
时间:2021-02-03 15:28:34

In my college days I read about the auto keyword and in the course of time I actually forgot what it is. It is defined as:


defines a local variable as having a local lifetime


I never found it is being used anywhere, is it really used and if so then where is it used and in which cases?


8 个解决方案



auto is a modifier like static. It defines the storage class of a variable. However, since the default for local variables is auto, you don't normally need to manually specify it.


This page lists different storage classes in C.




If you'd read the IAQ (Infrequently Asked Questions) list, you'd know that auto is useful primarily to define or declare a vehicle:


auto my_car;

A vehicle that's consistently parked outdoors:


extern auto my_car;

For those who lack any sense of humor and want "just the facts Ma'am": the short answer is that there's never any reason to use auto at all. The only time you're allowed to use auto is with a variable that already has auto storage class, so you're just specifying something that would happen anyway. Attempting to use auto on any variable that doesn't have the auto storage class already will result in the compiler rejecting your code. I suppose if you want to get technical, your implementation doesn't have to be a compiler (but it is) and it can theoretically continue to compile the code after issuing a diagnostic (but it won't).


Small addendum by kaz:


There is also:


static auto my_car;

which requires a diagnostic according to ISO C. This is correct, because it declares that the car is broken down. The diagnostic is free of charge, but turning off the dashboard light will cost you eighty dollars. (Twenty or less, if you purchase your own USB dongle for on-board diagnostics from eBay).


The aforementioned extern auto my_car also requires a diagnostic, and for that reason it is never run through the compiler, other than by city staff tasked with parking enforcement.


If you see a lot of extern static auto ... in any code base, you're in a bad neighborhood; look for a better job immediately, before the whole place turns to Rust.




The auto keyword is useless in the C language. It is there because before the C language there existed a B language in which that keyword was necessary for declaring local variables. (B was developed into NB, which became C).


Here is the reference manual for B.


As you can see, the manual is rife with examples in which auto is used. This is so because there is no int keyword. Some kind of keyword is needed to say "this is a declaration of a variable", and that keyword also indicates whether it is a local or external (auto versus extrn). If you do not use one or the other, you have a syntax error. That is to say, x, y; is not a declaration by itself, but auto x, y; is.

如您所见,手册中充满了使用auto的例子。这是因为没有int关键字。需要某种关键字来表示“这是一个变量的声明”,这个关键字还指示它是本地的还是外部的(自动对外)。如果您不使用其中一个或另一个,则会出现语法错误。也就是说,x y;不是声明本身,而是自动x, y;是多少。

Since code bases written in B had to be ported to NB and to C as the language was developed, the newer versions of the language carried some baggage for improved backward compatibility that translated to less work. In the case of auto, the programmers did not have to hunt down every occurrence of auto and remove it.


It's obvious from the manual that the now obsolescent "implicit int" cruft in C (being able to write main() { ... } without any int in front) also comes from B. That's another backward compatibility feature to support B code. Functions do not have a return type specified in B because there are no types. Everything is a word, like in many assembly languages.


Note how a function can just be declared extrn putchar and then the only thing that makes it a function that identifier's use: it is used in a function call expression like putchar(x), and that's what tells the compiler to treat that typeless word as a function pointer.




In C auto is a keyword that indicates a variable is local to a block. Since that's the default for block-scoped variables, it's unnecessary and very rarely used (I don't think I've ever seen it use outside of examples in texts that discuss the keyword). I'd be interested if someone could point out a case where the use of auto was required to get a correct parse or behavior.

在C auto是一个关键字,表示一个变量是本地的一个块。因为这是块作用域变量的默认值,所以它是不必要的,而且很少使用(我认为我从来没有见过它在讨论关键字的文本示例之外使用它)。我感兴趣的是,如果有人能指出一种情况,那就是需要使用auto来得到正确的解析或行为。

However, in the C++11 standard the auto keyword has been 'hijacked' to support type inference, where the type of a variable can be taken from the type of its initializer:

但是,在c++ 11标准中,auto关键字被“劫持”来支持类型推断,其中变量的类型可以从其初始化器的类型中提取:

auto someVariable = 1.5;   // someVariable will have type double

Type inference is being added mainly to support declaring variables in templates or returned from template functions where types based on a template parameter (or deduced by the compiler when a template is instantiated) can often be quite painful to declare manually.




With the old Aztec C compiler, it was possible to turn all automatic variables to static variables (for increased addressing speed) using a command-line switch.

使用旧的Aztec C编译器,可以使用命令行开关将所有自动变量转换为静态变量(以提高寻址速度)。

But variables explicitly declared with auto were left as-is in that case. (A must for recursive functions which would otherwise not work properly!)




The auto keyword is similar to the inclusion of semicolons in Python, it was required by a previous language (B) but developers realized it was redundant because most things were auto.


I suspect it was left in to help with the transition from B to C. In short, one use is for B language compatibility.


For example in B and 80s C:


/* The following function will print a non-negative number, n, to
   the base b, where 2<=b<=10.  This routine uses the fact that
   in the ASCII character set, the digits 0 to 9 have sequential
   code values.  */

printn(n, b) {
        extrn putchar;
        auto a;

        if (a = n / b)        /* assignment, not test for equality */
                printn(a, b); /* recursive */
        putchar(n % b + '0');



Auto keyword is a storage class (some sort of techniques that decides lifetime of variable and storage place) example. It has a behavior by which variable made by the Help of that keyword have lifespan (lifetime ) reside only within the curly braces


    auto int x=8;        
    printf("%d",x);  // here x is 8

        auto int x=3;
        printf("%d",x);  // here x is 3

    printf("%d",x);  // here x is 8



auto is good for saying that you do not want it to be register. However it is often useless since the compiler will put register when neither been used and it thinks it is optimal, and it will seldom think so incorrectly, it will however often miss that register is optimal.




auto is a modifier like static. It defines the storage class of a variable. However, since the default for local variables is auto, you don't normally need to manually specify it.


