Visual Studio插件,用于快速搜索解决方案中的文件

时间:2022-04-04 05:35:48

I want to write an Add-In for Visual Studio that provides instant search for the solution explorer. So you press a key combination and while you are typing a list first containing all files of the solution explorer gets narrowed down.

我想为Visual Studio编写一个加载项,它提供了对解决方案资源管理器的即时搜索。所以你按下一个组合键,当你输入一个列表时,首先包含解决方案资源管理器的所有文件。

But how can I get access to the solution explorer using C#? Does anyone have some good resources?


Edit: I edited the title, so that it more relates to the content, since all of you posted already made plug-ins.


6 个解决方案



Sonic File Finder it's free

Sonic File Finder它是免费的

When you hit the shortcut you have a search box with autocomplete: alt text

当你点击快捷方式时,你有一个带有自动完成功能的搜索框:alt text



Visual Studio is already perfectly capable of doing that; just drag the "Edit.GoToFindCombo" to the toolbar, if it's not already there. (Press Ctrl+D if it is, to activate) and type ">of s" for all files starting with the letter 's'.

Visual Studio已经完全有能力做到这一点;只需将“Edit.GoToFindCombo”拖动到工具栏,如果它还没有。 (如果是,则按Ctrl + D激活),并为以字母's'开头的所有文件键入“> of s”。

Example of the GoToFindCombo with the 'open' command


The GoToFindCombo is more powerful than this though, you can set aliases ">alias $aliasHere $SomeCommand" for virtually every command in Visual Studio. For example, to make an alias for find in files you type ">alias ff Edit.FindinFiles"

GoToFindCombo比这更强大,你可以为Visual Studio中的几乎每个命令设置别名“> alias $ aliasHere $ SomeCommand”。例如,要为文件中的查找创建别名,请键入“> alias ff Edit.FindinFiles”



Why re-invent the wheel? DevExpress + Microsoft tied up to offer CodeRush Express for free @ PDC2008 that does just that if I understand you correctly.

为什么重新发明*? DevExpress + Microsoft绑定免费提供CodeRush Express @ PDC2008如果我理解正确的话就可以。

Visual Studio插件,用于快速搜索解决方案中的文件

AFAIR I think the magic key combo for Jump to File is Ctrl+Alt+F and it does substring matches too. I tried it and it worked for me. Pretty nifty. Here's the link to a recording in case I goofed up on the actual keystroke... some really nice tips in it.

AFAIR我认为Jump to File的魔术键组合是Ctrl + Alt + F,它也会进行子串匹配。我尝试过它,它对我有用。很俏皮。这是录制内容的链接,以防我对实际按键进行蠢事...其中有一些非常好的提示。

Update: Wrote a blog post for those who're short of time.




DPack really beats all of them (and moreover it's FREE).
Check out the Alt+U and Alt+M shortcuts (also I recommend others too).

DPack真的击败了所有人(而且它是免费的)。查看Alt + U和Alt + M快捷方式(我也推荐其他人)。

Additionally I have found StudioTools to have very impressive GoTo feature if you want to jump to specific point (type member) in another file (really very fast).


NOTE: R# also has such feature but IMO it's weaker than DPack's version.




Don't forget Workspace Whiz - it's free for non-commercial use. I can't live without it and just bought a licence. It does many other things too...

不要忘记Workspace Whiz - 它可以免费用于非商业用途。我不能没有它,只是买了许可证。它还做了很多其他的事情......

alt text

alt text



Nothing Beats Productivity Tools by Microsoft and its free.




Sonic File Finder it's free

Sonic File Finder它是免费的

When you hit the shortcut you have a search box with autocomplete: alt text

当你点击快捷方式时,你有一个带有自动完成功能的搜索框:alt text



Visual Studio is already perfectly capable of doing that; just drag the "Edit.GoToFindCombo" to the toolbar, if it's not already there. (Press Ctrl+D if it is, to activate) and type ">of s" for all files starting with the letter 's'.

Visual Studio已经完全有能力做到这一点;只需将“Edit.GoToFindCombo”拖动到工具栏,如果它还没有。 (如果是,则按Ctrl + D激活),并为以字母's'开头的所有文件键入“> of s”。

Example of the GoToFindCombo with the 'open' command


The GoToFindCombo is more powerful than this though, you can set aliases ">alias $aliasHere $SomeCommand" for virtually every command in Visual Studio. For example, to make an alias for find in files you type ">alias ff Edit.FindinFiles"

GoToFindCombo比这更强大,你可以为Visual Studio中的几乎每个命令设置别名“> alias $ aliasHere $ SomeCommand”。例如,要为文件中的查找创建别名,请键入“> alias ff Edit.FindinFiles”



Why re-invent the wheel? DevExpress + Microsoft tied up to offer CodeRush Express for free @ PDC2008 that does just that if I understand you correctly.

为什么重新发明*? DevExpress + Microsoft绑定免费提供CodeRush Express @ PDC2008如果我理解正确的话就可以。

Visual Studio插件,用于快速搜索解决方案中的文件

AFAIR I think the magic key combo for Jump to File is Ctrl+Alt+F and it does substring matches too. I tried it and it worked for me. Pretty nifty. Here's the link to a recording in case I goofed up on the actual keystroke... some really nice tips in it.

AFAIR我认为Jump to File的魔术键组合是Ctrl + Alt + F,它也会进行子串匹配。我尝试过它,它对我有用。很俏皮。这是录制内容的链接,以防我对实际按键进行蠢事...其中有一些非常好的提示。

Update: Wrote a blog post for those who're short of time.




DPack really beats all of them (and moreover it's FREE).
Check out the Alt+U and Alt+M shortcuts (also I recommend others too).

DPack真的击败了所有人(而且它是免费的)。查看Alt + U和Alt + M快捷方式(我也推荐其他人)。

Additionally I have found StudioTools to have very impressive GoTo feature if you want to jump to specific point (type member) in another file (really very fast).


NOTE: R# also has such feature but IMO it's weaker than DPack's version.




Don't forget Workspace Whiz - it's free for non-commercial use. I can't live without it and just bought a licence. It does many other things too...

不要忘记Workspace Whiz - 它可以免费用于非商业用途。我不能没有它,只是买了许可证。它还做了很多其他的事情......

alt text

alt text



Nothing Beats Productivity Tools by Microsoft and its free.
