Linux世界中有哪些可用的MVC Web框架?

时间:2021-09-19 17:02:28

I've never done any web development on Linux, and I'm about to start a project that requires it. I love ASP.Net MVC, so what are my availble options on Linux that kind of follow the same principles?

我从未在Linux上进行任何Web开发,我即将开始一个需要它的项目。我喜欢ASP.Net MVC,那么我在Linux上有哪些可用的选项遵循相同的原则?

The project is a very simple "ecommerce" site (two or three products). There may be other sites to come though that are more complicated.


Ruby on Rails comes to mind. Is there something else? Ideas? Thoughts? Pros? Cons?

想想Ruby on Rails。还有别的吗?想法?思考?优点?缺点?

EDIT: Just personal preference, no PHP, Java, or Mono for this project.


8 个解决方案



Ruby on Rails and Merb for Ruby Django for Python CakePHP, CodeIgnitor and others for PHP.

Ruby on Rails和Merb for Ruby Django for Python CakePHP,CodeIgnitor和其他PHP。

There are many, many options, and no way to narrow it down without knowing more about your experience, preferences, and goals. The first thing you need to know to narrow down the list is what languages are acceptable. I don't know Python and hate PHP, so I tend toward Rails and Merb. Rails in particular I can heartily recommend; it's a very well-put-together framework.


Unfortunately, I have not used Microsoft's framework, so I can't provide any insight on which other frameworks may be similar to it.


Finally, it's worth noting that these are not exclusively Linux frameworks. Practically speaking, they usually run on some kind of Unix (which may also be BSD, Solaris, or others), but many of them will run just fine on Windows as well.




I've used Django, a Python MVC framework, and it's nice. Lots of 'ecosystem' around it as well. I've not used Rails, so I can't compare the two, but I like Django a lot.

我使用了Django,一个Python MVC框架,它很不错。周围也有很多“生态系统”。我没有使用过Rails,所以我无法比较两者,但我非常喜欢Django。



If you love and know mvc, why not use mono to run it? If you're making a very simple site, I find it hard to justify the cost of learning a new stack of something when the stack you know works.

如果您喜欢并了解 mvc,为什么不使用mono来运行它呢?如果你正在制作一个非常简单的网站,我发现当你知道的堆栈工作时,很难证明学习一堆新东西的成本。



Since ASP.NET MVC is essentially an attempt at duplicating two thirds of Ruby on Rails, why not try that?

由于ASP.NET MVC本质上是尝试复制Ruby on Rails的三分之二,为什么不试试呢?

Apart from everything else, the ASP MVC framework is pretty crippled in that it doesn't actually have any support for the model.

除了其他一切,ASP MVC框架相当残缺,因为它实际上并没有对该模型的任何支持。



I'd fully recommend checking out Rails, one thing you might want to do if you're coming from a MS background only is get an Ubuntu VM setup. I suppose you technically can develop Rails apps in Windows but I don't think it'd be worth the hassle.

我完全建议检查Rails,如果你来自MS背景,你可能想要做的一件事就是获得Ubuntu VM设置。我认为你在技术上可以在Windows中开发Rails应用程序,但我认为这不值得麻烦。

Getting setup takes a few steps, but if you do decide to go with Ubuntu this will help.




If you love MVC, why not use it ;)? You can check those two discussions (I suggest reading first answers, not necessary the questions themselves): [1] [2] . I can't say I've tried that myself (although, I've used on mono just for tests and it worked well.

如果你喜欢 MVC,为什么不使用它;)?你可以检查这两个讨论(我建议先阅读答案,而不是问题本身):[1] [2]。我不能说我自己尝试过(虽然我在单声道上使用asp.net只是为了测试而且效果很好。



Not to forget the Zend Framework which is actively developed.




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Ruby on Rails and Merb for Ruby Django for Python CakePHP, CodeIgnitor and others for PHP.

Ruby on Rails和Merb for Ruby Django for Python CakePHP,CodeIgnitor和其他PHP。

There are many, many options, and no way to narrow it down without knowing more about your experience, preferences, and goals. The first thing you need to know to narrow down the list is what languages are acceptable. I don't know Python and hate PHP, so I tend toward Rails and Merb. Rails in particular I can heartily recommend; it's a very well-put-together framework.


Unfortunately, I have not used Microsoft's framework, so I can't provide any insight on which other frameworks may be similar to it.


Finally, it's worth noting that these are not exclusively Linux frameworks. Practically speaking, they usually run on some kind of Unix (which may also be BSD, Solaris, or others), but many of them will run just fine on Windows as well.




I've used Django, a Python MVC framework, and it's nice. Lots of 'ecosystem' around it as well. I've not used Rails, so I can't compare the two, but I like Django a lot.

我使用了Django,一个Python MVC框架,它很不错。周围也有很多“生态系统”。我没有使用过Rails,所以我无法比较两者,但我非常喜欢Django。



If you love and know mvc, why not use mono to run it? If you're making a very simple site, I find it hard to justify the cost of learning a new stack of something when the stack you know works.

如果您喜欢并了解 mvc,为什么不使用mono来运行它呢?如果你正在制作一个非常简单的网站,我发现当你知道的堆栈工作时,很难证明学习一堆新东西的成本。



Since ASP.NET MVC is essentially an attempt at duplicating two thirds of Ruby on Rails, why not try that?

由于ASP.NET MVC本质上是尝试复制Ruby on Rails的三分之二,为什么不试试呢?

Apart from everything else, the ASP MVC framework is pretty crippled in that it doesn't actually have any support for the model.

除了其他一切,ASP MVC框架相当残缺,因为它实际上并没有对该模型的任何支持。



I'd fully recommend checking out Rails, one thing you might want to do if you're coming from a MS background only is get an Ubuntu VM setup. I suppose you technically can develop Rails apps in Windows but I don't think it'd be worth the hassle.

我完全建议检查Rails,如果你来自MS背景,你可能想要做的一件事就是获得Ubuntu VM设置。我认为你在技术上可以在Windows中开发Rails应用程序,但我认为这不值得麻烦。

Getting setup takes a few steps, but if you do decide to go with Ubuntu this will help.




If you love MVC, why not use it ;)? You can check those two discussions (I suggest reading first answers, not necessary the questions themselves): [1] [2] . I can't say I've tried that myself (although, I've used on mono just for tests and it worked well.

如果你喜欢 MVC,为什么不使用它;)?你可以检查这两个讨论(我建议先阅读答案,而不是问题本身):[1] [2]。我不能说我自己尝试过(虽然我在单声道上使用asp.net只是为了测试而且效果很好。



Not to forget the Zend Framework which is actively developed.




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