
时间:2021-08-03 15:59:59

Setting which functions as a post. It has the variables: Title:string Description:text, Photo:image and Paragraph:text.


I have another controller which controls my Home, About, News and contact.
On my Home, I'm trying to access the title of the setting with the id 3. I can't figure it out. Do i need to define the controls for the settings in the page controller as well? How can I access it?.


Here is my code at the Home,


<% @setting.(id[3]) do |setting| %>
<h2><%= setting.title %></h2>
<% end %>

Error: Undified local varible or method 'id' for #<#

错误:#<#的Undified local varible或method'id'

Would appreciate some help, or a push in the right direction. Thanks :)

会欣赏一些帮助,或推动正确的方向。谢谢 :)

1 个解决方案



If you want to display single record then there is no need to have loop, so you can try this.


<% setting = Setting.find(3) %>
<h2><%= setting.title %></h2>



If you want to display single record then there is no need to have loop, so you can try this.


<% setting = Setting.find(3) %>
<h2><%= setting.title %></h2>