Linux上的c++ ide有什么“智能感知”可以与Visual Studio相比,或者更好?

时间:2021-09-19 17:02:34

There are some Linux based C++ projects in the pipe. What IDEs should I go for that have some kind of "intellisense" in par with, or better, than the one of a bare Visual Studio (that is, without the Visual Assist steroids).

在管道中有一些基于Linux的c++项目。我应该使用什么样的ide,它具有某种“智能感知”,与普通的Visual Studio(即不使用Visual Assist类固醇)相比,甚至更好。

(Note that I didn't use the words "as good as, or better". I consider the Visual Studio C++ intellisense everything but good, hence the "in par with" words and Visual Assist comment).

(注意,我没有用“as good as, or better”这样的词。我认为Visual Studio c++ intellisense的一切都不怎么样,因此就有了word和Visual Assist的注释。

9 个解决方案



None. Eclipse and Qt Creator are popular choices, but they have nothing on VS.




Qt Creator hands down.




A couple of years ago I did C++ programming in Eclipse with the CDT extension and I gotta say it did a reasonably good job with its intellisense-like feature. Certainly on par with VC++, probably better. As this was in 2008, chances are they have improved it since then.




The best completion in my experience has QTCreator (don't be scared by the name, it doesn't require you to use QT).




Well, I use SlickEdit. Yes, it's not free, but it's the best I found. I tried many others, but Slick is just much, much better. KDevelop is nice, too, and it's free, but SE is better to me. About Visual Studio - I still think that it's just the best. Its intellisense is brilliant, the debugger too.

嗯,我使用SlickEdit。是的,它不是免费的,但它是我找到的最好的。我尝试过很多其他的方法,但是圆滑更好。KDevelop也很好,而且是免费的,但是SE对我更好。关于Visual Studio——我仍然认为它是最好的。它的智能感应非常棒,也是调试器。



I generally like KDevelop 4 a lot and their code-completition is pretty good, too :) Also it integrates nicely with gdb. You can read some more about it in the release statement

我通常很喜欢KDevelop 4,它们的代码完成也很好:)而且它与gdb集成得很好。您可以在发布声明中了解更多



Although it's not better than VS, NetBeans works quite well for me.




I would suggest MonoDevelop. I think they already have a plugin for C++. I found this article out. :D




Ok, i've done ALOT of research since I first read this question and although a top answer did get picked already, I felt I owed it to everyone else that was transitioning from Visual Studio/.NET/Windows to Linux and felt lost as I did -- thanks to arscariousus for his answer to get me going in the right direction.

好吧,自从我第一次读到这个问题后,我做了很多研究,虽然一个最重要的答案已经被选中了,但我觉得我应该感谢所有从Visual Studio/过渡过来的人。感谢arscariousus的回答,让我朝着正确的方向前进。

First off, MonoDevelop is the program of choice if you are looking for the nearest 1:1 intellisense. In fact, using MonoDevelop 4.0, it almost looks like Visual Studio in many ways. I was very suprised that nobody was talking more about this until I found out one problem: there was no MonoDevelop 4 package for linux of any flavor, just windows (BAH!). I was discouraged but found that i COULD use it because all I had to do was download the source for 4.0 and compile it (took about an hour give or take) but when it was done, it works great.. I have successfully built the Mono 4.0.1 package for Ubuntu Studio 13.04 amd64, if anyone wants it let me know --- i was unable to find a precompiled package but maybe there is one out there, this is probably why other ppl dont suggest it. I spent alot of side-time in Qt, but it sucks learning a new environment if you already know .NET well though QtCreator does seem to be a good MFC via VC++ substitute strictly linux speaking --- but Qtcreator leaves much to be desired for intellisense which is where it falls short. MonoDevelop makes learning the other parts of the gtk toolkit that it encompases much easier and pretty much was exactly what i was looking for. Maybe other ppl dont like it but it is definately best in my opinion.

首先,MonoDevelop是一个选择程序,如果你在寻找最近的1:1的智能感知。事实上,使用MonoDevelop 4.0,它在很多方面看起来都像是Visual Studio。我非常吃惊,直到我发现一个问题,没有人再讨论这个问题了:没有任何一种风格的linux系统,只有windows (BAH!)我很沮丧,但是我发现我可以使用它,因为我所要做的就是下载4.0的源代码并编译它(大约需要一个小时的时间),但是当它完成后,它就变得非常棒了。我已经成功地为Ubuntu Studio 13.04 amd64构建了Mono 4.0.1包,如果有人想要的话,请告诉我——我找不到一个预编译的包,但是也许有一个,这可能是为什么其他的ppl不建议的原因。Qt的我花了很多端时间,但它吸收学习新的环境。net如果你已经了解,虽然QtCreator似乎是一个很好的通过vc++ MFC替代严格linux来说——但QtCreator亟待改变的智能感知的不足。MonoDevelop使学习gtk工具包的其他部分变得更加容易,而且几乎正是我所要寻找的。也许其他人不喜欢它,但在我看来它绝对是最好的。

The Verdict--- MonoDevelop 4.0 hands down because the intellisense is almost exactly like Visual Studio not to mention some of the other features, keybindings, layout, etc.

