如何在OS X Leopard的默认Apache 2下安装modperl?

时间:2022-10-17 20:47:42

My attempts to install modperl under the default vanilla Leopard Apache 2 have failed and all I can find online are variations on this:

我尝试在默认的vanilla Leopard Apache 2下安装modperl失败了,我在网上找到的所有内容都是变体:

I would like if possible not to rely on MacPorts or Fink, though if they can be made to work with the default Apache 2 install that would probably be ok.

我想尽可能不依赖于MacPorts或Fink,但是如果它们可以使用默认的Apache 2安装,那可能没问题。

6 个解决方案



Macports has it (think apt-get and the likes on linux, but on OS X)

Macports有它(想想apt-get和linux上的喜欢,但是在OS X上)

(you can see it listed here)


Haven't installed myself though....




Why not just give up and build/install your own or port versions of perl, apache2, and mod_perl2? Probably easier than fighting with it. (Worked for me.)

为什么不放弃并构建/安装自己的或端口版本的perl,apache2和mod_perl2?可能比与它战斗更容易。 (为我工作。)

(as per comment)
Mmmkay! Sorry, I didn't intend that to be snarky or imply that it's not a valid question. I guess I'll delete this (if I can.) Would it be useful to edit the question to add your rational rationale for not having a separate installation?



Get the latest mod_perl and set the following var:


export ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64"

export ARCHFLAGS =“ - arch x86_64”

Compile/install as usual.


Taken from this post, "Building mod_perl2 on Leopard" which also links to further details on how to get Apache2::Request (libapreq) working as well.

摘自这篇文章“在Leopard上构建mod_perl2”,它还链接到有关如何使Apache2 :: Request(libapreq)工作的更多细节。


(Not that I've been able to test it since I'm personally back on Tiger running Apache 1.3!)

(并不是说我已经能够测试它,因为我亲自回到运行Apache 1.3的Tiger!)

(And let's see if * manages to lift this answer to the top since it is the only "correct" answer)




I asked a very similar question a few days ago and got some good answers: "How do I use a vendor Apache with a self-compiled Perl and mod_perl?"




The mc ports install of mod_perl tries to install apache 1.3 even if you specify just the mod perl, so thats not a good option.

即使你只指定mod perl,mod_perl的mc ports install也会尝试安装apache 1.3,所以这不是一个好的选择。



Try this: http://www.unibia.com/unibianet/node/32




Macports has it (think apt-get and the likes on linux, but on OS X)

Macports有它(想想apt-get和linux上的喜欢,但是在OS X上)

(you can see it listed here)


Haven't installed myself though....




Why not just give up and build/install your own or port versions of perl, apache2, and mod_perl2? Probably easier than fighting with it. (Worked for me.)

为什么不放弃并构建/安装自己的或端口版本的perl,apache2和mod_perl2?可能比与它战斗更容易。 (为我工作。)

(as per comment)
Mmmkay! Sorry, I didn't intend that to be snarky or imply that it's not a valid question. I guess I'll delete this (if I can.) Would it be useful to edit the question to add your rational rationale for not having a separate installation?



Get the latest mod_perl and set the following var:


export ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64"

export ARCHFLAGS =“ - arch x86_64”

Compile/install as usual.


Taken from this post, "Building mod_perl2 on Leopard" which also links to further details on how to get Apache2::Request (libapreq) working as well.

摘自这篇文章“在Leopard上构建mod_perl2”,它还链接到有关如何使Apache2 :: Request(libapreq)工作的更多细节。


(Not that I've been able to test it since I'm personally back on Tiger running Apache 1.3!)

(并不是说我已经能够测试它,因为我亲自回到运行Apache 1.3的Tiger!)

(And let's see if * manages to lift this answer to the top since it is the only "correct" answer)




I asked a very similar question a few days ago and got some good answers: "How do I use a vendor Apache with a self-compiled Perl and mod_perl?"




The mc ports install of mod_perl tries to install apache 1.3 even if you specify just the mod perl, so thats not a good option.

即使你只指定mod perl,mod_perl的mc ports install也会尝试安装apache 1.3,所以这不是一个好的选择。



Try this: http://www.unibia.com/unibianet/node/32
