在Windows XP上修复.Net框架(2.0 / 3.5)的步骤是什么?

时间:2020-12-27 17:02:10

I have 2.0 SP2 and 3.5 SP1 installed on a windows xp machine. What are the steps to repair those frameworks?

我在Windows XP机器上安装了2.0 SP2和3.5 SP1。修复这些框架的步骤是什么?

1 个解决方案



See How to repair an existing installation of the .NET Framework -- the procedure described there works fine with a downloaded copy of dotnetfx.exe for the affected version.

请参阅如何修复.NET Framework的现有安装 - 此处描述的过程适用于受影响版本的dotnetfx.exe的下载副本。



See How to repair an existing installation of the .NET Framework -- the procedure described there works fine with a downloaded copy of dotnetfx.exe for the affected version.

请参阅如何修复.NET Framework的现有安装 - 此处描述的过程适用于受影响版本的dotnetfx.exe的下载副本。