
时间:2021-04-07 20:45:06

I am trying to make a delegated event listener so that when the user clicks one time the p tag is removed and an input box is appended. On a second click the input box is removed and and the p tag is appended.


Here is my code. Right now nothing works at all. Thank you!


    //User clicks p tag named "#hour1". 

    $("document").on('click', "#hour1", function( event ){
        $("#hour1Data").append("<input id='hour1Input' type='text'/>");

//On Second click, input box is sent back to data box.
    $("document").on("click", "#hour1Input", function( event ){
        $("#hour1Data").append("<p id='hour1'><?php echo $hour1; ?></p>");

1 个解决方案



You are passing a string containing a selector to jQuery and trying to bind the event handler to all <document> elements in the document. This fails because you don't have any (because HTML doesn't have any).

您正在将包含选择器的字符串传递给jQuery,并尝试将事件处理程序绑定到文档中的所有 元素。这失败是因为你没有(因为HTML没有)。

Pass the document object instead of the "document" selector.




You are passing a string containing a selector to jQuery and trying to bind the event handler to all <document> elements in the document. This fails because you don't have any (because HTML doesn't have any).

您正在将包含选择器的字符串传递给jQuery,并尝试将事件处理程序绑定到文档中的所有 元素。这失败是因为你没有(因为HTML没有)。

Pass the document object instead of the "document" selector.
