
时间:2022-03-08 07:28:13

We've recently developed an internal web application for our intranet on top Microsoft's MVC Framework (v2). This seems to work wonderfully, but after some as yet unknown events, we're seeing a situation where database queries appear to yield no results, whilst no exceptions are caught, which has stumped me somewhat.


Republishing the application doesn't change the behaviour, but restarting the application pool will restore functionality completely.


For completeness, we're using a dedicated application pool for MVC applications, and connect to SQL Server using SQL Authentication, which carries on working from other hosts whilst the web server is having a sulk. There don't appear to be any exceptions thrown (we're not catching any, and the built in unhandled exception magic isn't catching anything). We're not using LINQ to SQL in this instance, but rather the ADO.Net approach of SqlConnection/SqlCommand/stored procedures which I'd normally expect to throw an exception if they failed to connect, or a stored procedure failed. I've profiled the application and it doesn't appear to leak any resources either.

为了完整起见,我们正在为MVC应用程序使用专用应用程序池,并使用SQL身份验证连接到SQL Server,该身份验证在Web服务器生气时继续从其他主机进行工作。似乎没有抛出任何异常(我们没有捕获任何异常,并且内置的未处理异常魔法没有捕获任何东西)。我们在这个实例中没有使用LINQ to SQL,而是使用SqlConnection / SqlCommand /存储过程的ADO.Net方法,如果连接失败或存储过程失败,我通常会发出异常。我已经分析了应用程序,它似乎也没有泄漏任何资源。

I think I've covered all the angles, but where else should I look to get into the forensics of finding the cause of the issue?


EDIT: I probably should mention that we're using NTLM authentication, and doing tricks like editing the web.config (to force the application to reload) has no effect -- we have to recycle the whole application pool to fix.

编辑:我可能应该提到我们正在使用NTLM身份验证,并且像编辑web.config(强制应用程序重新加载)这样的技巧没有任何效果 - 我们必须回收整个应用程序池来修复。

1 个解决方案



Have you tried using SQL profiler to monitor the database traffic during the anomaly?




Have you tried using SQL profiler to monitor the database traffic during the anomaly?
