
时间:2020-12-06 04:18:44

I need to normalize a vector of N integers so that:


  • Each value is proportional to its original value (the value will be between 0 and 1)
  • 每个值与它的原始值成比例(值将在0和1之间)
  • The sum of all values is =1
  • 所有值之和为=1。

For instance:


If I have a vector


V = [2,2,1,0]

the normalized vector should should be:


V_norm = [0.4,0.4,0.2,0]  % 0.4+0.4+0.2 = 1

I tried with many solutions found in this community and on the web and finally I did it with this code:


part = norm(V);
if part > 0
  V_norm = V/part;
else % part = 0 --> avoid "divide by 0" 
  V_norm = part;

The problem this works if:


  • all elements of array are "0" --> resultant array doesn't change
  • 数组的所有元素都是“0”—>结果数组不变。
  • only one element of the array is >0 and all other elements are = 0 --> resultant array: the element >0 is 1 and the other 0
  • 数组中只有一个元素是>0,所有其他元素都是= 0——>合成数组:元素>0是1,另一个是0。

but if I have a different case,although the result is proportional,the sum is not 0. For instance:


   V = [1,0,1]
   V_norm = [0.74,0,0.74]

   V = [1,1,1]
   V_norm = [0.54,0.54,0.54]

(I'm not sure if the number are correct because I can't use Matlab right now but I'm sure the sum is > 1 )

(我不确定这个数字是否正确,因为我现在不能用Matlab,但我肯定这个数字是> 1)

Ahy hint?


Thank you in advance


3 个解决方案



... the normalized vector should should be:


v_norm = [0.4, 0.4, 0.2, 0]; % 0.4+0.4+0.2 = 1

v_norm = [0.4, 0.4, 0.2, 0];% 0.4 + 0.4 + 0.2 = 1

That depends. What is your norm function?


norm(x) in MATLAB returns the standard norm, meaning the sum of the squares of the elements of a normalized vector x is 1.


In your example:


v = [1, 1, 1];         %# norm(v) = sqrt(1^2+1^2+1^2) = ~1.7321
v_norm = v / norm(v);  %# v_norm = [0.5574, 0.5574, 0.5574]

sum(v_norm .^ 2) indeed yields 1, but sum(v_norm) does not, as expected.

总和(v_norm。^ 2)实际上收益率1,但总和(v_norm)并不像预期的那样。

I need to normalize a vector of N integers so that each value is proportional to its original value (the value will be between 0 and 1) and the sum of all values is 1.


What do you mean by "normalize"? Does that mean dividing by a value which is a valid mathematical norm function, according to the norm definition?


What do you mean by "proportional"? Does that imply that all elements are multiplied by that same number? If it does, and it's a valid mathematical norm, you cannot guarantee that the sum of the elements will always be 1.
For instance, consider v = [1, -2]. Then sum(v) = -1.

你说的“比例”是什么意思?这是否意味着所有的元素都乘以相同的数?如果是,这是一个有效的数学准则,你不能保证元素的和总是1。例如,考虑v =[1, -2]。然后求和(v)= 1。

Or maybe sum is the function you're looking for, but it doesn't mathematically qualify as a norm, because a norm is a function that assigns a strictly positive length or size to all vectors in a vector space.
In the example above, sum(v) is negative.


Ahy hint?


You can choose either:


  1. sum(x), which fulfills both requirements but doesn't qualify as a norm function since it can yield negative values.
  2. sum(x)满足这两种需求,但不符合标准函数,因为它可以产生负值。
  3. norm(x, 1), as OleThomsenBuus suggested, which actually calculates sum(abs(x(:))).
    It won't fulfill both your requirements unless you restrict your vector space to non-negative vectors.
  4. norm(x, 1),正如OleThomsenBuus所建议的,实际上是计算和(abs(x(:)))。除非你把向量空间限制为非负的向量,否则它不会满足你的要求。



What you need to do is, I believe, normalize using the 1-norm (taxicab norm):


v = [2, 2, 1, 0];
v_normed = v / norm(v, 1); % using the 1-norm

Variable v_normed should now be [0.4, 0.4, 0.2, 0.0]. The 1-norm of v_normed will equal 1. You can also sum the vector (similar to the 1-norm, but without applying the absolute function to each value), but the range of that sum will be between -1 to 1 in the general case (if any values in v are below 0). You could use abs on the resulting sum, but mathematically it will no longer qualify as a norm.




If there are no furhter conditions to your normalization than you gave at the beginning of your question, a possible solution would be


V = [3 4 -2];
S = sum(V);
if (S == 0)
    % no solution
    V_norm = V ./ S;



... the normalized vector should should be:


v_norm = [0.4, 0.4, 0.2, 0]; % 0.4+0.4+0.2 = 1

v_norm = [0.4, 0.4, 0.2, 0];% 0.4 + 0.4 + 0.2 = 1

That depends. What is your norm function?


norm(x) in MATLAB returns the standard norm, meaning the sum of the squares of the elements of a normalized vector x is 1.


In your example:


v = [1, 1, 1];         %# norm(v) = sqrt(1^2+1^2+1^2) = ~1.7321
v_norm = v / norm(v);  %# v_norm = [0.5574, 0.5574, 0.5574]

sum(v_norm .^ 2) indeed yields 1, but sum(v_norm) does not, as expected.

总和(v_norm。^ 2)实际上收益率1,但总和(v_norm)并不像预期的那样。

I need to normalize a vector of N integers so that each value is proportional to its original value (the value will be between 0 and 1) and the sum of all values is 1.


What do you mean by "normalize"? Does that mean dividing by a value which is a valid mathematical norm function, according to the norm definition?


What do you mean by "proportional"? Does that imply that all elements are multiplied by that same number? If it does, and it's a valid mathematical norm, you cannot guarantee that the sum of the elements will always be 1.
For instance, consider v = [1, -2]. Then sum(v) = -1.

你说的“比例”是什么意思?这是否意味着所有的元素都乘以相同的数?如果是,这是一个有效的数学准则,你不能保证元素的和总是1。例如,考虑v =[1, -2]。然后求和(v)= 1。

Or maybe sum is the function you're looking for, but it doesn't mathematically qualify as a norm, because a norm is a function that assigns a strictly positive length or size to all vectors in a vector space.
In the example above, sum(v) is negative.


Ahy hint?


You can choose either:


  1. sum(x), which fulfills both requirements but doesn't qualify as a norm function since it can yield negative values.
  2. sum(x)满足这两种需求,但不符合标准函数,因为它可以产生负值。
  3. norm(x, 1), as OleThomsenBuus suggested, which actually calculates sum(abs(x(:))).
    It won't fulfill both your requirements unless you restrict your vector space to non-negative vectors.
  4. norm(x, 1),正如OleThomsenBuus所建议的,实际上是计算和(abs(x(:)))。除非你把向量空间限制为非负的向量,否则它不会满足你的要求。



What you need to do is, I believe, normalize using the 1-norm (taxicab norm):


v = [2, 2, 1, 0];
v_normed = v / norm(v, 1); % using the 1-norm

Variable v_normed should now be [0.4, 0.4, 0.2, 0.0]. The 1-norm of v_normed will equal 1. You can also sum the vector (similar to the 1-norm, but without applying the absolute function to each value), but the range of that sum will be between -1 to 1 in the general case (if any values in v are below 0). You could use abs on the resulting sum, but mathematically it will no longer qualify as a norm.




If there are no furhter conditions to your normalization than you gave at the beginning of your question, a possible solution would be


V = [3 4 -2];
S = sum(V);
if (S == 0)
    % no solution
    V_norm = V ./ S;