I have an Excel file that has some Spanish characters (tildes, etc.) that I need to convert to a CSV file to use as an import file. However, when I do Save As CSV it mangles the "special" Spanish characters that aren't ASCII characters. It also seems to do this with the left and right quotes and long dashes that appear to be coming from the original user creating the Excel file in Mac.
Since CSV is just a text file I'm sure it can handle a UTF8 encoding, so I'm guessing it is an Excel limitation, but I'm looking for a way to get from Excel to CSV and keep the non-ASCII characters intact.
37 个解决方案
A simple workaround is to use Google Spreadsheet. Paste (values only if you have complex formulas) or import the sheet then download CSV. I just tried a few characters and it works rather well.
NOTE: Google Sheets does have limitations when importing. See here.
NOTE: Be careful of sensitive data with Google Sheets.
EDIT: Another alternative - basically they use VB macro or addins to force the save as UTF8. I have not tried any of these solutions but they sound reasonable.
I've found OpenOffice's spreadsheet application, Calc, is really good at handling CSV data.
In the "Save As..." dialog, click "Format Options" to get different encodings for CSV. LibreOffice works the same way AFAIK.
在“Save As…”对话框中,单击“格式选项”以获得CSV的不同编码。LibreOffice和AFAIK的工作方式一样。
Save the Excel sheet as "Unicode Text (.txt)". The good news is that all the international characters are in UTF16 (note, not in UTF8). However, the new "*.txt" file is TAB delimited, not comma delimited, and therefore is not a true CSV.
(optional) Unless you can use a TAB delimited file for import, use your favorite text editor and replace the TAB characters with commas ",".
Import your *.txt file in the target application. Make sure it can accept UTF16 format.
If UTF-16 has been properly implemented with support for non-BMP code points, that you can convert a UTF-16 file to UTF-8 without losing information. I leave it to you to find your favourite method of doing so.
I use this procedure to import data from Excel to Moodle.
I know this is an old question but I happened to come upon this question while struggling with the same issues as the OP.
Not having found any of the offered solutions a viable option, I set out to discover if there is a way to do this just using Excel.
Fortunately, I have found that the lost character issue only happens (in my case) when saving from xlsx format to csv format. I tried saving the xlsx file to xls first, then to csv. It actually worked.
Please give it a try and see if it works for you. Good luck.
You can use iconv command under Unix (also available on Windows as libiconv).
After saving as CSV under Excel in the command line put:
iconv -f cp1250 -t utf-8 file-encoded-cp1250.csv > file-encoded-utf8.csv
(remember to replace cp1250 with your encoding).
Works fast and great for big files like post codes database, which cannot be imported to GoogleDocs (400.000 cells limit).
The only "easy way" of doing this is as follows. First, realize that there is a difference between what is displayed and what is kept hidden in the Excel .csv file.
这样做的唯一“简单方法”如下。首先,要认识到在Excel .csv文件中显示的内容和隐藏的内容之间存在差异。
(1) Open an Excel file where you have the info (.xls, .xlsx)
(2) In Excel, choose "CSV (Comma Delimited) (*.csv) as the file type and save as that type.
(2)在Excel中,选择“CSV(逗号分隔)(*. CSV)作为文件类型并保存为该类型。
(3) In NOTEPAD (found under "Programs" and then Accessories in Start menu), open the saved .csv file in Notepad
(4) Then choose -> Save As..and at the bottom of the "save as" box, there is a select box labelled as "Encoding". Select UTF-8 (do NOT use ANSI or you lose all accents etc). After selecting UTF-8, then save the file to a slightly different file name from the original.
(4)然后选择->保存为。在“save as”框的底部,有一个被标记为“编码”的选择框。选择UTF-8(不要使用ANSI或失去所有的重音等)。选择UTF-8之后,将文件保存到与原始文件稍有不同的文件名。
This file is in UTF-8 and retains all characters and accents and can be imported, for example, into MySQL and other database programs.
This answer is taken from this forum.
Another one I've found useful: "Numbers" allows encoding-settings when saving as CSV.
