开着idea,死机了,关机重启。重启之后,重新打开idea报错java.lang.AssertionError:upexpected content storage modification

时间:2022-05-22 08:26:01

开着idea,死机了,关机重启。重启之后,重新打开idea报错java.lang.AssertionError:upexpected content storage modification。


If you cannot even open your project in IntelliJ:

Close IntelliJ
Go to the directory <your_home>/.IntelliJIdeaXX/system/cache where XX is your IntelliJ version
Remove all the files in the cache directory.
Then restart IntelliJ

This has worked for me in the past.

于是,C:\Users\yineng\.IntelliJIdea14\system\caches 下的文件全删,启动idea,ok!!!