
时间:2022-06-02 18:18:07

I'm trying to implement a tcp 'echo server'. Simple stuff:

我正在尝试实现一个tcp'echo server'。简单的东西:

  1. Client sends a message to the server.
  2. 客户端向服务器发送消息。
  3. Server receives the message
  4. 服务器接收消息
  5. Server converts message to uppercase
  6. 服务器将消息转换为大写
  7. Server sends modified message to client
  8. 服务器向客户端发送修改后的消
  9. Client prints the response.
  10. 客户端打印响应。

It worked well, so I decided to parallelize the server; make it so that it could handle multiple clients at time. Since most Python interpreters have a GIL, multithreading won't cut it. I had to use multiproces... And boy, this is where things went downhill.


I'm using Windows 10 x64 and the WinPython suit with Python 3.5.2 x64.

我正在使用Windows 10 x64和WinPython适用于Python 3.5.2 x64。

My idea is to create a socket, intialize it (bind and listen), create sub processes and pass the socket to the children. But for the love of me... I can't make this work, my subprocesses die almost instantly. Initially I had some issues 'pickling' the socket... So I googled a bit and thought this was the issue. So I tried passing my socket thru a multiprocessing queue, through a pipe and my last attempt was 'forkpickling' and passing it as a bytes object during the processing creating. Nothing works.


Can someone please shed some light here? Tell me whats wrong? Maybe the whole idea (sharing sockets) is bad... And if so, PLEASE tell me how can I achieve my initial objective: enabling my server to ACTUALLY handle multiple clients at once (on Windows) (don't tell me about threading, we all know python's threading won't cut it ¬¬)

有人可以在这里说清楚吗?告诉我出了什么事?也许整个想法(共享套接字)是坏的...如果是这样,请告诉我如何实现我的初始目标:使我的服务器能够立即处理多个客户端(在Windows上)(不要告诉我有关线程的信息) ,我们都知道python的线程不会削减它¬¬)

It also worth noting that no files are create by the debug function. No process lived long enough to run it, I believe.


The typical output of my server code is (only difference between runs is the process numbers):


Server is running...
Degree of parallelism: 4
Socket created.
Socket bount to: ('', 0)
Process 3604 is alive: True
Process 5188 is alive: True
Process 6800 is alive: True
Process 2844 is alive: True

Press ctrl+c to kill all processes.

Process 3604 is alive: False
Process 3604 exit code: 1
Process 5188 is alive: False
Process 5188 exit code: 1
Process 6800 is alive: False
Process 6800 exit code: 1
Process 2844 is alive: False
Process 2844 exit code: 1
The children died...
Why god?

The server code:


# Imports
import socket 
import packet
import sys
import os
from time import sleep
import multiprocessing as mp
import pickle
import io

# Constants

def _parse_cmd_line_args():
    arguments = sys.argv
    if len(arguments) == 1:
        raise NotImplemented()

def debug(data):
    pid = os.getpid()
    with open('C:\\Users\\Trauer\\Desktop\\debug\\'+str(pid)+'.txt', mode='a',
              encoding='utf8') as file:
        file.write(str(data) + '\n')

def handle_connection(client):
    client_data = client.recv(packet.MAX_PACKET_SIZE_BYTES)
    debug('received data from client: ' + str(len(client_data)))
    response = client_data.upper()
    debug('sent data from client: ' + str(response))

def listen(picklez):    
    debug('started listen function')

    pid = os.getpid()
    server_socket = pickle.loads(picklez)
    debug('acquired socket')

    while True:
        debug('Sub process {0} is waiting for connection...'.format(str(pid)))

        client, address = server_socket.accept()
        debug('Sub process {0} accepted connection {1}'.format(str(pid),

        debug('Sub process {0} finished handling connection {1}'.

if __name__ == "__main__":    
#   Since most python interpreters have a GIL, multithreading won't cut
#   it... Oughta bust out some process, yo!
    host_port = _parse_cmd_line_args()
    print('Server is running...')
    print('Degree of parallelism: ' + str(DEGREE_OF_PARALLELISM))

    server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    print('Socket created.')