You can do this on a modern Windows machine without third party software. This method is reliable and it will handle data that includes quoted commas, quoted tab characters, CJK characters, etc.
1. Save from Excel
In Excel, save the data to file.txt
using the type Unicode Text (*.txt)
2. Start PowerShell
Run powershell
from the Start menu.
3. Load the file in PowerShell
$data = Import-Csv C:\path\to\file.txt -Delimiter "`t" -Encoding BigEndianUnicode
4. Save the data as CSV
$data | Export-Csv file.csv -Encoding UTF8 -NoTypeInformation
"nevets1219" is right about Google docs, however if you simply "import" the file it often does not convert it to UTF-8.
But if you import the CSV into an existing Google spreadsheet it does convert to UTF-8.
Here's a recipe:
- On the main Docs (or Drive) screen click the "Create" button and choose "Spreadsheet"
- 在主文档(或驱动器)屏幕上单击“创建”按钮并选择“电子表格”
- From the "File" menu choose "Import"
- 从“文件”菜单中选择“导入”
- Click "Choose File"
- 点击“选择文件”
- Choose "Replace spreadsheet"
- 选择“替换表格”
- Choose whichever character you are using as a Separator
- 选择您用作分隔符的字符。
- Click "Import"
- 点击“导入”
- From the "File" menu choose "Download as" -> CSV (current sheet)
- 从“文件”菜单选择“下载为”-> CSV(当前页)
The resulting file will be in UTF-8
For those looking for an entirely programmatic (or at least server-side) solution, I've had great success using catdoc's xls2csv tool.
Install catdoc:
apt-get install catdoc
Do the conversion:
xls2csv -d utf-8 file.xls > file-utf-8.csv
This is blazing fast.
Note that it's important that you include the -d utf-8
flag, otherwise it will encode the output in the default cp1252
encoding, and you run the risk of losing information.
注意,包含-d utf-8标志非常重要,否则它将在默认的cp1252编码中对输出进行编码,您将冒丢失信息的风险。
Note that xls2csv
also only works with .xls
files, it does not work with .xlsx
What about using Powershell.
Get-Content 'C:\my.csv' | Out-File 'C:\my_utf8.csv' -Encoding UTF8
As funny as it may seem, the easiest way I found to save my 180MB spreadsheet into a UTF8 CSV file was to select the cells into Excel, copy them and to paste the content of the clipboard into SublimeText.
尽管看起来很有趣,但我发现将我的180MB电子表格保存到UTF8 CSV文件中最简单的方法是,将这些单元格选择为Excel,复制它们,并将剪贴板的内容粘贴到SublimeText中。
A second option to "nevets1219" is to open your CSV file in Notepad++ and do a convertion to ANSI.
Choose in the top menu : Encoding -> Convert to Ansi
I was not able to find a VBA solution for this problem on Mac Excel. There simply seemed to be no way to output UTF-8 text.
我无法在Mac Excel上找到这个问题的VBA解决方案。似乎没有办法输出UTF-8文本。
So I finally had to give up on VBA, bit the bullet, and learned AppleScript. It wasn't nearly as bad as I had thought.
Solution is described here: http://talesoftech.blogspot.com/2011/05/excel-on-mac-goodbye-vba-hello.html
这里描述了解决方案:http://talesoftech.blogspot.com/2011/05/excel- mac-goodbye-vba-hello.html。
Assuming an Windows environment, save and work with the file as usual in Excel but then open up the saved Excel file in Gnome Gnumeric (free). Save Gnome Gnumeric's spreadsheet as CSV which - for me anyway - saves it as UTF-8 CSV.
假设一个Windows环境,在Excel中像往常一样保存和处理文件,然后在Gnome Gnumeric(免费)中打开保存的Excel文件。将Gnome Gnumeric的电子表格保存为CSV(对我而言),将其保存为UTF-8 CSV。
Easy way to do it: download open office (here), load the spreadsheet and open the excel file (.xls
or .xlsx
). Then just save it as a text CSV file and a window opens asking to keep the current format or to save as a .ODF format. select "keep the current format" and in the new window select the option that works better for you, according with the language that your file is been written on. For Spanish language select Western Europe (Windows-1252/ WinLatin 1
) and the file works just fine. If you select Unicode (UTF-8
), it is not going to work with the spanish characters.
