7 个解决方案



The Wikipedia article Green Threads explains it very well.

*的文章Green Threads解释得非常好。

Green threads are "user-level threads". They are scheduled by an "ordinary" user-level process, not by the kernel. So they can be used to simulate multi-threading on platforms that don't provide that capability.


In the context of Java specifically, green threads are a thing of the past. See this article. (It's about Solaris, but the fact that green threads are not used anymore is valid for the usual platforms).

特别是在Java的上下文中,绿色线程已经成为过去。看到这篇文章。 (这是关于Solaris的,但绿色线程不再使用的事实对于通常的平台是有效的)。

Green threads were abandoned in the Sun JVM for Linux as of the release of version 1.3 (see Java[tm] Technology on the Linux Platform on archive.org). That dates back to 2000. For Solaris, native threads were available from JDK 1.2. That dates back to 1998. I don't even think there ever was a green thread implementation for Windows, but I can't find a reference for that.

自版本1.3发布以来,在Sun JVM for Linux中放弃了绿色线程(请参阅archive.org上的Linux平台上的Java [tm]技术)。这可以追溯到2000年。对于Solaris,可以从JDK 1.2获得本机线程。这可以追溯到1998年。我甚至认为Windows没有绿色线程实现,但我无法找到它的参考。

There are some exceptions as noted in the Wikipedia article, I gather mostly for low-power (embedded) devices.




Green threads are threads implemented at the application level rather than in the OS. This is usually done when the OS does not provide a thread API, or it doesn't work the way you need.


Thus, the advantage is that you get thread-like functionality at all. The disadvantage is that green threads can't actually use multiple cores.


There were a few early JVMs that used green threads (IIRC the Blackdown JVM port to Linux did), but nowadays all mainstream JVMs use real threads. There may be some embedded JVMs that still use green threads.

有一些早期的JVM使用绿色线程(IIRC是Blackdown JVM端口到Linux),但现在所有主流JVM都使用真正的线程。可能有一些嵌入式JVM仍然使用绿色线程。



Green thread memory is allocated from the heap rather than having a stack created for it by the OS. This can potentially give an order of magnitude or more increase in concurrent threads. As other people have mentioned, this would not take advantage of multiple processors automatically, however the use case is typically for blocking I/O -- for example green threads might allow you to handle 100k concurrent connections as opposed to 10k.

绿色线程内存是从堆中分配的,而不是由OS为其创建堆栈。这可能会在并发线程中产生一个数量级或更多的增加。正如其他人所提到的,这不会自动利用多个处理器,但是用例通常用于阻止I / O - 例如绿色线程可能允许您处理100k并发连接而不是10k。

So in other words, green threads are better for IO bound operations at a certain scale.




Green threads are significantly faster than native threads when having more active threads than processors.


Java initially had support for green threads but unlike most modern green threading implementations it could not scale over multiple processors, making Java unable to utilise multiple cores.


Then Java removed green threading in order to rely only on native threads. That made Java Threads slower than green threads.

然后,Java删除了绿色线程,以便仅依赖本机线程。这使得Java Threads比绿色线程慢。

Please notice that I am not specifically talking about the Java implementation of green threads which did have disadvantages as it unlike other green thread implications could not scale in a multicore or multiprocessor system.




Green threads are user level threads rather than kernel level threads. They are scheduled by user libraries rather than the kernel. You can have your own scheduling mechanism to schedule threads rather than relying on the OS scheduler.


Green threads emulate multithreaded environments without relying on any native OS capabilities, and they are managed in user space instead of kernel space, enabling them to work in environments that do not have native thread support


Performace :


On a multi-core processor, native thread implementations can automatically assign work to multiple processors, whereas green thread implementations normally cannot. Green threads significantly outperform Linux native threads on thread activation and synchronization.


When a green thread executes a blocking system call, not only is that thread blocked, but all of the threads within the process are blocked.




Green threads aren't scheduled by the OS.


That means that the scheduling for them happens in userspace and is not handled by the kernel. This means that the green threads can't usually be made to use all the CPU cores.


For any mainstream platform running Java these days (eg x86 or x64), you'll be using real threads.




JAVA Multi-Threading is implemented by two models:


  1. Green Thread Model
  2. 绿色线程模型
  3. Native OS Model
  4. 原生OS模型

Green Thread Model: The Thread which is managed by JVM, without taking underlying OS support is called Green Thread. Very few OS like Sun Solaris provide support for green thread model. It is deprecated and not recommended to use.

绿色线程模型:由JVM管理而不需要支持底层操作系统支持的线程称为绿色线程。很少有像Sun Solaris这样的操作系统提供对绿色线程模型的支持。它已弃用,不建议使用。

Native OS Model: The Thread which is manged by the JVM with the help of underlying OS is called Native OS Model. All windows OS provide support for native OS model.




