Ruby on Rails:有什么报告和/或图表工具可用?

时间:2022-11-18 16:58:05

I'm just starting out with Ruby/Rails and am wondering what Rails developers use to provide reports and/or charts on Rails sites. In ASP.NET I use the tools from DevExpress but I don't know enough about the Rails ecosystem to know what is available. Any insight would be appreciated.


8 个解决方案



Well I'd say that most people write their own code to run reports from their data as it will mostly be specific to them. There are however a number of charting things that plug into a rails app quite easily.


There is also an apress book called Practical Reporting with Ruby and Rails which might be worth a look.


Good luck.




If you want to paginate data then will_paginate is the standard gem/plugin used by Rails developers, it's great and easy to use. For export to other formats there are several options. For PDFs there is Prawn, PDF::Writer or HTMLDOC, Prince is excellent but not free, but I think there is someone porting it to an open source library (if I remember right), and there are several libraries that can help you easily export to CSV files as well.

如果您想要对数据进行分页,那么will_paginate是Rails开发人员使用的标准gem/plugin,它非常好用。对于导出到其他格式,有几个选项。对于PDF文件,有Prawn、PDF: Writer或HTMLDOC, Prince是优秀的,但不是免费的,但是我认为有人将它移植到一个开放源码库(如果我没记错的话),而且还有几个库可以帮助您轻松地导出到CSV文件。



I found Gruff Graphs to be very easy to use and it produced nice-looking graphs. There is also Sparklines for tiny, tiny graphs. If it turns out you need very specific kinds of generated images, you can check out RMagick.




For reporting, you have


  • Ruport
  • Ruport
  • Crystal Report
  • 水晶报表
  • Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services
  • Microsoft SQL Server报告服务
  • Jasper Report
  • 碧玉报告

For simple pre-baked reports, Ruport should be fine. But if you need to deal with high volumes of reports and large dataset, go ahead and pick one of the next three.


Note: SQL Server Reporting Services can only work with SQL Server. The others are DB-agnostic.

注意:SQL Server Reporting Services只能使用SQL Server。其他人DB-agnostic。



I used Open Flash Chart 2 before and it was very easy to use. You just make an array of key/value pairs and call ".to_json" on it.

我以前用过Open Flash Chart 2,它很容易使用。您只需创建一个键/值对数组并调用”。to_json”。



ruby gnuplot is not exactly a charting tool.. but I have used to make some pretty complicated graphs.. and think you might like it if you need to make some quick prototypes or wish to make charts that are not intended for end-users.

ruby gnuplot并不是一个绘图工具。但是我曾经画过一些非常复杂的图。如果您需要制作一些快速的原型,或者希望制作不适合终端用户的图表,您可能会喜欢它。



It's not rails specific, but Google Visualization API is pretty cool.


Emprise also has some pretty nice looking graphs.




The Ext Javascript library has just released (as of v3.0) a new set of tools to generate Adobe Flash charts and graphs, just by programming in Javascript! It is all client-side, so you can use it with any backend webserver (Rails, PHP, ASP.NET, etc.)

Ext Javascript库刚刚发布了一套新的工具(从v3.0开始)来生成adobeflash图表和图形,只需使用Javascript编程!它都是客户端,所以您可以在任何后端web服务器(Rails、PHP、ASP)中使用它。净,等等)。

Check out examples here:


ExtJS Flash Charting Examples

ExtJS Flash图表示例

It is powerful and looks great. The nice thing is that since it is Javascript, you can create form fields that, once filled out, regenerate the graph using JSON/XML data from the server using the new data that the user just typed! It's pretty nifty.




Hi guys I have been working on a reporting tool, a ruby gem. Please have a look and suggest me if you have some features in mind. I am already using it in 2 of my projects.

嗨,伙计们,我一直在研究一个报告工具,一个ruby gem。如果您有什么特点,请您看一看,并提出建议。我已经在我的两个项目中使用了它。



Well I'd say that most people write their own code to run reports from their data as it will mostly be specific to them. There are however a number of charting things that plug into a rails app quite easily.


There is also an apress book called Practical Reporting with Ruby and Rails which might be worth a look.


Good luck.




If you want to paginate data then will_paginate is the standard gem/plugin used by Rails developers, it's great and easy to use. For export to other formats there are several options. For PDFs there is Prawn, PDF::Writer or HTMLDOC, Prince is excellent but not free, but I think there is someone porting it to an open source library (if I remember right), and there are several libraries that can help you easily export to CSV files as well.

如果您想要对数据进行分页,那么will_paginate是Rails开发人员使用的标准gem/plugin,它非常好用。对于导出到其他格式,有几个选项。对于PDF文件,有Prawn、PDF: Writer或HTMLDOC, Prince是优秀的,但不是免费的,但是我认为有人将它移植到一个开放源码库(如果我没记错的话),而且还有几个库可以帮助您轻松地导出到CSV文件。



I found Gruff Graphs to be very easy to use and it produced nice-looking graphs. There is also Sparklines for tiny, tiny graphs. If it turns out you need very specific kinds of generated images, you can check out RMagick.




For reporting, you have


  • Ruport
  • Ruport
  • Crystal Report
  • 水晶报表
  • Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services
  • Microsoft SQL Server报告服务
  • Jasper Report
  • 碧玉报告

For simple pre-baked reports, Ruport should be fine. But if you need to deal with high volumes of reports and large dataset, go ahead and pick one of the next three.


Note: SQL Server Reporting Services can only work with SQL Server. The others are DB-agnostic.

注意:SQL Server Reporting Services只能使用SQL Server。其他人DB-agnostic。



I used Open Flash Chart 2 before and it was very easy to use. You just make an array of key/value pairs and call ".to_json" on it.

我以前用过Open Flash Chart 2,它很容易使用。您只需创建一个键/值对数组并调用”。to_json”。



ruby gnuplot is not exactly a charting tool.. but I have used to make some pretty complicated graphs.. and think you might like it if you need to make some quick prototypes or wish to make charts that are not intended for end-users.

ruby gnuplot并不是一个绘图工具。但是我曾经画过一些非常复杂的图。如果您需要制作一些快速的原型,或者希望制作不适合终端用户的图表,您可能会喜欢它。



It's not rails specific, but Google Visualization API is pretty cool.


Emprise also has some pretty nice looking graphs.




The Ext Javascript library has just released (as of v3.0) a new set of tools to generate Adobe Flash charts and graphs, just by programming in Javascript! It is all client-side, so you can use it with any backend webserver (Rails, PHP, ASP.NET, etc.)

Ext Javascript库刚刚发布了一套新的工具(从v3.0开始)来生成adobeflash图表和图形,只需使用Javascript编程!它都是客户端,所以您可以在任何后端web服务器(Rails、PHP、ASP)中使用它。净,等等)。

Check out examples here:


ExtJS Flash Charting Examples

ExtJS Flash图表示例

It is powerful and looks great. The nice thing is that since it is Javascript, you can create form fields that, once filled out, regenerate the graph using JSON/XML data from the server using the new data that the user just typed! It's pretty nifty.




Hi guys I have been working on a reporting tool, a ruby gem. Please have a look and suggest me if you have some features in mind. I am already using it in 2 of my projects.

嗨,伙计们,我一直在研究一个报告工具,一个ruby gem。如果您有什么特点,请您看一看,并提出建议。我已经在我的两个项目中使用了它。