简单的方法:下载open office(这里),加载电子表格并打开excel文件(。xls或.xlsx)。然后将它保存为一个文本CSV文件,打开一个窗口,请求保留当前格式或保存为. odf格式。选择“保持当前格式”,在新窗口中选择对您更有效的选项,根据您的文件所写的语言。对于西班牙语选择西欧(Windows-1252/ WinLatin 1),文件工作正常。如果选择Unicode (UTF-8),它将不会与西班牙字符一起工作。
Save xls file (Excel file) as Unicode text=>file will be saved in text format (.txt)
Change format from .txt to .csv (rename the file from XYX.txt to XYX.csv
Microsoft Excel has an option to export spreadsheet using Unicode encoding. See following screenshot.
Microsoft Excel可以选择使用Unicode编码导出电子表格。见以下截图。
easiest way: no need Open office and google docs
- Save your file as "Unicode text file";
- 将文件保存为“Unicode文本文件”;
- now you have an unicode text file
- 现在您有了一个unicode文本文件。
- open it with "notepad" and "Save as" it with selecting "utf-8" or other code page that you want
- 用“notepad”和“Save as”打开它,选择“utf-8”或其他你想要的代码页。
- rename file extension from "txt" to "csv"
- 将文件扩展名从“txt”重命名为“csv”
dont open it with Ms-office anyway!!! Now you have a tab delimited CSV file.
I have written a small Python script that can export worksheets in UTF-8.
You just have to provide the Excel file as first parameter followed by the sheets that you would like to export. If you do not provide the sheets, the script will export all worksheets that are present in the Excel file.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# export data sheets from xlsx to csv
from openpyxl import load_workbook
import csv
from os import sys
def get_all_sheets(excel_file):
sheets = []
workbook = load_workbook(excel_file,use_iterators=True,data_only=True)
all_worksheets = workbook.get_sheet_names()
for worksheet_name in all_worksheets:
return sheets
def csv_from_excel(excel_file, sheets):
workbook = load_workbook(excel_file,use_iterators=True,data_only=True)
for worksheet_name in sheets:
print("Export " + worksheet_name + " ...")
worksheet = workbook.get_sheet_by_name(worksheet_name)
except KeyError:
print("Could not find " + worksheet_name)
your_csv_file = open(''.join([worksheet_name,'.csv']), 'wb')
wr = csv.writer(your_csv_file, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
for row in worksheet.iter_rows():
lrow = []
for cell in row:
print(" ... done")
if not 2 <= len(sys.argv) <= 3:
print("Call with " + sys.argv[0] + " <xlxs file> [comma separated list of sheets to export]")
sheets = []
if len(sys.argv) == 3:
sheets = list(sys.argv[2].split(','))
sheets = get_all_sheets(sys.argv[1])
assert(sheets != None and len(sheets) > 0)
csv_from_excel(sys.argv[1], sheets)
Under Excel 2016, we have a CSV export option dedicated to UTF-8 format.
Excel typically saves a csv file as ANSI encoding instead of utf8.
One option to correct the file is to use Notepad or Notepad++:
- Open the .csv with Notepad or Notepad++.
- 使用记事本或Notepad++打开.csv。
- Copy the contents to your computer clipboard.
- 将内容复制到您的计算机剪贴板。
- Delete the contents from the file.
- 从文件中删除内容。
- Change the encoding of the file to utf8.
- 将文件的编码更改为utf8。
- Paste the contents back from the clipboard.
- 将内容从剪贴板粘贴回来。
- Save the file.
- 保存文件。
I have also came across the same problem but there is an easy solution for this.
- Open your xlsx file in Excel 2016 or higher.
- 在Excel 2016或更高版本中打开xlsx文件。
- In "Save As" choose this option: "(CSV UTF-8(Comma Delimited)*.csv)"
- 在“Save As”中选择此选项:“(CSV UTF-8(逗号分隔)*.csv)”
It works perfectly and a csv file is generated which can be imported in any software. I imported this csv file in my SQLITE database and it works perfectly with all unicode characters intact.