The Verdict--- MonoDevelop 4.0让人信服,因为智能感知几乎和Visual Studio一模一样,更不用说其他的一些特性,键绑定,布局等等。

You can get the source right from their homepage, and gist has some scripts to explain how to make the debian pkgs if you use debian/ubuntu. I'm sure there's probably some gist snippet for your specific l-distro as well. Hope this helps...

你可以从他们的主页上直接获取源文件,gist有一些脚本可以解释如果你使用debian/ubuntu如何制作debian pkgs。我确信你的l-发行版也有一些要点。希望这有助于……



None. Eclipse and Qt Creator are popular choices, but they have nothing on VS.




Qt Creator hands down.




A couple of years ago I did C++ programming in Eclipse with the CDT extension and I gotta say it did a reasonably good job with its intellisense-like feature. Certainly on par with VC++, probably better. As this was in 2008, chances are they have improved it since then.




The best completion in my experience has QTCreator (don't be scared by the name, it doesn't require you to use QT).




Well, I use SlickEdit. Yes, it's not free, but it's the best I found. I tried many others, but Slick is just much, much better. KDevelop is nice, too, and it's free, but SE is better to me. About Visual Studio - I still think that it's just the best. Its intellisense is brilliant, the debugger too.

嗯,我使用SlickEdit。是的,它不是免费的,但它是我找到的最好的。我尝试过很多其他的方法,但是圆滑更好。KDevelop也很好,而且是免费的,但是SE对我更好。关于Visual Studio——我仍然认为它是最好的。它的智能感应非常棒,也是调试器。



I generally like KDevelop 4 a lot and their code-completition is pretty good, too :) Also it integrates nicely with gdb. You can read some more about it in the release statement

我通常很喜欢KDevelop 4,它们的代码完成也很好:)而且它与gdb集成得很好。您可以在发布声明中了解更多



Although it's not better than VS, NetBeans works quite well for me.




I would suggest MonoDevelop. I think they already have a plugin for C++. I found this article out. :D




Ok, i've done ALOT of research since I first read this question and although a top answer did get picked already, I felt I owed it to everyone else that was transitioning from Visual Studio/.NET/Windows to Linux and felt lost as I did -- thanks to arscariousus for his answer to get me going in the right direction.

好吧,自从我第一次读到这个问题后,我做了很多研究,虽然一个最重要的答案已经被选中了,但我觉得我应该感谢所有从Visual Studio/过渡过来的人。感谢arscariousus的回答,让我朝着正确的方向前进。

First off, MonoDevelop is the program of choice if you are looking for the nearest 1:1 intellisense. In fact, using MonoDevelop 4.0, it almost looks like Visual Studio in many ways. I was very suprised that nobody was talking more about this until I found out one problem: there was no MonoDevelop 4 package for linux of any flavor, just windows (BAH!). I was discouraged but found that i COULD use it because all I had to do was download the source for 4.0 and compile it (took about an hour give or take) but when it was done, it works great.. I have successfully built the Mono 4.0.1 package for Ubuntu Studio 13.04 amd64, if anyone wants it let me know --- i was unable to find a precompiled package but maybe there is one out there, this is probably why other ppl dont suggest it. I spent alot of side-time in Qt, but it sucks learning a new environment if you already know .NET well though QtCreator does seem to be a good MFC via VC++ substitute strictly linux speaking --- but Qtcreator leaves much to be desired for intellisense which is where it falls short. MonoDevelop makes learning the other parts of the gtk toolkit that it encompases much easier and pretty much was exactly what i was looking for. Maybe other ppl dont like it but it is definately best in my opinion.

首先,MonoDevelop是一个选择程序,如果你在寻找最近的1:1的智能感知。事实上,使用MonoDevelop 4.0,它在很多方面看起来都像是Visual Studio。我非常吃惊,直到我发现一个问题,没有人再讨论这个问题了:没有任何一种风格的linux系统,只有windows (BAH!)我很沮丧,但是我发现我可以使用它,因为我所要做的就是下载4.0的源代码并编译它(大约需要一个小时的时间),但是当它完成后,它就变得非常棒了。我已经成功地为Ubuntu Studio 13.04 amd64构建了Mono 4.0.1包,如果有人想要的话,请告诉我——我找不到一个预编译的包,但是也许有一个,这可能是为什么其他的ppl不建议的原因。Qt的我花了很多端时间,但它吸收学习新的环境。net如果你已经了解,虽然QtCreator似乎是一个很好的通过vc++ MFC替代严格linux来说——但QtCreator亟待改变的智能感知的不足。MonoDevelop使学习gtk工具包的其他部分变得更加容易,而且几乎正是我所要寻找的。也许其他人不喜欢它,但在我看来它绝对是最好的。

The Verdict--- MonoDevelop 4.0 hands down because the intellisense is almost exactly like Visual Studio not to mention some of the other features, keybindings, layout, etc.

The Verdict--- MonoDevelop 4.0让人信服,因为智能感知几乎和Visual Studio一模一样,更不用说其他的一些特性,键绑定,布局等等。

You can get the source right from their homepage, and gist has some scripts to explain how to make the debian pkgs if you use debian/ubuntu. I'm sure there's probably some gist snippet for your specific l-distro as well. Hope this helps...

你可以从他们的主页上直接获取源文件,gist有一些脚本可以解释如果你使用debian/ubuntu如何制作debian pkgs。我确信你的l-发行版也有一些要点。希望这有助于……