使用jquery的asp.net mvc分页有哪些选项

时间:2022-09-23 17:02:05

As I know in current Asp.Net MVC3, there is a component available named WebGrid and in jquery there is component available named jqgrid. Can anybody show me comparsion of boh these components in terms of features and which is easy to setup and get going. Also if there are any options for grid in jquery suggest them too. Few tutorials links etc. too may be helpful. I am complete beginner in Asp.Net MVC3.

正如我在当前的Asp。Net MVC3中有一个可用的组件名为WebGrid,在jquery中有一个可用的组件名为jqgrid。谁能给我看一下boh的比较这些组件在功能上很容易设置和开始。另外,如果在jquery中有任何网格选项的话,也可以推荐它们。很少有教程链接等也可能有帮助。我完全是Asp初学者。净MVC3。

Thanks in advance :)


2 个解决方案



check these out :


Using jQuery Grid With ASP.NET MVC

使用jQuery网格与ASP。NET MVC

ASP.net MVC JQuery Json and Paging

net MVC JQuery Json和分页



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获得免费的telerik MVC开源控件。是最简单和最有特色的。



check these out :


Using jQuery Grid With ASP.NET MVC

使用jQuery网格与ASP。NET MVC

ASP.net MVC JQuery Json and Paging

net MVC JQuery Json和分页



Get the free telerik MVC open source controls . Is the easiest and most full featured one out there.

获得免费的telerik MVC开源控件。是最简单和最有特色的。