
时间:2022-04-16 06:25:46

I recent made a group of .cmd files. Called, 'Node.1.cmd' and 'Node.2.cmd', the files' purpose was supposed to open each other (in a chain-like process). However, whenever I open one of the 2, it gives me a seriously annoying message:


Windows Protected your PC.

Windows SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting. Running this app may put your PC at risk.

Windows SmartScreen阻止了无法识别的应用程序启动。运行此应用程序可能会使您的PC面临风险。

I agree that this is a bit risky, but it was made for fun, not for destruction. It was just my way of showing people not to mess with my stuff. Not even did I set any LNK at my desktop to the file.


Now, to get to the point, can I exclude this file from SmartScreen while keeping it on?

Because of this, I have problems opening it with a .vbs file
To be more specific, it opens but then automatically closes with a message: The system cannot find the path specified. Does windows SmartScreen encrypt the file or something like that? I scripted the following:

因此,我在使用.vbs文件打开它时遇到问题更具体地说,它打开但随后会自动关闭并显示一条消息:系统找不到指定的路径。 Windows SmartScreen会加密文件或类似的东西吗?我编写了以下内容:

Titre = "What would you like to do ? RookieTEC9©" 
message = "What would you like to do ?"&vbcr&vbcr&_
"1 - Launch Project Node "&vbcr&_
"2 - Launch Golden Chrome"&vbcr&_
"3 - Launch An Application"&vbcr&_
"4 - Start Windows Update"&vbcr&_
"5 - Slide2Kill" 
Default ="1"
Question = InputBox(message,Titre,Default)
Select Case Question 
Case 1 Run(1)
Case 2 Run(2)
Case 3 Run(3)
Case 4 Run(4)
Case 5 Run(5)
end Select

Sub Run(var)
Set WS = CreateObject("WScript.shell")
    Select Case var
    Case 1 WS.run("explorer.exe /e,C:\Users\Jeremi\OneDrive\Happy_files\Unsorted_Files\Project_Node.zip\Node.1.cmd")
    Case 2 ProcessNotNeeded()
    Case 3 LaunchApplication()
    Case 4 WindowsUpdate()
    Case 5 WS.run("SlideToShutDown.exe")
End select
End Sub 

Sub Kill(Process)
Set Ws = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Command = "cmd /c Taskkill /F /IM "&Process&""
Execution = Ws.Run(Command,0,False)
End Sub

Sub ProcessNotNeeded()
Titre = "Killing Process Not Needed RookieTEC9© "
message = "Type the Name of the process to be killed by this script"&vbcr&_
"Example To Kill The Internet Explorer Process You should type"&vbcr&_
Default ="iexplore.exe"
Question = InputBox(message,Titre,Default)
End Sub

Function CmdPrompt(sCmd)
Dim sCmdLine,oWS,nRes
set oWS = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
sCmdLine = "cmd /c Start " & sCmd & ""
nRes = oWS.Run(sCmdLine,0,False)
CmdPrompt = nRes
End Function

Sub LaunchApplication()
Titre = "Launching an Application"
message = "Type the Name of the process to be Lanuched by this  script"&vbcr&_
"Example To Launch The Word Application You should type"&vbcr&_
Default ="Winword.exe"
Question = InputBox(message,Titre,Default)
End Sub

Sub WindowsUpdate()
Title = "Checking for Windows updates"
Msg = "Looking for a list of updates, So be Patient Thank you !"
Wait = "70" 'waiting 70 secondes to close the popup
Set Ws = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
ws.Popup Msg,wait,Title,64

Set updateSession = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.Session")
Set updateSearcher = updateSession.CreateupdateSearcher()        
Set searchResult = updateSearcher.Search("IsInstalled=0 and    Type='Software'") 

If searchResult.Updates.Count <> 0 Then 'If updates were found
'so with this loop shows how you can list the title of each update that was found.
For i = 0 To searchResult.Updates.Count - 1
    Set update = searchResult.Updates.Item(i)
    ws.Popup update.Title,wait,Title,64
End If
Ws.Run "wuauclt.exe /reportnow /detectnow",1,False
End Sub

Sorry for the long code! To be 100% honest, I didn't create this from scratch, I just edited it. I am new to VBS However, if you have any questions on HTML or CSS, I may be able to answer it. Please keep in mind that I am a 5th grader and only started coding this school year.
THX for your time and answer. P.S.
Also, the file was in a zip. Does that effect it?

对不起长代码!为了100%诚实,我没有从头开始创建这个,我只是编辑它。我是VBS的新手但是,如果您对HTML或CSS有任何疑问,我可以回答它。请记住,我是五年级学生,并且只在本学年开始编写代码。 THX为您的时间和答案。附:此外,该文件是拉链。这会影响吗?

1 个解决方案


You can unblock these CMD files, it is explained here Once unblocked you should be able to run it from the console and from your script. I myself scripted a very long time in vbscript but now it is obsolete. Since you have just started to learn, I advise you to learn another scripting language like Ruby which is fun to learn or if you want to go the 'only windows' way Powershell (shiver..)



You can unblock these CMD files, it is explained here Once unblocked you should be able to run it from the console and from your script. I myself scripted a very long time in vbscript but now it is obsolete. Since you have just started to learn, I advise you to learn another scripting language like Ruby which is fun to learn or if you want to go the 'only windows' way Powershell (shiver..)