Encoding -> Convert to Ansi will encode it in ANSI/UNICODE. Utf8 is a subset of Unicode. Perhaps in ANSI will be encoded correctly, but here we are talking about UTF8, @SequenceDigitale.
编码->转换为Ansi将在Ansi /UNICODE编码。Utf8是Unicode的一个子集。也许在ANSI中可以正确编码,但这里我们讨论的是UTF8, @SequenceDigitale。
There are faster ways, like exporting as csv ( comma delimited ) and then, opening that csv with Notepad++ ( free ), then Encoding > Convert to UTF8. But only if you have to do this once per file. If you need to change and export fequently, then the best is LibreOffice or GDocs solution.
open .csv fine with notepad++. if you see your encoding is good (you see all characters as they should be) press encoding , then convert to ANSI else - find out what is your current encoding
使用notepad++打开.csv。如果你看到你的编码很好(你看到所有的字符都应该是)按编码,然后转换成ANSI -找出你当前的编码是什么。
another solution is to open the file by winword and save it as txt and then reopen it by excel and it will work ISA
Save Dialog > Tools Button > Web Options > Encoding Tab
Came across the same problem and googled out this post. None of the above worked for me. At last I converted my Unicode .xls to .xml (choose Save as ... XML Spreadsheet 2003) and it produced the correct character. Then I wrote code to parse the xml and extracted content for my use.
遇到了同样的问题,谷歌上了这篇文章。以上这些都不适合我。最后,我将Unicode .xls转换为.xml(选择Save as…XML电子表格2003)并生成了正确的字符。然后,我编写代码来解析xml并提取内容供我使用。
Another way is to open the UTF-8 CSV file in Notepad where it will be displayed correctly. Then replace all the "," with tabs. Paste all of this into a new excel file.
另一种方法是在记事本中打开UTF-8 CSV文件,以便正确显示它。然后用制表符替换所有的“。”将所有这些粘贴到一个新的excel文件中。
I have the same problem and come across this add in , and it works perfectly fine in excel 2013 beside excel 2007 and 2010 which it is mention for.
我遇到了同样的问题,遇到了这个问题,在excel 2013和2010年的excel表格中,它非常好用。
A simple workaround is to use Google Spreadsheet. Paste (values only if you have complex formulas) or import the sheet then download CSV. I just tried a few characters and it works rather well.
NOTE: Google Sheets does have limitations when importing. See here.
NOTE: Be careful of sensitive data with Google Sheets.
EDIT: Another alternative - basically they use VB macro or addins to force the save as UTF8. I have not tried any of these solutions but they sound reasonable.
I've found OpenOffice's spreadsheet application, Calc, is really good at handling CSV data.
In the "Save As..." dialog, click "Format Options" to get different encodings for CSV. LibreOffice works the same way AFAIK.
在“Save As…”对话框中,单击“格式选项”以获得CSV的不同编码。LibreOffice和AFAIK的工作方式一样。
Save the Excel sheet as "Unicode Text (.txt)". The good news is that all the international characters are in UTF16 (note, not in UTF8). However, the new "*.txt" file is TAB delimited, not comma delimited, and therefore is not a true CSV.
(optional) Unless you can use a TAB delimited file for import, use your favorite text editor and replace the TAB characters with commas ",".
Import your *.txt file in the target application. Make sure it can accept UTF16 format.
If UTF-16 has been properly implemented with support for non-BMP code points, that you can convert a UTF-16 file to UTF-8 without losing information. I leave it to you to find your favourite method of doing so.
I use this procedure to import data from Excel to Moodle.
I know this is an old question but I happened to come upon this question while struggling with the same issues as the OP.
Not having found any of the offered solutions a viable option, I set out to discover if there is a way to do this just using Excel.
Fortunately, I have found that the lost character issue only happens (in my case) when saving from xlsx format to csv format. I tried saving the xlsx file to xls first, then to csv. It actually worked.
Please give it a try and see if it works for you. Good luck.
