如何判断这里需要哪个文件? [重复]

时间:2022-11-05 13:57:36

This question already has an answer here:


I'm reading through the codebase of the Homebrew repo, specifically the file here:



I see many 'require' statements scattered throughout the file, for instance on line 104 (require 'tap'). The problem is that I see 3 files named tap.rb in the codebase:


Library/Homebrew/tap.rb Library/Homebrew/cmd/tap.rb Library/Homebrew/compat/tap.rb

Library / Homebrew / tap.rb Library / Homebrew / cmd / tap.rb Library / Homebrew / compat / tap.rb

Further down in the code I see Tap.fetch..., and in Library/Homebrew/tap.rb which contains a class named Tap with a class method named fetch, so I'm confident this is the correct file that's being included. But conceivably, there could be dozens of files with the same filename, and more than one of those could have identical class methods. My question is, is there a way to tell which Tap class is being loaded without looking through each of the files?

在代码中我看到Tap.fetch ...,并在Library / Homebrew / tap.rb中包含一个名为Tap的类,其中有一个名为fetch的类方法,所以我确信这是正确的文件。但可以想象,可能存在数十个具有相同文件名的文件,其中不止一个文件具有相同的类方法。我的问题是,有没有办法告诉你加载哪个Tap类而不查看每个文件?

UPDATE: I think I have the answer to my question (see below).


2 个解决方案



If you put a binding.pry before the require and execute $: that will be the list of directories in which the require will look up the 'tap.rb' files.


See definition of require: If the filename does not resolve to an absolute path, it will be searched for in the directories listed in $:.




I found this great explanation of how require works in Ruby:



Essentially, it works by looking at the Ruby $LOAD_PATH method, similar to how UNIX uses the $PATH variable to look for binary executables when it receives a command in the CLI. I was able to test this out on my local by making two files in the same directory, like so:

本质上,它通过查看Ruby $ LOAD_PATH方法来工作,类似于UNIX在CLI中接收命令时使用$ PATH变量查找二进制可执行文件的方式。我能够通过在同一目录中创建两个文件来测试我的本地,如下所示:

# file number 1- foobar.rb 

module Foobar

  def bar
    p "foo" 


# file number 2- foobaz.rb


class Foobaz

  def baz
    require 'foobar'
    p Foobar.bar



Without the line $LOAD_PATH.unshift(".") in foobaz.rb, the code wouldn't execute with the simple require 'foobar' statement. I instead had to use require_relative 'foobar.rb'. But adding the current working directory to the $LOAD_PATH environment variable meant that I now had access to all the ruby files in the current dir, so it executed!

如果没有foobaz.rb中的$ LOAD_PATH.unshift(“。”)行,则代码将不会使用简单的require'foobar'语句执行。我不得不使用require_relative'foobar.rb'。但是将当前工作目录添加到$ LOAD_PATH环境变量意味着我现在可以访问当前目录中的所有ruby文件,因此它已执行!

NB- it's likely that adding . to the $LOAD_PATH should go in a config file somewhere, not in the same file as the require statement.

NB-可能会增加。 $ LOAD_PATH应该放在某个配置文件中,而不是与require语句在同一个文件中。



If you put a binding.pry before the require and execute $: that will be the list of directories in which the require will look up the 'tap.rb' files.


See definition of require: If the filename does not resolve to an absolute path, it will be searched for in the directories listed in $:.




I found this great explanation of how require works in Ruby:



Essentially, it works by looking at the Ruby $LOAD_PATH method, similar to how UNIX uses the $PATH variable to look for binary executables when it receives a command in the CLI. I was able to test this out on my local by making two files in the same directory, like so:

本质上,它通过查看Ruby $ LOAD_PATH方法来工作,类似于UNIX在CLI中接收命令时使用$ PATH变量查找二进制可执行文件的方式。我能够通过在同一目录中创建两个文件来测试我的本地,如下所示:

# file number 1- foobar.rb 

module Foobar

  def bar
    p "foo" 


# file number 2- foobaz.rb


class Foobaz

  def baz
    require 'foobar'
    p Foobar.bar



Without the line $LOAD_PATH.unshift(".") in foobaz.rb, the code wouldn't execute with the simple require 'foobar' statement. I instead had to use require_relative 'foobar.rb'. But adding the current working directory to the $LOAD_PATH environment variable meant that I now had access to all the ruby files in the current dir, so it executed!

如果没有foobaz.rb中的$ LOAD_PATH.unshift(“。”)行,则代码将不会使用简单的require'foobar'语句执行。我不得不使用require_relative'foobar.rb'。但是将当前工作目录添加到$ LOAD_PATH环境变量意味着我现在可以访问当前目录中的所有ruby文件,因此它已执行!

NB- it's likely that adding . to the $LOAD_PATH should go in a config file somewhere, not in the same file as the require statement.

NB-可能会增加。 $ LOAD_PATH应该放在某个配置文件中,而不是与require语句在同一个文件中。