
时间:2023-01-25 07:26:53

I'm parsing wikipedia infoboxes and I noticed that some infoboxes have image fields - these fields hold names of image files stashed on wikipedia somewhere. However they just contain the name of the file as is as opposed to the actual link.

我正在解析*的信息框,我注意到一些信息框有图像字段 - 这些字段包含*藏在某处的图像文件的名称。但是它们只是包含文件的名称而不是实际的链接。

I checked the links of the images on real live infoboxes and the links do not seem to be from one source but the sources vary. How can I hyperlink to an image on wikipedia considering I only have the name of the image from an infobox entry.


5 个解决方案


Have you tried http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:filename.jpg ? Even if the files are located on Wikimedia Commons, the above URL should still work.


Edit: Are you trying to hotlink the image? If so, Wikipedia prohibits hotlinking. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Reusing_content_outside_Wikimedia#Hotlinking

编辑:您是否尝试热链接图像?如果是这样,*禁止热链接。 http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Reusing_content_outside_Wikimedia#Hotlinking

Update 10-Jan-2019: Hotlinking is now permitted:


Hotlinking or InstantCommons: It is possible to use files directly on Commons within another website, by setting up a MediaWiki wiki with InstantCommons, ...



According to What are the strangely named components in Wikipedia file paths, you need to run md5 to find out url. Now wikipedia allows hotlinking, so:


If you have utf-8 encoded $name, you need to do the following:

如果您有utf-8编码的$ name,则需要执行以下操作:

$filename = replace($name, ' ', '_');
$digest = md5($filename);
$folder = $digest[0] . '/' . $digest[0] . $digest[1] . '/' .  urlencode($filename);
$url = 'http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/' . $folder;

The same can be used for thumbnails.



Here is a JavaScript implementation of a working PHP answer (credits to Yuri Baburov):

这是一个有效的PHP答案的JavaScript实现(Yuri Baburov的学分):

var name = "filename.jpg";
var filename = name.replace(/ /g, "_"); 
var digest = md5(filename);
var folder = digest[0] + '/' + digest[0] + digest[1] + '/' + encodeURIComponent(filename);
var url = 'http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/' + folder;

Note that you must include external md5() function (https://github.com/blueimp/JavaScript-MD5); it is not native to JS.



There is now a simpler way to hotlink the files on Wikipedia using the Special:FilePath page. Hence, if you want to link the file Example.jpg on English Wikipedia, you can use https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/Example.jpg.


Similar links should work for other Wikimedia Foundation sites (e. g. Wikimedia Commons).


Details and recommendations regarding hotlinking can be found on Wikimedia's Commons:Reusing_content_outside_Wikimedia.



I noticed that the URL prefix should be:



Moreover the folder must contain the repeated name of the file with a size specified as prefix:



$filename = replace($name, ' ', '_');
$digest = md5($filename);
$urlencfile =  urlencode($filename)
$imgwidth = 220
$folder = $digest[0] . '/' . $digest[0] . $digest[1] . '/' . $urlencfile . '/' . $imgwidth . 'px-' . $urlencfile;
$url = 'http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/' . $folder;


Have you tried http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:filename.jpg ? Even if the files are located on Wikimedia Commons, the above URL should still work.


Edit: Are you trying to hotlink the image? If so, Wikipedia prohibits hotlinking. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Reusing_content_outside_Wikimedia#Hotlinking

编辑:您是否尝试热链接图像?如果是这样,*禁止热链接。 http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Reusing_content_outside_Wikimedia#Hotlinking

Update 10-Jan-2019: Hotlinking is now permitted:


Hotlinking or InstantCommons: It is possible to use files directly on Commons within another website, by setting up a MediaWiki wiki with InstantCommons, ...



According to What are the strangely named components in Wikipedia file paths, you need to run md5 to find out url. Now wikipedia allows hotlinking, so:


If you have utf-8 encoded $name, you need to do the following:

如果您有utf-8编码的$ name,则需要执行以下操作:

$filename = replace($name, ' ', '_');
$digest = md5($filename);
$folder = $digest[0] . '/' . $digest[0] . $digest[1] . '/' .  urlencode($filename);
$url = 'http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/' . $folder;

The same can be used for thumbnails.



Here is a JavaScript implementation of a working PHP answer (credits to Yuri Baburov):

这是一个有效的PHP答案的JavaScript实现(Yuri Baburov的学分):

var name = "filename.jpg";
var filename = name.replace(/ /g, "_"); 
var digest = md5(filename);
var folder = digest[0] + '/' + digest[0] + digest[1] + '/' + encodeURIComponent(filename);
var url = 'http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/' + folder;

Note that you must include external md5() function (https://github.com/blueimp/JavaScript-MD5); it is not native to JS.



There is now a simpler way to hotlink the files on Wikipedia using the Special:FilePath page. Hence, if you want to link the file Example.jpg on English Wikipedia, you can use https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/Example.jpg.


Similar links should work for other Wikimedia Foundation sites (e. g. Wikimedia Commons).


Details and recommendations regarding hotlinking can be found on Wikimedia's Commons:Reusing_content_outside_Wikimedia.



I noticed that the URL prefix should be:



Moreover the folder must contain the repeated name of the file with a size specified as prefix:



$filename = replace($name, ' ', '_');
$digest = md5($filename);
$urlencfile =  urlencode($filename)
$imgwidth = 220
$folder = $digest[0] . '/' . $digest[0] . $digest[1] . '/' . $urlencfile . '/' . $imgwidth . 'px-' . $urlencfile;
$url = 'http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/' . $folder;