You can use iconv command under Unix (also available on Windows as libiconv).
After saving as CSV under Excel in the command line put:
iconv -f cp1250 -t utf-8 file-encoded-cp1250.csv > file-encoded-utf8.csv
(remember to replace cp1250 with your encoding).
Works fast and great for big files like post codes database, which cannot be imported to GoogleDocs (400.000 cells limit).
The only "easy way" of doing this is as follows. First, realize that there is a difference between what is displayed and what is kept hidden in the Excel .csv file.
这样做的唯一“简单方法”如下。首先,要认识到在Excel .csv文件中显示的内容和隐藏的内容之间存在差异。
(1) Open an Excel file where you have the info (.xls, .xlsx)
(2) In Excel, choose "CSV (Comma Delimited) (*.csv) as the file type and save as that type.
(2)在Excel中,选择“CSV(逗号分隔)(*. CSV)作为文件类型并保存为该类型。
(3) In NOTEPAD (found under "Programs" and then Accessories in Start menu), open the saved .csv file in Notepad
(4) Then choose -> Save As..and at the bottom of the "save as" box, there is a select box labelled as "Encoding". Select UTF-8 (do NOT use ANSI or you lose all accents etc). After selecting UTF-8, then save the file to a slightly different file name from the original.
(4)然后选择->保存为。在“save as”框的底部,有一个被标记为“编码”的选择框。选择UTF-8(不要使用ANSI或失去所有的重音等)。选择UTF-8之后,将文件保存到与原始文件稍有不同的文件名。
This file is in UTF-8 and retains all characters and accents and can be imported, for example, into MySQL and other database programs.
This answer is taken from this forum.
Another one I've found useful: "Numbers" allows encoding-settings when saving as CSV.
You can do this on a modern Windows machine without third party software. This method is reliable and it will handle data that includes quoted commas, quoted tab characters, CJK characters, etc.
1. Save from Excel
In Excel, save the data to file.txt
using the type Unicode Text (*.txt)
2. Start PowerShell
Run powershell
from the Start menu.
3. Load the file in PowerShell
$data = Import-Csv C:\path\to\file.txt -Delimiter "`t" -Encoding BigEndianUnicode
4. Save the data as CSV
$data | Export-Csv file.csv -Encoding UTF8 -NoTypeInformation
"nevets1219" is right about Google docs, however if you simply "import" the file it often does not convert it to UTF-8.
But if you import the CSV into an existing Google spreadsheet it does convert to UTF-8.
Here's a recipe:
- On the main Docs (or Drive) screen click the "Create" button and choose "Spreadsheet"
- 在主文档(或驱动器)屏幕上单击“创建”按钮并选择“电子表格”
- From the "File" menu choose "Import"
- 从“文件”菜单中选择“导入”
- Click "Choose File"
- 点击“选择文件”
- Choose "Replace spreadsheet"
- 选择“替换表格”
- Choose whichever character you are using as a Separator
- 选择您用作分隔符的字符。
- Click "Import"
- 点击“导入”
- From the "File" menu choose "Download as" -> CSV (current sheet)
- 从“文件”菜单选择“下载为”-> CSV(当前页)
The resulting file will be in UTF-8
For those looking for an entirely programmatic (or at least server-side) solution, I've had great success using catdoc's xls2csv tool.
Install catdoc:
apt-get install catdoc
Do the conversion:
xls2csv -d utf-8 file.xls > file-utf-8.csv
This is blazing fast.
Note that it's important that you include the -d utf-8
flag, otherwise it will encode the output in the default cp1252
encoding, and you run the risk of losing information.
注意,包含-d utf-8标志非常重要,否则它将在默认的cp1252编码中对输出进行编码,您将冒丢失信息的风险。
Note that xls2csv
also only works with .xls
files, it does not work with .xlsx
What about using Powershell.
Get-Content 'C:\my.csv' | Out-File 'C:\my_utf8.csv' -Encoding UTF8
As funny as it may seem, the easiest way I found to save my 180MB spreadsheet into a UTF8 CSV file was to select the cells into Excel, copy them and to paste the content of the clipboard into SublimeText.
