同时运行Access 2003和2007是否安全?

时间:2021-11-14 18:09:00

My question about the reconfiguration delay when switching between Access 2003 and 2007 the comment was made:

关于在Access 2003和2007之间切换时的重新配置延迟我的问题是评论:

Btw, you can't avoid the reconfiguration between Access 2007 and earlier versions. Access 2007 uses some of the same registry keys as earlier versions and they have to be rewritten when opening Access 2007.

顺便说一下,你无法避免Access 2007和早期版本之间的重新配置。 Access 2007使用与早期版本相同的一些注册表项,并且在打开Access 2007时必须重写它们。

If this is so then is it actually safe to be running/developing databases in both versions at the same time? Do the registry changes affect the operation of Access once it has started up. For example recompiling/saving changes to objects?


3 个解决方案



It works most of the time but it's not perfectly safe, which is why Microsft refuses to support multiple installations of Microsoft Office on the same pc. The recommended solution is to install a virtual machine and install the second Microsoft Office version on the virtual machine. Then you can switch from one version of Access to the other without them interfering with one another (and no switching time wait!)

它大部分时间都可以工作,但它并不是非常安全,这就是为什么Microsft拒绝在同一台PC上支持多个Microsoft Office安装的原因。建议的解决方案是安装虚拟机并在虚拟机上安装第二个Microsoft Office版本。然后你可以从一个版本的Access切换到另一个版本,而不会相互干扰(没有切换时间等待!)

Microsoft offers a free download of Virtual PC 2007 in both 32 bit and 64 bit versions:

Microsoft提供32位和64位版本的Virtual PC 2007免费下载:


Here's the service pack:





It is perfectly safe, I have done it very often (both running and developing). As soon as you open a database in Access 2007, some extra properties will be added to the database. However, this is done in such a way that you can still open the database safely in Access 2003 at a later time.

这是非常安全的,我经常这样做(运行和开发)。只要在Access 2007中打开数据库,就会向数据库添加一些额外的属性。但是,这样做的方式是您仍然可以在以后的Access 2003中安全地打开数据库。

We also have databases installed in a multi-version environment were different people use the same backend, with the front end opened in Access 2003 or 2007.

我们还在多版本环境中安装了数据库,不同的人使用相同的后端,前端在Access 2003或2007中打开。



It seems to me that the instance of Access you open will inherit the registry settings at the time it is open. So, if you open A2K7, you'll get the registry settings that it writes in its "configuring Office" procedures. If while A2K7 is still open, you open A2K3, it will reconfigure the registry settings and inherit those for its session. This will have no effect on the already-running instance of A2K7.


The only possible exception would be if there are some registry keys that the "configuring..." process changes that Access doesn't read upon opening, but later in the session. I have strong doubts that MS would ever design things that way. Professional Access developers been dealing with this kind of thing since MS introduced the MS Installer (first seen by most people with Office 2000), and the A2K7 issues are only slightly worse than with previous versions (though on Vista, it's more complex because of the way Vista handles registry changes). The fact that MS gets the vapors over contemplating multiple versions of Access on a single PC does not mean that it's actually dangerous -- it shows only that they don't want to devote resources to supporting that scenario.

唯一可能的例外是,如果有一些注册表项,“配置...”进程发生更改,Access在打开时不会读取,但会在会话中稍后读取。我强烈怀疑MS会不会那样设计。专业访问开发人员一直在处理这类事情,因为MS推出了MS安装程序(大多数人首次使用Office 2000),而且A2K7问题只比以前的版本稍差(尽管在Vista上,它更复杂,因为Vista处理注册表更改的方式)。事实上MS在单台PC上考虑多个版本的Access并不意味着它实际上是危险的 - 它只表明他们不想投入资源来支持这种情况。



It works most of the time but it's not perfectly safe, which is why Microsft refuses to support multiple installations of Microsoft Office on the same pc. The recommended solution is to install a virtual machine and install the second Microsoft Office version on the virtual machine. Then you can switch from one version of Access to the other without them interfering with one another (and no switching time wait!)

它大部分时间都可以工作,但它并不是非常安全,这就是为什么Microsft拒绝在同一台PC上支持多个Microsoft Office安装的原因。建议的解决方案是安装虚拟机并在虚拟机上安装第二个Microsoft Office版本。然后你可以从一个版本的Access切换到另一个版本,而不会相互干扰(没有切换时间等待!)

Microsoft offers a free download of Virtual PC 2007 in both 32 bit and 64 bit versions:

Microsoft提供32位和64位版本的Virtual PC 2007免费下载:


Here's the service pack:





It is perfectly safe, I have done it very often (both running and developing). As soon as you open a database in Access 2007, some extra properties will be added to the database. However, this is done in such a way that you can still open the database safely in Access 2003 at a later time.

这是非常安全的,我经常这样做(运行和开发)。只要在Access 2007中打开数据库,就会向数据库添加一些额外的属性。但是,这样做的方式是您仍然可以在以后的Access 2003中安全地打开数据库。

We also have databases installed in a multi-version environment were different people use the same backend, with the front end opened in Access 2003 or 2007.

我们还在多版本环境中安装了数据库,不同的人使用相同的后端,前端在Access 2003或2007中打开。



It seems to me that the instance of Access you open will inherit the registry settings at the time it is open. So, if you open A2K7, you'll get the registry settings that it writes in its "configuring Office" procedures. If while A2K7 is still open, you open A2K3, it will reconfigure the registry settings and inherit those for its session. This will have no effect on the already-running instance of A2K7.


The only possible exception would be if there are some registry keys that the "configuring..." process changes that Access doesn't read upon opening, but later in the session. I have strong doubts that MS would ever design things that way. Professional Access developers been dealing with this kind of thing since MS introduced the MS Installer (first seen by most people with Office 2000), and the A2K7 issues are only slightly worse than with previous versions (though on Vista, it's more complex because of the way Vista handles registry changes). The fact that MS gets the vapors over contemplating multiple versions of Access on a single PC does not mean that it's actually dangerous -- it shows only that they don't want to devote resources to supporting that scenario.

唯一可能的例外是,如果有一些注册表项,“配置...”进程发生更改,Access在打开时不会读取,但会在会话中稍后读取。我强烈怀疑MS会不会那样设计。专业访问开发人员一直在处理这类事情,因为MS推出了MS安装程序(大多数人首次使用Office 2000),而且A2K7问题只比以前的版本稍差(尽管在Vista上,它更复杂,因为Vista处理注册表更改的方式)。事实上MS在单台PC上考虑多个版本的Access并不意味着它实际上是危险的 - 它只表明他们不想投入资源来支持这种情况。