
时间:2022-05-16 15:39:44

I wrote macro in Excel that uses dynamic array. Users will add elements to that array.


Is it possible to store elements permanently, so the elements will be available even after workbook was closed?


The trick is that I do not want to store elements on a worksheet and insert them back to array when workbook is open, but to have elements permanently saved in array.


5 个解决方案



One of your best bets is to store the array values in a worksheet and mark the worksheet as hidden using VBA.


Me.Worksheets("ArrayValuesWorksheet").Visible = False

If you use other things like local CSV files, registry, etc then the code will behave differently by simply moving the workbook to different machines and you will lose the ability to have multiple copies of the array.


Edit (Excellent suggestion in @Reafidy's comments below)

编辑(@ Reafidy的评论中的优秀建议)



You can also store an array in a name from the names collection, and this name can be hidden.


Names.Add Name:="StoredArray", RefersTo:=myArray, Visible:=False



To answer your question directly: No, there is no way to store an array that has a lifetime beyond the application in memory - you'll have to save it somewhere.

直接回答你的问题:不,没有办法在内存中存储超出应用程序寿命的数组 - 你必须将它保存在某个地方。

There are several options available but your best is most likely saving it to a sheet. 'Very hidden' sheets are only visible through VBA code so to the user it's the same thing as the array always being there and active in memory.

有几个选项可供选择,但您最好的选择是将其保存到工作表中。 “非常隐藏”的工作表只能通过VBA代码看到,所以对于用户来说,它与数组始终在那里并在内存中活动是一回事。



To read/write Array in sheet you can use


Sub WriteArray()
Dim MyArray As Variant

MyArray = Array("x", "y", "z")

Range("A1:C1").Value = MyArray

End Sub

Sub ReadArray()

Dim MyArray As Variant

MyArray = Range("A1:C1").Value

End Sub

After you can use the Visible property of sheet to hide as we have responded.




"there is no way..." , >>> yes can do !


some examples : listbox/ComboListBox (on a sheet) = array ...

一些例子:listbox / ComboListBox(在工作表上)=数组...

For 2D variant array : range()=array.

对于2D变体数组:range()= array。

Or store it in a commandbarMenu (those can be made multidimensional)


or whateverthat keeps after reloading workbook...




One of your best bets is to store the array values in a worksheet and mark the worksheet as hidden using VBA.


Me.Worksheets("ArrayValuesWorksheet").Visible = False

If you use other things like local CSV files, registry, etc then the code will behave differently by simply moving the workbook to different machines and you will lose the ability to have multiple copies of the array.


Edit (Excellent suggestion in @Reafidy's comments below)

编辑(@ Reafidy的评论中的优秀建议)



You can also store an array in a name from the names collection, and this name can be hidden.


Names.Add Name:="StoredArray", RefersTo:=myArray, Visible:=False



To answer your question directly: No, there is no way to store an array that has a lifetime beyond the application in memory - you'll have to save it somewhere.

直接回答你的问题:不,没有办法在内存中存储超出应用程序寿命的数组 - 你必须将它保存在某个地方。

There are several options available but your best is most likely saving it to a sheet. 'Very hidden' sheets are only visible through VBA code so to the user it's the same thing as the array always being there and active in memory.

有几个选项可供选择,但您最好的选择是将其保存到工作表中。 “非常隐藏”的工作表只能通过VBA代码看到,所以对于用户来说,它与数组始终在那里并在内存中活动是一回事。



To read/write Array in sheet you can use


Sub WriteArray()
Dim MyArray As Variant

MyArray = Array("x", "y", "z")

Range("A1:C1").Value = MyArray

End Sub

Sub ReadArray()

Dim MyArray As Variant

MyArray = Range("A1:C1").Value

End Sub

After you can use the Visible property of sheet to hide as we have responded.




"there is no way..." , >>> yes can do !


some examples : listbox/ComboListBox (on a sheet) = array ...

一些例子:listbox / ComboListBox(在工作表上)=数组...

For 2D variant array : range()=array.

对于2D变体数组:range()= array。

Or store it in a commandbarMenu (those can be made multidimensional)


or whateverthat keeps after reloading workbook...