尽管看起来很有趣,但我发现将我的180MB电子表格保存到UTF8 CSV文件中最简单的方法是,将这些单元格选择为Excel,复制它们,并将剪贴板的内容粘贴到SublimeText中。
A second option to "nevets1219" is to open your CSV file in Notepad++ and do a convertion to ANSI.
Choose in the top menu : Encoding -> Convert to Ansi
I was not able to find a VBA solution for this problem on Mac Excel. There simply seemed to be no way to output UTF-8 text.
我无法在Mac Excel上找到这个问题的VBA解决方案。似乎没有办法输出UTF-8文本。
So I finally had to give up on VBA, bit the bullet, and learned AppleScript. It wasn't nearly as bad as I had thought.
Solution is described here: http://talesoftech.blogspot.com/2011/05/excel-on-mac-goodbye-vba-hello.html
这里描述了解决方案:http://talesoftech.blogspot.com/2011/05/excel- mac-goodbye-vba-hello.html。
Assuming an Windows environment, save and work with the file as usual in Excel but then open up the saved Excel file in Gnome Gnumeric (free). Save Gnome Gnumeric's spreadsheet as CSV which - for me anyway - saves it as UTF-8 CSV.
假设一个Windows环境,在Excel中像往常一样保存和处理文件,然后在Gnome Gnumeric(免费)中打开保存的Excel文件。将Gnome Gnumeric的电子表格保存为CSV(对我而言),将其保存为UTF-8 CSV。
Easy way to do it: download open office (here), load the spreadsheet and open the excel file (.xls
or .xlsx
). Then just save it as a text CSV file and a window opens asking to keep the current format or to save as a .ODF format. select "keep the current format" and in the new window select the option that works better for you, according with the language that your file is been written on. For Spanish language select Western Europe (Windows-1252/ WinLatin 1
) and the file works just fine. If you select Unicode (UTF-8
), it is not going to work with the spanish characters.
简单的方法:下载open office(这里),加载电子表格并打开excel文件(。xls或.xlsx)。然后将它保存为一个文本CSV文件,打开一个窗口,请求保留当前格式或保存为. odf格式。选择“保持当前格式”,在新窗口中选择对您更有效的选项,根据您的文件所写的语言。对于西班牙语选择西欧(Windows-1252/ WinLatin 1),文件工作正常。如果选择Unicode (UTF-8),它将不会与西班牙字符一起工作。
Save xls file (Excel file) as Unicode text=>file will be saved in text format (.txt)
Change format from .txt to .csv (rename the file from XYX.txt to XYX.csv
Microsoft Excel has an option to export spreadsheet using Unicode encoding. See following screenshot.
Microsoft Excel可以选择使用Unicode编码导出电子表格。见以下截图。
easiest way: no need Open office and google docs
- Save your file as "Unicode text file";
- 将文件保存为“Unicode文本文件”;
- now you have an unicode text file
- 现在您有了一个unicode文本文件。
- open it with "notepad" and "Save as" it with selecting "utf-8" or other code page that you want
- 用“notepad”和“Save as”打开它,选择“utf-8”或其他你想要的代码页。
- rename file extension from "txt" to "csv"
- 将文件扩展名从“txt”重命名为“csv”
dont open it with Ms-office anyway!!! Now you have a tab delimited CSV file.
I have written a small Python script that can export worksheets in UTF-8.
You just have to provide the Excel file as first parameter followed by the sheets that you would like to export. If you do not provide the sheets, the script will export all worksheets that are present in the Excel file.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# export data sheets from xlsx to csv
from openpyxl import load_workbook
import csv
from os import sys
def get_all_sheets(excel_file):
sheets = []
workbook = load_workbook(excel_file,use_iterators=True,data_only=True)
all_worksheets = workbook.get_sheet_names()
for worksheet_name in all_worksheets:
return sheets
def csv_from_excel(excel_file, sheets):
workbook = load_workbook(excel_file,use_iterators=True,data_only=True)
for worksheet_name in sheets:
print("Export " + worksheet_name + " ...")