    print('Socket bount to: ' + str(host_port))        

    buffer = io.BytesIO()
    picklez = buffer.getvalue()

    children = []
    for i in range(DEGREE_OF_PARALLELISM):        
        child_process = mp.Process(target=listen, args=(picklez,))
        child_process.daemon = True

        while not

        print('Process {0} is alive: {1}'.format(str(, 

    kids_are_alive = True
    while kids_are_alive:
        print('Press ctrl+c to kill all processes.\n')

        exit_codes = []
        for child_process in children:
            print('Process {0} is alive: {1}'.format(str(, 
            print('Process {0} exit code: {1}'.format(str(, 

        if all(exit_codes):
            # Why do they die so young? :(
            print('The children died...')
            print('Why god?')
            kids_are_alive = False

edit: fixed the signature of "listen". My processes still die instantly.


edit2: User cmidi pointed out that this code does work on Linux; so my question is: How can I 'made this work' on Windows?


2 个解决方案



You can directly pass a socket to a child process. multiprocessing registers a reduction for this, for which the Windows implementation uses the following DupSocket class from multiprocessing.resource_sharer:


class DupSocket(object):
    '''Picklable wrapper for a socket.'''
    def __init__(self, sock):
        new_sock = sock.dup()
        def send(conn, pid):
            share = new_sock.share(pid)
        self._id = _resource_sharer.register(send, new_sock.close)

    def detach(self):
        '''Get the socket.  This should only be called once.'''
        with _resource_sharer.get_connection(self._id) as conn:
            share = conn.recv_bytes()
            return socket.fromshare(share)

This calls the Windows socket share method, which returns the protocol info buffer from calling WSADuplicateSocket. It registers with the resource sharer to send this buffer over a connection to the child process. The child in turn calls detach, which receives the protocol info buffer and reconstructs the socket via socket.fromshare.


It's not directly related to your problem, but I recommend that you redesign the server to instead call accept in the main process, which is the way this is normally done (e.g. in Python's socketserver.ForkingTCPServer module). Pass the resulting (conn, address) tuple to the first available worker over a multiprocessing.Queue, which is shared by all of the workers in the process pool. Or consider using a multiprocessing.Pool with apply_async.




def listen() the target/start for your child processes does not take any argument but you are providing serialized socket as an argument args=(picklez,) to the child process this would cause an exception in the child process and exit immediately.

def listen()你的子进程的目标/开始没有任何参数,但你提供序列化套接字作为参数args =(picklez,)到子进程,这将导致子进程中的异常并立即退出。

TypeError: listen() takes no arguments (1 given)

def listen(picklez) should solve the problem this will provide one argument to the target of your child processes.

def listen(picklez)应该解决问题,这将为你的子进程的目标提供一个参数。



You can directly pass a socket to a child process. multiprocessing registers a reduction for this, for which the Windows implementation uses the following DupSocket class from multiprocessing.resource_sharer:


class DupSocket(object):
    '''Picklable wrapper for a socket.'''
    def __init__(self, sock):
        new_sock = sock.dup()
        def send(conn, pid):
            share = new_sock.share(pid)
        self._id = _resource_sharer.register(send, new_sock.close)

    def detach(self):
        '''Get the socket.  This should only be called once.'''
        with _resource_sharer.get_connection(self._id) as conn:
            share = conn.recv_bytes()
            return socket.fromshare(share)

This calls the Windows socket share method, which returns the protocol info buffer from calling WSADuplicateSocket. It registers with the resource sharer to send this buffer over a connection to the child process. The child in turn calls detach, which receives the protocol info buffer and reconstructs the socket via socket.fromshare.


It's not directly related to your problem, but I recommend that you redesign the server to instead call accept in the main process, which is the way this is normally done (e.g. in Python's socketserver.ForkingTCPServer module). Pass the resulting (conn, address) tuple to the first available worker over a multiprocessing.Queue, which is shared by all of the workers in the process pool. Or consider using a multiprocessing.Pool with apply_async.




def listen() the target/start for your child processes does not take any argument but you are providing serialized socket as an argument args=(picklez,) to the child process this would cause an exception in the child process and exit immediately.

def listen()你的子进程的目标/开始没有任何参数,但你提供序列化套接字作为参数args =(picklez,)到子进程,这将导致子进程中的异常并立即退出。

TypeError: listen() takes no arguments (1 given)

def listen(picklez) should solve the problem this will provide one argument to the target of your child processes.

def listen(picklez)应该解决问题,这将为你的子进程的目标提供一个参数。