当我部署(iis7, asp.net mvc4)时,如何让Visual Studio解决方案中的文件夹出现在我的服务器上?

时间:2022-02-04 03:33:02

This seems so rudimentary that I am slightly ashamed to ask, but here I am anyway. I have a fairly typical ASP.NET MVC4 solution. In there I have a couple of folder in the root directory where I am storing some logs and files. In particular I have one page that will list all the .xml files in this directory:



Running locally this code works like a charm:


 @for (int i = 0; i < 50 && i < dir.GetFiles().Count(); i++)
              <a href="@Url.Action("DeleteFile", "Home", new { area = "Admin", fileName = @dir.GetFiles()[i].FullName })"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove-circle"></i></a>

Once I deploy the application (Windows Server 2008, IIS 7), I get an error when I navigate to the page. Presumably because when I navigate to the folder on the server in inetpub/wwwroot/mysite the folders are not there.

一旦我部署了应用程序(Windows Server 2008, IIS 7),当我导航到页面时就会出现错误。大概是因为当我导航到inetpub/wwwroot/mysite服务器上的文件夹时,文件夹不在那里。

In the properties of the folder in VS I only see 'Folder Name' and 'Namespace Provider' in there.


How can I get the folder to copy over when I deploy?


1 个解决方案



Assuming this folder is in the MVC project and not the solution you could add a file to the project within the folder and set the Build Action property to Content.

假设这个文件夹在MVC项目中,而不是解决方案中,您可以在文件夹中向项目添加一个文件,并将Build Action属性设置为Content。



Assuming this folder is in the MVC project and not the solution you could add a file to the project within the folder and set the Build Action property to Content.

假设这个文件夹在MVC项目中,而不是解决方案中,您可以在文件夹中向项目添加一个文件,并将Build Action属性设置为Content。