worksheet = workbook.get_sheet_by_name(worksheet_name)
except KeyError:
print("Could not find " + worksheet_name)
your_csv_file = open(''.join([worksheet_name,'.csv']), 'wb')
wr = csv.writer(your_csv_file, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
for row in worksheet.iter_rows():
lrow = []
for cell in row:
print(" ... done")
if not 2 <= len(sys.argv) <= 3:
print("Call with " + sys.argv[0] + " <xlxs file> [comma separated list of sheets to export]")
sheets = []
if len(sys.argv) == 3:
sheets = list(sys.argv[2].split(','))
sheets = get_all_sheets(sys.argv[1])
assert(sheets != None and len(sheets) > 0)
csv_from_excel(sys.argv[1], sheets)
Under Excel 2016, we have a CSV export option dedicated to UTF-8 format.
Excel typically saves a csv file as ANSI encoding instead of utf8.
One option to correct the file is to use Notepad or Notepad++:
- Open the .csv with Notepad or Notepad++.
- 使用记事本或Notepad++打开.csv。
- Copy the contents to your computer clipboard.
- 将内容复制到您的计算机剪贴板。
- Delete the contents from the file.
- 从文件中删除内容。
- Change the encoding of the file to utf8.
- 将文件的编码更改为utf8。
- Paste the contents back from the clipboard.
- 将内容从剪贴板粘贴回来。
- Save the file.
- 保存文件。
I have also came across the same problem but there is an easy solution for this.
- Open your xlsx file in Excel 2016 or higher.
- 在Excel 2016或更高版本中打开xlsx文件。
- In "Save As" choose this option: "(CSV UTF-8(Comma Delimited)*.csv)"
- 在“Save As”中选择此选项:“(CSV UTF-8(逗号分隔)*.csv)”
It works perfectly and a csv file is generated which can be imported in any software. I imported this csv file in my SQLITE database and it works perfectly with all unicode characters intact.
Encoding -> Convert to Ansi will encode it in ANSI/UNICODE. Utf8 is a subset of Unicode. Perhaps in ANSI will be encoded correctly, but here we are talking about UTF8, @SequenceDigitale.
编码->转换为Ansi将在Ansi /UNICODE编码。Utf8是Unicode的一个子集。也许在ANSI中可以正确编码,但这里我们讨论的是UTF8, @SequenceDigitale。
There are faster ways, like exporting as csv ( comma delimited ) and then, opening that csv with Notepad++ ( free ), then Encoding > Convert to UTF8. But only if you have to do this once per file. If you need to change and export fequently, then the best is LibreOffice or GDocs solution.
open .csv fine with notepad++. if you see your encoding is good (you see all characters as they should be) press encoding , then convert to ANSI else - find out what is your current encoding
使用notepad++打开.csv。如果你看到你的编码很好(你看到所有的字符都应该是)按编码,然后转换成ANSI -找出你当前的编码是什么。
another solution is to open the file by winword and save it as txt and then reopen it by excel and it will work ISA
Save Dialog > Tools Button > Web Options > Encoding Tab
Came across the same problem and googled out this post. None of the above worked for me. At last I converted my Unicode .xls to .xml (choose Save as ... XML Spreadsheet 2003) and it produced the correct character. Then I wrote code to parse the xml and extracted content for my use.
遇到了同样的问题,谷歌上了这篇文章。以上这些都不适合我。最后,我将Unicode .xls转换为.xml(选择Save as…XML电子表格2003)并生成了正确的字符。然后,我编写代码来解析xml并提取内容供我使用。
Another way is to open the UTF-8 CSV file in Notepad where it will be displayed correctly. Then replace all the "," with tabs. Paste all of this into a new excel file.
另一种方法是在记事本中打开UTF-8 CSV文件,以便正确显示它。然后用制表符替换所有的“。”将所有这些粘贴到一个新的excel文件中。
I have the same problem and come across this add in , and it works perfectly fine in excel 2013 beside excel 2007 and 2010 which it is mention for.
我遇到了同样的问题,遇到了这个问题,在excel 2013和2010年的excel表格中,它非常好用。