I'm developing an OSX application (Clarke) that runs with LSUIElement set (system menu only - no tray icon, doesn't appear in cmd-tab).
我正在开发一个运行LSUIElement集的OSX应用程序(Clarke)(仅限系统菜单 - 没有托盘图标,不会出现在cmd-tab中)。
It works totally fine, but someone just pointed out that it has a blank process name in the Activity Monitor listing. Just says nothing. Everything else in there has a name. Even other apps running at LSUIElement.
它工作得很好,但有人只是指出它在Activity Monitor列表中有一个空白的进程名称。什么也没说。其他所有东西都有一个名字。甚至其他应用程序运行在LSUIElement。
I've tried to search around the web, but I can't spot anyone talking about this. What on earth should I be looking for?
2 个解决方案
Turns out I had the CFBundleDisplayName key present, but empty. That solves it.
Wild guess: Check the CFBundleName in your Info.plist. Make sure that's set and not empty.
Turns out I had the CFBundleDisplayName key present, but empty. That solves it.
Wild guess: Check the CFBundleName in your Info.plist. Make sure that's set and not empty.