het smooth 组装高杂合度二倍体基因组前期数据处理

时间:2022-06-08 13:16:05


equencing technologies, such as Illumina sequencing, provide the sequences of
short "reads" of DNA that come from random positions on the genome. These reads
then must be assembled de-novo into the original genome, or, if there is a
reference genome available mapped onto the reference genome. These tasks, especially de-novo assembly, become more difficult if the genome is heterozygous.

het-smooth is a experimental program to smooth out heterozygosity in DNA sequence reads by identifying isolated SNPs and changing each one to only one of the heterozygous variants. It is intended for use in sequence data from diploid genomes. It accepts input data in FASTA or FASTQ format, and for each input file, it writes an output FASTA or FASTQ file containing the reads with a reduced rate of heterozygosity. See the README for more details.



git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/het-smooth/code


het smooth 组装高杂合度二倍体基因组前期数据处理


改过以后,sudo make.

Read Me


het-smooth is a program to smooth out heterozygosity in DNA sequence reads.

Sequencing technologies, such as Illumina sequencing, provide the sequences of
short "reads" of DNA that come from random positions on the genome.  These reads
then must be assembled de-novo into the original genome, or, if there is a
reference genome available mapped onto the reference genome.

These tasks, especially de-novo assembly, become more difficult if the genome is
heterozygous.  All diploid organisms have some rate of heterozygosity
(differences between each chromosome set), but some organisms in particular have
a very high rate of heterozygosity.  

`het-smooth' is an experimental program to reduce the heterozygosity rate of
reads.  It accepts input data in FASTA or FASTQ format.


`het-smooth' must be compiled and run on a modern UNIX system, such as
GNU/Linux.  It currently must be compiled with g++ because it uses built-in
atomic functions.

`het-smooth' also requires Jellyfish
(http://www.cbcb.umd.edu/software/jellyfish/) to be installed because it relies
on it for k-mer counting.  `het-smooth' should be able to spawn the `jellyfish'
binary as well as link to `libjellyfish.so'.  Edit the Makefile to make sure
that JELLYFISH_CXXFLAGS and JELLYFISH_LDFLAGS correctly specify the location of
the Jellyfish library and headers.

After installing Jellyfish and editing the Makefile, run `make' to build the
binary `het-smooth'.  There is no `make install' yet; just copy the binary
somewhere if you want to.


Usage: het-smooth (FASTA_FILE | FASTQ_FILE)...
Reduce the level of heterozygosity in the read set contained in the
specified FASTA or FASTQ files, which may be gzipped.

   -k, --kmer-len=LEN    use a kmer size of LEN; must be odd (default: 19)
   -B, --bottom-threshold=NUM
                         use NUM as the lower bound on the kmer coverage for
   -T, --top-threshold=NUM
                         use NUM as the upper bound on the kmer coverage for
   -C, --correct-erroneous-kmers
                         do not place a lower bound on the coverage of k-mers
                           for them to be corrected.  This may result in the
                           correction of some of the erroneous k-mers.
                           However, this may not work as well as dedicated
                           error-correction programs such as Quake.
   -j, --jellyfish-hash-file=FILE
                         use existing kmer counts hash table for the reads
                           produced by the Jellyfish program in FILE
   -s, --jellyfish-hash-size=SIZE
                         use SIZE as the Jellyfish hash size parameter
                           (default: 100000000)
   -t, --threads=NUM     use NUM threads for Jellyfish kmer counting and for
                           processing reads files in parallel
                           (default: number of processors)
   -Q, --quality-weight
                         weight kmer counts by quality
   -q, --quality-start=NUM
                         assume that the lowest quality value starts at NUM
                           (default: 64) (only used if -Q given)
   -l, --kmer-replacements-log=FILE
                         log all kmer replacement pairs to FILE
                           (default: don't log)
                         do not do multibase replacements
   --no-reads-log        do not log read changes
   -h, --help            display this help and exit

The essential options to set are --kmer-len, --bottom-threshold, and
--top-threshold.  Furthermore, it is recommended to give
--no-multibase-replacements until the usefulness of the multibase replacements
algorithm is verified.  We have been using --kmer-len=23 for the pineapple
genome, which is a ~400 megabase, very repetitive genome.  Smaller, less
repetitive genomes could do with --kmer-len=19, or perhaps 17 or 21.

If you run `jellyfish count' on your data to count k-mers of this k-mer length
and then run `jellyfish histo', you will see how many k-mers have a given
coverage level.  If you plot this histogram, for a heterozygous genome it will
be bimodal; the lower peak is for k-mers that appear in the diploid genome one
time, while the upper peak is for k-mers that appear in the diploid genome two
times (probably once in each chromosome set).  --bottom-threshold should be set
to approximately the first minimum in the k-mer coverage plot near the beginning
of the lower peak, while --top-threshold should be set to a little past the
second minimum in the k-mer coverage plot, a little past the end of the lower
peak.  The goal is for these thesholds to include the coverage levels of k-mers
that appear only once in the diploid genome, and are therefore in heterozygous

An example of using the program would be:

het-smooth --kmer-len=23 --bottom-threshold=38 --top-threshold=220	\
	   --no-multibase-replacements --jellyfish-hash-file=23-mers.jf \
	   reads_1.fq reads_2.fq

