Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogs4Oj8KahQ&index=13&list=PL50E6E80E8525B59C
3 - 1 - Overview of Template Models
3 - 2 - Temporal Models
3 - 3 - Temporal Models - HMMs
3 - 4 - Plate Models (以下主要是此内容)
Nested Plates & Overlapping Plates
Parameters and structure are reused within a BN and across different BNs.
Collective Inference
Plate notation
In Bayesian inference, plate notation is a method of representing variables that repeat in a graphical model.
Instead of drawing each repeated variable individually, a plate or rectangle is used to group variables into a subgraph that repeat together, and a number is drawn on the plate to represent the number of repetitions of the subgraph in the plate.
The assumptions are that
- the subgraph is duplicated that many times,
- the variables in the subgraph are indexed by the repetition number, and
- any links that cross a plate boundary are replicated once for each subgraph repetition.
In this example, we consider Latent Dirichlet allocation, a Bayesian network that models how documents in a corpus are topically related. There are two variables not in any plate:
- α is the parameter of the uniform Dirichlet prior on the per-document topic distributions,
- β is the parameter of the uniform Dirichlet prior on the per-topic word distribution.
The outermost plate represents all the variables related to a specific document, including , the topic distribution for document i.
The M in the corner of the plate indicates that the variables inside are repeated M times, once for each document.
The inner plate represents the variables associated with each of the words in document i: is the topic for the jth word in document i, and is the actual word used.
The N in the corner represents the repetition of the variables in the inner plate times, once for each word in document i.
- The circle representing the individual words is shaded, indicating that each is observable, and
- the other circles are empty, indicating that the other variables are latent variables.
The directed edges between variables indicate dependencies between the variables: for example, each depends on and β.