The Wikipedia article Green Threads explains it very well.

*的文章Green Threads解释得非常好。

Green threads are "user-level threads". They are scheduled by an "ordinary" user-level process, not by the kernel. So they can be used to simulate multi-threading on platforms that don't provide that capability.


In the context of Java specifically, green threads are a thing of the past. See this article. (It's about Solaris, but the fact that green threads are not used anymore is valid for the usual platforms).

特别是在Java的上下文中,绿色线程已经成为过去。看到这篇文章。 (这是关于Solaris的,但绿色线程不再使用的事实对于通常的平台是有效的)。

Green threads were abandoned in the Sun JVM for Linux as of the release of version 1.3 (see Java[tm] Technology on the Linux Platform on archive.org). That dates back to 2000. For Solaris, native threads were available from JDK 1.2. That dates back to 1998. I don't even think there ever was a green thread implementation for Windows, but I can't find a reference for that.

自版本1.3发布以来,在Sun JVM for Linux中放弃了绿色线程(请参阅archive.org上的Linux平台上的Java [tm]技术)。这可以追溯到2000年。对于Solaris,可以从JDK 1.2获得本机线程。这可以追溯到1998年。我甚至认为Windows没有绿色线程实现,但我无法找到它的参考。

There are some exceptions as noted in the Wikipedia article, I gather mostly for low-power (embedded) devices.




Green threads are threads implemented at the application level rather than in the OS. This is usually done when the OS does not provide a thread API, or it doesn't work the way you need.


Thus, the advantage is that you get thread-like functionality at all. The disadvantage is that green threads can't actually use multiple cores.


There were a few early JVMs that used green threads (IIRC the Blackdown JVM port to Linux did), but nowadays all mainstream JVMs use real threads. There may be some embedded JVMs that still use green threads.

有一些早期的JVM使用绿色线程(IIRC是Blackdown JVM端口到Linux),但现在所有主流JVM都使用真正的线程。可能有一些嵌入式JVM仍然使用绿色线程。



Green thread memory is allocated from the heap rather than having a stack created for it by the OS. This can potentially give an order of magnitude or more increase in concurrent threads. As other people have mentioned, this would not take advantage of multiple processors automatically, however the use case is typically for blocking I/O -- for example green threads might allow you to handle 100k concurrent connections as opposed to 10k.

绿色线程内存是从堆中分配的,而不是由OS为其创建堆栈。这可能会在并发线程中产生一个数量级或更多的增加。正如其他人所提到的,这不会自动利用多个处理器,但是用例通常用于阻止I / O - 例如绿色线程可能允许您处理100k并发连接而不是10k。

So in other words, green threads are better for IO bound operations at a certain scale.




Green threads are significantly faster than native threads when having more active threads than processors.


Java initially had support for green threads but unlike most modern green threading implementations it could not scale over multiple processors, making Java unable to utilise multiple cores.


Then Java removed green threading in order to rely only on native threads. That made Java Threads slower than green threads.

然后,Java删除了绿色线程,以便仅依赖本机线程。这使得Java Threads比绿色线程慢。

Please notice that I am not specifically talking about the Java implementation of green threads which did have disadvantages as it unlike other green thread implications could not scale in a multicore or multiprocessor system.




Green threads are user level threads rather than kernel level threads. They are scheduled by user libraries rather than the kernel. You can have your own scheduling mechanism to schedule threads rather than relying on the OS scheduler.


Green threads emulate multithreaded environments without relying on any native OS capabilities, and they are managed in user space instead of kernel space, enabling them to work in environments that do not have native thread support


Performace :


On a multi-core processor, native thread implementations can automatically assign work to multiple processors, whereas green thread implementations normally cannot. Green threads significantly outperform Linux native threads on thread activation and synchronization.


When a green thread executes a blocking system call, not only is that thread blocked, but all of the threads within the process are blocked.




Green threads aren't scheduled by the OS.


That means that the scheduling for them happens in userspace and is not handled by the kernel. This means that the green threads can't usually be made to use all the CPU cores.


For any mainstream platform running Java these days (eg x86 or x64), you'll be using real threads.




JAVA Multi-Threading is implemented by two models:


  1. Green Thread Model
  2. 绿色线程模型
  3. Native OS Model
  4. 原生OS模型

Green Thread Model: The Thread which is managed by JVM, without taking underlying OS support is called Green Thread. Very few OS like Sun Solaris provide support for green thread model. It is deprecated and not recommended to use.

绿色线程模型:由JVM管理而不需要支持底层操作系统支持的线程称为绿色线程。很少有像Sun Solaris这样的操作系统提供对绿色线程模型的支持。它已弃用,不建议使用。

Native OS Model: The Thread which is manged by the JVM with the help of underlying OS is called Native OS Model. All windows OS provide support for native OS model.