In this example, the program will produce new files (reads_1.het-smoothed.fq and
reads_2.het-smoothed.fq) that contain the heterozygosity-smoothed reads.  There
also will be files reads_1.het-smoothed.log and reads_2.het-smoothed.log that
list the original and new reads for each modified read, although this can be
disabled by the --no-reads-log option; furthermore, it may be more useful to log
the actual k-mer replacements that were computed by providing the {\tt
--kmer-replacements-log option (this probably should be made the default).  The
name of the Jellyfish hash table containing 23-mer counts is given as
23-mers.jf, but if you do not specify this option, het-smooth will spawn a
jellyfish process that will produce the hash table from the FASTQ files
specified for heteterozygosity smoothing.

het-smooth will strip the directory name from the input files when it determines
the output files, so the output files will be written in the current directory.

The --quality-weight option currently does not work.


We designed and implemented an algorithm to preprocess the libraries to remove
some of the heterozygosity.  Although we have used this algorithm to improve the
pineapple genome assembly, it is primarily a proof-of-concept algorithm; it
eventually would be better to integrate the algorithm (or a modified version of
it) into Allpaths-LG, so that it could assemble highly heterozygous genomes by

Our algorithm analyzes the reads at the level of k-mers.  The basic idea is that
if we use an odd value of k, we can go through each k-mer that appears in the
genome and see if there exists a lexicographically smaller k-mer in the
genome that differs only by the center base.  If so, we can replace the
former k-mer with the latter k-mer every time it appears in the reads.
Reverse complements can be handled by only considering canonical k-mers
when looking for replacements, but then replacing both the foward and
reverse complement versions of the k-mer with the correctly oriented
replacement when actually doing the replacements.

The effect of this algorithm is to remove SNPs from the data.  Ideally, each SNP
would be changed to only one of the two variants, thereby removing the SNP from
the data given to the assembler.

There are many problems with this heterozygosity smoothing algorithm, some of
which we have addressed in our implementation, and some of which we have not yet
been able to address.

The algorithm requires knowing which k-mers appear in the genome and which do
not.  We estimate this from the reads by examining k-mer coverage.  We require
the "from" and "to" k-mers to have coverage high enough to make it unlikely for
either k-mer to contain a sequencing error.  Furthermore, to reduce the chances
of incorrect replacements, which would produce misassembled sequence, from being
made, we only add a replacement if there is exactly one valid replacement given
the possible substitutions of the middle base.  We also establish an upper bound
on the coverage for the "from" k-mer, since repeated sequences can cause
slightly differing sequences to show up on the same chromosome set, and these
could easily be mistaken for SNPs.

If we were to restrict k-mer replacements only to the middle base in each k-mer,
this would prevent any changes from being made to the first k/2 - 1 or the last
k/2 - 1 k-mers of each read.  This is a big problem because a SNP, even in the
best case, would not get smoothed out in reads for which the SNP site happens to
be near one of the ends of the read.  To solve this problem, we add an
additional step to the algorithm; after adding the replacements as already
described, we go through the reads and look for the locations where the
middle-base replacements would be made.  For each such location, we examine the
surrounding k/2-1 k-mers and add replacements containing the SNP site as one of
the non-center base pairs, provided that the coverage falls within the bounds
mentioned earlier.  Later, when actually doing the replacements, these extra
replacements are only actually done if the k-mer appears as the first or last
k-mer in the read.


The algorithm currently only smooths out SNPs that are separated from other SNPs
by at least k/2 - 1 base pairs.  If there is a cluster of SNPs, they will not be
smoothed out.

The algorithm does not handle insertions, deletions, or inversions.  These are
believed to be much rarer than SNPs, but this may still be a huge limitation.

Heterozygous sites that occur very close to sequencing errors are unlikely to be
smoothed out.

There is no built-in capability to this program to recover the heterozygosity
after the assembly; other tools would have to be used for this (you would want
to align the original reads to the draft genome and call the SNPs that were


By chance, it is possible for this program to make changes to the reads that
would not be strongly supported when considering the larger context.  It is
important to using a large enough k-mer size to reduce the chance of incorrect
replacements from being made.  Providing the --no-multibase-replacements
argument is recommended because on large datasets it is much too likely for two
k-mers to differ by only two base pairs purely by chance.  Providing the
--correct-erroneous-kmers option is NOT recommended.


The program is multi-threaded, and the running time of the program is roughly
linear with the number of reads that must be processed.  Computing the
middle-base replacements is fast compared to computing the edge-base
replacements and then doing the k-mer replacements.  We have used the program to
reduce the heterozygosity in 235 GB of reads from the pineapple genome, and the
running time was several hours on a server-class computer.


The algorithm needs to be improved.

Make the program automatically deteremine the lower and upper thresholds for

It probably would make more sense for stand-alone assemblers to be able to
assemble highly heterozygous data, rather than have a separate program to smooth
out heterozygosity.


This code is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or later.
There is no warranty whatsoever.  See COPYING for details.


The development of this algorithm and program was done as part of Cold Spring
Harbor Laboratory's Undergraduate Research Program.  Funding for this program is
provided in part by the National Science Foundation.


Eric Biggers		ebiggers3 at gmail.com
Michael Schatz		mschatz at cshl.edu
