我怎么告诉py2app使用/ include 32bit Python(对于wxPython)?

时间:2022-12-28 07:10:51

I'm using OS X Lion (10.7.3) and I'm trying to write a cross-platform, stand-alone GUI-based program using wxPython and py2app.

我正在使用OS X Lion(10.7.3),我正在尝试使用wxPython和py2app编写一个跨平台,独立的基于GUI的程序。

I tried to use Python 2.7.1 which comes shipped with Lion.

我尝试使用Lion附带的Python 2.7.1。

I got the wxPython2.8 binaries (wxPython2.8-osx-unicode-py2.7).


I installed py2app via pip.


This is my little test app:


import wx
app = wx.App()
frame = wx.Frame(None, -1, 'test.py')

This is my setup.py:


from setuptools import setup

wxPython 2.8 wants 32-bit mode, so I use the arch command:

wxPython 2.8需要32位模式,所以我使用arch命令:

arch -i386 /usr/bin/python2.7 test.py

How do I tell py2app to use/include 32bit Python?

我怎么告诉py2app使用/ include 32bit Python?

It is possible to manually exchange the relevant files in the app bundle, but that's a rather clumsy workaround. I could also use 64bit wxPython2.9, but there isn't a stable release available yet. Should I switch to cx_Freeze? What is the best practice here?


1 个解决方案



If you have 64 bit Python installed, then it will create a 64 bit application.
If you have 32 bit Python installed, then it will create a 32 bit application.


If you have both installed, then what is created will depend on where Python collects it's libraries from, the 32 bit or 64 bit install folders.
On Windows, this depends on which Python executable is actually run. And this depends on which is first in your system or user PATH settings.


When you type python setup.py, Windows runs python.exe which python.exe is run from the command line depends on you PATH environemnt variable. Which is run if you douple click setup.py in explorer depends on you file associations with .py files.

当你键入python setup.py时,Windows运行python.exe,从命令行运行python.exe取决于你的PATH environemnt变量。如果您在资源管理器中单击setup.py,则运行哪个依赖于您与.py文件的文件关联。

You could easily make setup.py ensure the correct is being run by spawning a 32bit python instance from within an arbitrary one.




If you have 64 bit Python installed, then it will create a 64 bit application.
If you have 32 bit Python installed, then it will create a 32 bit application.


If you have both installed, then what is created will depend on where Python collects it's libraries from, the 32 bit or 64 bit install folders.
On Windows, this depends on which Python executable is actually run. And this depends on which is first in your system or user PATH settings.


When you type python setup.py, Windows runs python.exe which python.exe is run from the command line depends on you PATH environemnt variable. Which is run if you douple click setup.py in explorer depends on you file associations with .py files.

当你键入python setup.py时,Windows运行python.exe,从命令行运行python.exe取决于你的PATH environemnt变量。如果您在资源管理器中单击setup.py,则运行哪个依赖于您与.py文件的文件关联。

You could easily make setup.py ensure the correct is being run by spawning a 32bit python instance from within an arbitrary one.
