Microsoft网站之外的哪些资源可用于了解Form和MVC Web应用程序?

时间:2022-03-08 22:19:47

I've found a few pages (some that even link to a number of other pages) on the Microsoft website that I bookmarked last night for reading today, but I'm curious as to other good non-Microsoft resources for discussing ASP.NET web applications, both Forms and MVC (including comparisons/contrasts between the two).

我在微软网站上发现了一些页面(其中一些甚至链接到其他一些页面),我今晚为今天的书签添加了书签,但我很好奇其他好的非Microsoft资源讨论ASP.NET Web应用程序,包括Forms和MVC(包括两者之间的比较/对比)。

3 个解决方案



Keep your eye out on the MVC forums, read up on blogs:


There's a ton of people blogging about it. Also, check out some of the open source projects that are using it:


There's a bunch of books coming out:


I think you can guess which one I recommend most :). Our book has an early access program that allows you to download PDFs as they're written.



Any thing else I should add to this list? I'm marked it as community wiki.




As a first port of call, I would use a social bookmarking network site, such as Delicious, to get a list of popular/tagged posts and sites:




Phil Haack's blog seems to be a good source. He's an insider and can tell you the tricks there are to know. In the end it all depends on how you prefer to learn - some people like videos, others prefer books. For me the best way is to learn by doing it. So take a look at Phil, go to CodePlex and find a project that uses ASP.NET MVC and look at the code. That way you'll also see how people solved their problems and what practices they followed, not only learn the rules of the framework.

菲尔哈克的博客似乎是一个很好的来源。他是一个内幕人士,可以告诉你要知道的技巧。最后,这一切都取决于你喜欢学习的方式 - 有些人喜欢视频,有些人更喜欢书。对我来说,最好的方法是通过这样做来学习。所以看看Phil,转到CodePlex并找到一个使用ASP.NET MVC并查看代码的项目。通过这种方式,您还可以了解人们如何解决他们的问题以及他们遵循的实践,而不仅仅是学习框架的规则。



Keep your eye out on the MVC forums, read up on blogs:


There's a ton of people blogging about it. Also, check out some of the open source projects that are using it:


There's a bunch of books coming out:


I think you can guess which one I recommend most :). Our book has an early access program that allows you to download PDFs as they're written.



Any thing else I should add to this list? I'm marked it as community wiki.




As a first port of call, I would use a social bookmarking network site, such as Delicious, to get a list of popular/tagged posts and sites:




Phil Haack's blog seems to be a good source. He's an insider and can tell you the tricks there are to know. In the end it all depends on how you prefer to learn - some people like videos, others prefer books. For me the best way is to learn by doing it. So take a look at Phil, go to CodePlex and find a project that uses ASP.NET MVC and look at the code. That way you'll also see how people solved their problems and what practices they followed, not only learn the rules of the framework.

菲尔哈克的博客似乎是一个很好的来源。他是一个内幕人士,可以告诉你要知道的技巧。最后,这一切都取决于你喜欢学习的方式 - 有些人喜欢视频,有些人更喜欢书。对我来说,最好的方法是通过这样做来学习。所以看看Phil,转到CodePlex并找到一个使用ASP.NET MVC并查看代码的项目。通过这种方式,您还可以了解人们如何解决他们的问题以及他们遵循的实践,而不仅仅是学习框架的规则。