
时间:2022-04-29 20:19:53

I have an annoying error message that I cannot figure it out. The following code (in Python 3) gives a correct results:

我有一个恼人的错误消息,我无法弄明白。以下代码(在Python 3中)给出了正确的结果:

from sympy import *
x, y, z, t = symbols('x y z t') 
expr = cos(x) + 1
print(expr.subs(x, y))

The results are:


cos(y) + 1

However, when expr is modified or different say,


from sympy import *
x, y, z, t = symbols('x y z t') 
expr = 1
print(expr.subs(x, y))

The output is the error message saying,


AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'subs'

How can I fix this? I need subs to handle symbolic expression and numerical when necessary (say symbolic expression was modified in such a way that result is numerical). Regards.


3 个解决方案



The 1 in your second example is not a SymPy number, just a regular Python integer.


You can use the S() (or sympify()) function to turn it into a SymPy number.


The official docs have a Gotchas entry that describes your problem and gives a few more examples, and a description of what sympify can do.




1 is not a Sympy expression. 1 is just a regular Python int. You will need to wrap it in a Sympy Integer if you want to perform substitutions on it. (Also, stop using import *.):

1不是Sympy表达式。 1只是一个普通的Python int。如果要对其执行替换,则需要将其包装在Sympy Integer中。 (另外,停止使用import *。):

import sympy

expr = sympy.Integer(1)

Note that Sympy Integers display identically to regular ints, so if some 1s seem to have a subs method and others don't, those 1s might not all be the same type. You can check with type:

请注意,Sympy Integers与常规整数的显示方式相同,因此如果某些1s似乎有一个subs方法而另一些则没有,那么这些1可能并非都是同一类型。你可以检查类型:

In [14]: x = 1

In [15]: y = sympy.Integer(1)

In [16]: x
Out[16]: 1

In [17]: y
Out[17]: 1

In [18]: type(x)
Out[18]: int

In [19]: type(y)
Out[19]: sympy.core.numbers.One



As in the other answers, 1 is not a SymPy integer, it's a Python integer. Therefore it doesn't have SymPy's methods.


You could declare expr as one of the following to make it work:


  • expr = S.One
  • expr = S.One
  • expr = S(1)
  • expr = S(1)
  • expr = Integer(1)
  • expr =整数(1)

SymPy integers are instances of the class Integer, whereas Python integers are int objects.


There is an additional trick to avoid this step: execute isympy -i. The -i parameter adds an additional input layer that replaces all digits with Integer(digits) objects, as an example:

还有一个技巧可以避免这一步骤:执行isympy -i。 -i参数添加一个额外的输入层,用Integer(数字)对象替换所有数字,例如:

In [1]: 1
Out[1]: 1

In [2]: In[1]
Out[2]: u'Integer (1 )'

That is, inspecting with IPython what the input 1 is, gives u'Integer (1 )'.




The 1 in your second example is not a SymPy number, just a regular Python integer.


You can use the S() (or sympify()) function to turn it into a SymPy number.


The official docs have a Gotchas entry that describes your problem and gives a few more examples, and a description of what sympify can do.




1 is not a Sympy expression. 1 is just a regular Python int. You will need to wrap it in a Sympy Integer if you want to perform substitutions on it. (Also, stop using import *.):

1不是Sympy表达式。 1只是一个普通的Python int。如果要对其执行替换,则需要将其包装在Sympy Integer中。 (另外,停止使用import *。):

import sympy

expr = sympy.Integer(1)

Note that Sympy Integers display identically to regular ints, so if some 1s seem to have a subs method and others don't, those 1s might not all be the same type. You can check with type:

请注意,Sympy Integers与常规整数的显示方式相同,因此如果某些1s似乎有一个subs方法而另一些则没有,那么这些1可能并非都是同一类型。你可以检查类型:

In [14]: x = 1

In [15]: y = sympy.Integer(1)

In [16]: x
Out[16]: 1

In [17]: y
Out[17]: 1

In [18]: type(x)
Out[18]: int

In [19]: type(y)
Out[19]: sympy.core.numbers.One



As in the other answers, 1 is not a SymPy integer, it's a Python integer. Therefore it doesn't have SymPy's methods.


You could declare expr as one of the following to make it work:


  • expr = S.One
  • expr = S.One
  • expr = S(1)
  • expr = S(1)
  • expr = Integer(1)
  • expr =整数(1)

SymPy integers are instances of the class Integer, whereas Python integers are int objects.


There is an additional trick to avoid this step: execute isympy -i. The -i parameter adds an additional input layer that replaces all digits with Integer(digits) objects, as an example:

还有一个技巧可以避免这一步骤:执行isympy -i。 -i参数添加一个额外的输入层,用Integer(数字)对象替换所有数字,例如:

In [1]: 1
Out[1]: 1

In [2]: In[1]
Out[2]: u'Integer (1 )'

That is, inspecting with IPython what the input 1 is, gives u'Integer (1 )'.
