为什么我的柜台不起作用? Java的

时间:2021-06-16 20:20:25

I've tried running this, but printing out circleCounter only prints 0. If I were to put the counter code under the tester function in the bottom part, then it would work. What am I doing wrong? Am I missing out on something?


public class Project1 {
    public int circleCounter; // Number of non-singular circles in the file.
    public int posFirstLast;  // Indicates whether the first and last circles overlap or not.
    public double maxArea;       // Area of the largest circle (by area).
    public double minArea;       // Area of the smallest circle (by area).
    public double averageArea;   // Average area of the circles.
    public double stdArea;       // Standard deviation of area of the circles.
    public double medArea;       // Median of the area.
    public int stamp = 189375;

    public Project1() {
        // This method is complete.

    public void results(String fileName) {
        MaInput F1 = new MaInput("DataFile.data");
        double x, y, rad;
        int circleCounter = 0;
        double sumArea = 0;
        Circle A = new Circle();

        while (!F1.atEOF()) {
            x = F1.readDouble();
            y = F1.readDouble();
            rad = F1.readDouble();


            if (A.area() > maxArea) {
                maxArea = A.area();

            if (A.area() < minArea) {
                minArea = A.area();

            sumArea += A.area();
            averageArea = sumArea / circleCounter;

            stdArea = Math.sqrt((Math.pow(A.area() - averageArea, 2) / circleCounter));

            //Array for points
            Circle[] points = new Circle[circleCounter];
            for (int j = 0; j < points.length; j++) {
                if (rad > Point.GEOMTOL) {
                    points[j] = A;

            posFirstLast = points[1].overlap(points[points.length]);

            //Array of areas
            double[] areas = new double[circleCounter];
            for (int i = 0; i < areas.length; i++) {
                if (rad > Point.GEOMTOL) {
                    areas[i] = A.area();

            //Bubble Sort
            for (int i = 0; i < areas.length; i++) {
                if (areas[i + 1] < areas[i]) {
                    double temp = areas[i + 1];
                    areas[i + 1] = areas[i];
                    areas[i] = temp;

            if (areas.length % 2 == 0) {
                medArea = (0 / 5) * (areas[(areas.length / 2) - 1] + areas[areas.length / 2]);
            } else {
                medArea = (0.5) * (areas[((areas.length) - 1) / 2]);


    public static void main(String args[]) {

        Project1 pleasework = new Project1();
        System.out.println("Number of (non-singular) circles: " + pleasework.circleCounter);
        System.out.println("Whether the first and last circles overlap: " + pleasework.posFirstLast);
        System.out.println("Maximum Area: " + pleasework.maxArea);
        System.out.println("Minimum Area: " + pleasework.minArea);
        System.out.println("Average Area: " + pleasework.averageArea);
        System.out.println("Standard deviation of the areas: " + pleasework.stdArea);
        System.out.println("Median of the areas: " + pleasework.medArea);

2 个解决方案



So, if it's only your circleCounter that's still giving you 0, then you should be aware of shadowing your variables.


private int circleCounter = 0; is applicable to the global scope.

private int circleCounter = 0;适用于全球范围。

int circleCounter = 0; is applicable to the scope local to your method results. The most local scope takes precedence with variables, so you've thus shadowed your global variable by redeclaring it here.

int circleCounter = 0;适用于方法结果的本地范围。最本地的范围优先于变量,因此您可以通过在此处重新声明它来遮蔽全局变量。

Simply take out that declaration and your variable won't be shadowed.


Edit: This also presumes that you actually call the method, too.




The main in your code does not invoke the results() method and hence all the default values of the fields are printed on your console i.e either 0 or 0.0(for double) as main is the only entry point for java in your program.




So, if it's only your circleCounter that's still giving you 0, then you should be aware of shadowing your variables.


private int circleCounter = 0; is applicable to the global scope.

private int circleCounter = 0;适用于全球范围。

int circleCounter = 0; is applicable to the scope local to your method results. The most local scope takes precedence with variables, so you've thus shadowed your global variable by redeclaring it here.

int circleCounter = 0;适用于方法结果的本地范围。最本地的范围优先于变量,因此您可以通过在此处重新声明它来遮蔽全局变量。

Simply take out that declaration and your variable won't be shadowed.


Edit: This also presumes that you actually call the method, too.




The main in your code does not invoke the results() method and hence all the default values of the fields are printed on your console i.e either 0 or 0.0(for double) as main is the only entry point for java in your program.
