
时间:2021-02-06 18:37:26

I have a data.frame where each row is a tweet, and each row is an attribute ("text", "user", etc.).


I have written a function "processTweet()" that takes in a row of the data.frame and changes 3 columns in the tweet ("X", "Y" and "Z") and returns this modified single-row data.frame.

我编写了一个函数“processTweet()”,它接受data.frame的一行并更改tweet中的3列(“X”,“Y”和“Z”)并返回此修改后的单行data.frame 。

I'm currently trying to find out how to use something like dplyr or an apply-like function to actually reflect these modifications back in the original data.frame.


I'm aware that I could split the processTweet function into 3, but this would be inefficient since I'd have to do the same logical lookup multiple times.


I've tried using dplyr with rowwise, but I'm obviously doing something wrong, as the changes are not reflected in the tweets data.frame, whereas mutate seems to allow to modify one column, but not several: tweets %>% rowwise() %>% processTweet()

我尝试过使用dplyr和rowwise,但我显然做错了,因为更改没有反映在tweets data.frame中,而mutate似乎允许修改一列,但不是几个:tweets%>%rowwise ()%>%processTweet()

2 个解决方案


Seem to have found an answer using plyr


tweets = adply(.data = tweets, .margins = 1, .fun = processTweet)

tweets = adply(.data = tweets,.margins = 1,.fun = processTweet)

but deployer implementation is still a mystery.


The following question/answer works when result is saved into a single column, but unclear what to do when we want to return a whole data.frame in the function Applying a function to every row of a table using dplyr?



After some trial and a lot of error, the ddplyr way that seems to work is:


tweets = as.data.frame(tweets %>% rowwise() %>% do(processTweet(.)) %>% rbind())

tweets = as.data.frame(tweets%>%rowwise()%>%do(processTweet(。))%>%rbind())


Seem to have found an answer using plyr


tweets = adply(.data = tweets, .margins = 1, .fun = processTweet)

tweets = adply(.data = tweets,.margins = 1,.fun = processTweet)

but deployer implementation is still a mystery.


The following question/answer works when result is saved into a single column, but unclear what to do when we want to return a whole data.frame in the function Applying a function to every row of a table using dplyr?



After some trial and a lot of error, the ddplyr way that seems to work is:


tweets = as.data.frame(tweets %>% rowwise() %>% do(processTweet(.)) %>% rbind())

tweets = as.data.frame(tweets%>%rowwise()%>%do(processTweet(。))%>%rbind())