书 名 |
Little Blue and little yellow (小蓝和小黄) |
David Gets in Trouble (大卫惹麻烦) |
David Goes To School (大卫上学去) |
NO david (大卫不可以) |
Something From Nothing (爷爷一定有办法) |
Rosie's Walk (母鸡螺丝去散步) |
Duck On A Bike (鸭子骑车记) |
Swimmy (小黑鱼) |
My Mum (我妈妈) |
My Dad (我爸爸) |
Guess how much I love you (猜猜我都有多爱你) |
When the winds stops (风到哪里去了) |
Good night,gorilla(晚安,大猩猩) |
The boy who was always late(迟到大王) |
Mirette on the high wire (天空在脚下) |
The Tiny Seed (小种子) |
Strega Nona (巫婆奶奶)汪培珽英文书单 |
Nicolas, Where Have You Been (尼古拉 ) |
Good boy Fergus 好孩子,弗格斯 |
Mr gumpy's outing(和甘伯伯去游河) |
Make way for ducklings (让路给小鸭子) |
The very hungery caterpillar(好饿的毛毛虫) |
Pumpkin soup(南瓜汤) |
A color of his own(自己的颜色) |
Badger's parting gifts(獾的礼物) |
Miss rumphius(花婆婆) |
Puss in boots(穿靴子的猫) |
Giraffes can't dance (长颈鹿不会跳舞) |
One fine day (晴朗的一天) |
Mr gumpy's motor car(和甘伯伯开车去兜风) |
OWL Moon(月下看猫头鹰) |
Starry Messenger(星际信使) |
You're All My Favourites(你们都是我的最爱) |
Diary of a worm (蚯蚓的日记) |
The story about ping(小鸭子历险记) |
Moongame 月亮熊的游戏 |
White snow bright snow 白雪晶晶 |
The Mommy Book 妈妈书 |
Mooncake 月亮熊的月饼 |
I'll always love you(我会一直爱你) |
It's mine(这是我的) |
Stone soup (石头汤) |
The alphabet tree (字母树) |
We're Going on a Bear Hunt(我们去猎熊) |
Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs(阴天有时下肉丸) |
The giving tree (爱心树) |
The gruffalo(咕噜牛) |
The gruffalo's child (咕噜牛小妞妞) |
Cinderella(灰姑娘) |
Voices in the park(公园里的声音) |
The i love you book (我爱你图书) |
The feel good book (感觉好极了) |
Mister seahorse (海马先生) |
Play with me (和我一起玩) |
The runaway bunny (逃家小兔) |
Sylvester and the magic pebble(驴小弟变石头) |
Where willy went... (小威向前冲) |
Froggy gets dressed(小青蛙穿衣服) |
Now one foot, now the other(先左脚后右脚) |
Harris finds his feet (哈里的大脚) |
Chanticleer and the Fox (公鸡和狐狸) |
Matthew's dream (马修的梦) |
I like me (我喜欢自己) |
Good night OWL (晚安猫头鹰) |
Grandfather's Journey(爷爷的旅程 ) |
Would You Rather 你喜欢 |
Inch by inch (一寸虫) |
What do you do with a tail like this (这样的尾巴可以做什么) |
Me and you (我和你) |
Courage (勇气) |
The bremen town musicians(不来梅镇的音乐家) |
Raven tale Pacific Northwest 乌鸦 |
A Tree is nice (树真好) |
The Snowy Day 下雪天 |
Goodnight Moon (晚安月亮) |
Moonbear's Shadow (月亮熊的影子) |
Harquin (小狐狸) |
The Carrot Seed (胡萝卜种子) 60th纪念版 |
the daddy book (爸爸书) |
happy birthday moon (月亮,生日快乐) |
Goldilocks and the Three Bears (金发姑娘和三只熊 ) |
Rooster's Off to See the World (大公鸡看世界) |
The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig (三只小狼与大坏猪) |
The Tiger-Skin Rug (虎皮毯子) |
Changes,Changes (千变万化,无字绘本) |
Chrysanthemum (我的名字克丽桑丝美美菊花) |
Whose Mouse Are You (你是谁的老鼠) |
polar bear polar bear what do you hear (北极熊,北极熊,你听到了吗?) |
1, 2, 3 to the Zoo (一起去动物园) |
Brown bear,brown bear,what do you see(棕色的熊,你在做什么) |
Papa Please Get the Moon for Me (爸爸我要月亮) |
Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears(为什么蚊子在人们耳边嗡嗡叫 ) |
Today Is Monday (今天是星期一) 廖彩杏书单 |
THE DOT (点) |
Do You Want to be My Friend? 廖彩杏书单(想做我的朋友吗?) |
A Chair for my Mother 妈妈的红沙发 |
When sophie gets angry 菲菲生气了 |
Does A Kangaroo Have A Mother,Too 廖彩杏书单(袋鼠也有妈妈么) |
Tico and the Golden Wings (提哥与会飞的翅膀) |
Can't you sleep,Little Bear? (小熊你睡不着吗?) |
OLIVIA (奥莉维) |
The Snowman (雪人) |
Draw me a star (为我画颗星) |
Ask MR.BEAR (问一问熊先生) |
A red-riding hood story from china (中国故事狼婆婆) |
Let's Go Home, Little Bear (小熊,我们回家吧) |
CLICK,CLACK,MOO Cows That Type (会打字的牛) |
Corduroy (灯心绒小熊) |
Owl Babies (猫头鹰宝宝) |