
时间:2022-11-18 16:58:11

I'm trying to figure if my software running on linux suffers from memory leak. I've tried to measure the available physical memory as found in /proc/meminfo (see below) but could understand which field(s) represents the available memory and what is the relation between MemFree, Cached, Buffers, Active, Inactive.

我试图弄清楚我在Linux上运行的软件是否存在内存泄漏问题。我已经尝试测量/ proc / meminfo中的可用物理内存(见下文),但可以理解哪个字段代表可用内存,以及MemFree,Cached,Buffers,Active,Inactive之间的关系是什么。

cat /proc/meminfo
MemTotal:       124128 kB
MemFree:         62872 kB
Buffers:             0 kB
Cached:          15624 kB
SwapCached:          0 kB
Active:          38724 kB
Inactive:        11148 kB
SwapTotal:           0 kB
SwapFree:            0 kB
Dirty:               0 kB
Writeback:           0 kB
AnonPages:       34272 kB
Mapped:          14640 kB
Slab:             5564 kB
SReclaimable:      424 kB
SUnreclaim:       5140 kB
PageTables:        504 kB
NFS_Unstable:        0 kB
Bounce:              0 kB
WritebackTmp:        0 kB
CommitLimit:     62064 kB
Committed_AS:    57936 kB
VmallocTotal:   655360 kB
VmallocUsed:      1016 kB
VmallocChunk:   654328 kB 

5 个解决方案



This is simpler command to check memory usage:





/proc/meminfo is for overall system memory information. /proc/[pid]/status has the memory usage info for an individual process. (it's also in /proc/[pid]/stat in a more machine parseable format).

/ proc / meminfo用于整个系统内存信息。 / proc / [pid] / status具有单个进程的内存使用信息。 (它还在/ proc / [pid] / stat中以更多机器可解析的格式)。

In particular, VmData (size of data segment) and VmStk (size of stack segments) are most likely of use to you. Or just use ps or top instead of trying to read the data directly yourself.


The other numbers are likely to just be confusing, because the overall system memory usage is complicated by shared memory, various kinds of buffers, etc.




If you're looking for memory leaks, use Valgrind.


For a quick check of your application's memory use, use getrusage() (requires a recent linux kernel) and look at the ru_maxrss value. /proc/meminfo gives information about the system as a whole.

要快速检查应用程序的内存使用情况,请使用getrusage()(需要最近的Linux内核)并查看ru_maxrss值。 / proc / meminfo提供有关整个系统的信息。



If you're looking to see if your software has a memory leak, look at either 'ps' or 'top' to look at your program. See if the virtual size (VSS) increases over time.


To debug such memory issues, use Valgrind or (my personal favorite) dmalloc.




Your question is asking something different, but since this is the #2 Google hit for “linux physical memory”—

你的问题是问一些不同的东西,但是因为这是“linux物理内存”的第二次搜索 -

Newer kernel versions running on x86 have DirectMap4k, DirectMap2M, and potentially DirectMap4M and DirectMap1G fields at the end of /proc/meminfo. Adding them up and multiplying by 1024 seems to give the number of bytes of physical RAM.

在x86上运行的较新内核版本在/ proc / meminfo末尾有DirectMap4k,DirectMap2M和潜在的DirectMap4M和DirectMap1G字段。将它们相加并乘以1024似乎可以得出物理RAM的字节数。



This is simpler command to check memory usage:





/proc/meminfo is for overall system memory information. /proc/[pid]/status has the memory usage info for an individual process. (it's also in /proc/[pid]/stat in a more machine parseable format).

/ proc / meminfo用于整个系统内存信息。 / proc / [pid] / status具有单个进程的内存使用信息。 (它还在/ proc / [pid] / stat中以更多机器可解析的格式)。

In particular, VmData (size of data segment) and VmStk (size of stack segments) are most likely of use to you. Or just use ps or top instead of trying to read the data directly yourself.


The other numbers are likely to just be confusing, because the overall system memory usage is complicated by shared memory, various kinds of buffers, etc.




If you're looking for memory leaks, use Valgrind.


For a quick check of your application's memory use, use getrusage() (requires a recent linux kernel) and look at the ru_maxrss value. /proc/meminfo gives information about the system as a whole.

要快速检查应用程序的内存使用情况,请使用getrusage()(需要最近的Linux内核)并查看ru_maxrss值。 / proc / meminfo提供有关整个系统的信息。



If you're looking to see if your software has a memory leak, look at either 'ps' or 'top' to look at your program. See if the virtual size (VSS) increases over time.


To debug such memory issues, use Valgrind or (my personal favorite) dmalloc.




Your question is asking something different, but since this is the #2 Google hit for “linux physical memory”—

你的问题是问一些不同的东西,但是因为这是“linux物理内存”的第二次搜索 -

Newer kernel versions running on x86 have DirectMap4k, DirectMap2M, and potentially DirectMap4M and DirectMap1G fields at the end of /proc/meminfo. Adding them up and multiplying by 1024 seems to give the number of bytes of physical RAM.

在x86上运行的较新内核版本在/ proc / meminfo末尾有DirectMap4k,DirectMap2M和潜在的DirectMap4M和DirectMap1G字段。将它们相加并乘以1024似乎可以得出物理RAM的字节数。