从角度控制器访问Rails env变量

时间:2022-01-29 23:34:36

I have the following module called EnvConfigurationService,js.erb:



angular.module('mgApp.services').factory('EnvConfigurationService', function () {
return {
    getMySecretKey: function () {
        return "<%= ENV['MY_SECRET_KEY'] %>";

The intention is to provide access to 'MY_SECRET_KEY' from different angular and regular js classes. Like the following on userController.js:


angular.module('mgApp.controllers').controller('userController', ['$scope', '$http', 'EnvConfigurationService', function($scope, $http, EnvConfigurationService) {
  var uri = EnvConfigurationService.getMySecretKey();

Still, the returned string is always empty. Any ideas what might be wrong/missing?


Thanks in advance


1 个解决方案



This website shows 4 great ways to pass info from Rails to Angular


Option number 3 states that if you are going to use interpolation like that, you may need to call .html_safe like shown in this example.


itemsApp.service('itemsAppInitializer', function(){
  return <%= @item.to_json.html_safe %>;

In my opinion, there could be one other way that you could tackle this issue if you wanted to. I would create a route in rails that returns env variables to you in the response.


Then whenever the service needs to provide env variables for the first time, you can use $http.get() with the cache: true option added in your service call to fetch that data from the route/controller, and only need to fetch it once.




This website shows 4 great ways to pass info from Rails to Angular


Option number 3 states that if you are going to use interpolation like that, you may need to call .html_safe like shown in this example.


itemsApp.service('itemsAppInitializer', function(){
  return <%= @item.to_json.html_safe %>;

In my opinion, there could be one other way that you could tackle this issue if you wanted to. I would create a route in rails that returns env variables to you in the response.


Then whenever the service needs to provide env variables for the first time, you can use $http.get() with the cache: true option added in your service call to fetch that data from the route/controller, and only need to fetch it once.