This page lists different storage classes in C.




If you'd read the IAQ (Infrequently Asked Questions) list, you'd know that auto is useful primarily to define or declare a vehicle:


auto my_car;

A vehicle that's consistently parked outdoors:


extern auto my_car;

For those who lack any sense of humor and want "just the facts Ma'am": the short answer is that there's never any reason to use auto at all. The only time you're allowed to use auto is with a variable that already has auto storage class, so you're just specifying something that would happen anyway. Attempting to use auto on any variable that doesn't have the auto storage class already will result in the compiler rejecting your code. I suppose if you want to get technical, your implementation doesn't have to be a compiler (but it is) and it can theoretically continue to compile the code after issuing a diagnostic (but it won't).


Small addendum by kaz:


There is also:


static auto my_car;

which requires a diagnostic according to ISO C. This is correct, because it declares that the car is broken down. The diagnostic is free of charge, but turning off the dashboard light will cost you eighty dollars. (Twenty or less, if you purchase your own USB dongle for on-board diagnostics from eBay).


The aforementioned extern auto my_car also requires a diagnostic, and for that reason it is never run through the compiler, other than by city staff tasked with parking enforcement.


If you see a lot of extern static auto ... in any code base, you're in a bad neighborhood; look for a better job immediately, before the whole place turns to Rust.




The auto keyword is useless in the C language. It is there because before the C language there existed a B language in which that keyword was necessary for declaring local variables. (B was developed into NB, which became C).


Here is the reference manual for B.


As you can see, the manual is rife with examples in which auto is used. This is so because there is no int keyword. Some kind of keyword is needed to say "this is a declaration of a variable", and that keyword also indicates whether it is a local or external (auto versus extrn). If you do not use one or the other, you have a syntax error. That is to say, x, y; is not a declaration by itself, but auto x, y; is.

如您所见,手册中充满了使用auto的例子。这是因为没有int关键字。需要某种关键字来表示“这是一个变量的声明”,这个关键字还指示它是本地的还是外部的(自动对外)。如果您不使用其中一个或另一个,则会出现语法错误。也就是说,x y;不是声明本身,而是自动x, y;是多少。

Since code bases written in B had to be ported to NB and to C as the language was developed, the newer versions of the language carried some baggage for improved backward compatibility that translated to less work. In the case of auto, the programmers did not have to hunt down every occurrence of auto and remove it.


It's obvious from the manual that the now obsolescent "implicit int" cruft in C (being able to write main() { ... } without any int in front) also comes from B. That's another backward compatibility feature to support B code. Functions do not have a return type specified in B because there are no types. Everything is a word, like in many assembly languages.


Note how a function can just be declared extrn putchar and then the only thing that makes it a function that identifier's use: it is used in a function call expression like putchar(x), and that's what tells the compiler to treat that typeless word as a function pointer.




In C auto is a keyword that indicates a variable is local to a block. Since that's the default for block-scoped variables, it's unnecessary and very rarely used (I don't think I've ever seen it use outside of examples in texts that discuss the keyword). I'd be interested if someone could point out a case where the use of auto was required to get a correct parse or behavior.

在C auto是一个关键字,表示一个变量是本地的一个块。因为这是块作用域变量的默认值,所以它是不必要的,而且很少使用(我认为我从来没有见过它在讨论关键字的文本示例之外使用它)。我感兴趣的是,如果有人能指出一种情况,那就是需要使用auto来得到正确的解析或行为。

However, in the C++11 standard the auto keyword has been 'hijacked' to support type inference, where the type of a variable can be taken from the type of its initializer:

但是,在c++ 11标准中,auto关键字被“劫持”来支持类型推断,其中变量的类型可以从其初始化器的类型中提取:

auto someVariable = 1.5;   // someVariable will have type double

Type inference is being added mainly to support declaring variables in templates or returned from template functions where types based on a template parameter (or deduced by the compiler when a template is instantiated) can often be quite painful to declare manually.




With the old Aztec C compiler, it was possible to turn all automatic variables to static variables (for increased addressing speed) using a command-line switch.

使用旧的Aztec C编译器,可以使用命令行开关将所有自动变量转换为静态变量(以提高寻址速度)。

But variables explicitly declared with auto were left as-is in that case. (A must for recursive functions which would otherwise not work properly!)




The auto keyword is similar to the inclusion of semicolons in Python, it was required by a previous language (B) but developers realized it was redundant because most things were auto.


I suspect it was left in to help with the transition from B to C. In short, one use is for B language compatibility.


For example in B and 80s C:


/* The following function will print a non-negative number, n, to
   the base b, where 2<=b<=10.  This routine uses the fact that
   in the ASCII character set, the digits 0 to 9 have sequential
   code values.  */

printn(n, b) {
        extrn putchar;
        auto a;

        if (a = n / b)        /* assignment, not test for equality */
                printn(a, b); /* recursive */
        putchar(n % b + '0');



Auto keyword is a storage class (some sort of techniques that decides lifetime of variable and storage place) example. It has a behavior by which variable made by the Help of that keyword have lifespan (lifetime ) reside only within the curly braces


    auto int x=8;        
    printf("%d",x);  // here x is 8

        auto int x=3;
        printf("%d",x);  // here x is 3

    printf("%d",x);  // here x is 8



auto is good for saying that you do not want it to be register. However it is often useless since the compiler will put register when neither been used and it thinks it is optimal, and it will seldom think so incorrectly, it will however often miss that register is optimal.
