我在哪里可以找到Mac OS X的内存映射

时间:2021-01-19 03:17:23

I remember that, back in the days of the Commodore 64, I had a Reference Book showing me which part of memory was assigned to do what.

我记得,在Commodore 64的时代,我有一本参考书,向我展示了哪些内存被分配用来做什么。

I was wondering if something of the likes was available for Mac OS X.

我想知道是否有适用于Mac OS X的喜欢。

My iMac has a 1TB hard disk and I'd like to know where the free space is, which part is allocated to the display, etc.


Any resources where I could learn more about this subject would be helpful.


Thank you.


2 个解决方案



The hard disk is not "memory" in the sense you're thinking of. None of it is used for active apps, the display, etc...


You're thinking of ram, but on modern OSs that isn't divided by task like it may have been on past systems. Where things are located is dynamically assigned as needed, and intentionally randomized for security reasons (google for ASLR for the randomization).

你正在考虑ram,但是在现代操作系统上没有被任务分割,就像过去的系统一样。根据需要动态分配事物的位置,并出于安全原因故意随机化(google for ASLR for randomization)。



If you go into the "Utilities" folder hidden in your Macintosh "/Applications" folder, you'll see an application named "Activity Monitor".

如果您进入Macintosh“/ Applications”文件夹中隐藏的“Utilities”文件夹,您将看到名为“Activity Monitor”的应用程序。

Open that, and you'll be able to see both memory usage (mine looks like this):


我在哪里可以找到Mac OS X的内存映射

And disk usage looks like this:


我在哪里可以找到Mac OS X的内存映射

Now these two views may look a little boring, or underwhelming, compared to what you might have seen with your Commodore 64 (or in my case, I was using a Trash-80 Color Computer).... but these screenshots are just a quick slice of data from about 10 seconds of looking at each view. If you leave the disk usage screen up for more than 10 seconds, you'll see the I/O ribbon gets more detailed with time. And there's probably more functionality hidden in there that I haven't even noticed yet. Try it out.

现在这两个视图可能看起来有点无聊或令人印象深刻,与您在Commodore 64中看到的相比(或者在我的情况下,我使用的是Trash-80彩色计算机)....但这些截图只是一个从大约10秒钟查看每个视图快速切片数据。如果您将磁盘使用情况屏幕保持超过10秒,您将看到I / O功能区随着时间的推移变得更加详细。并且隐藏在那里的功能可能更多,我甚至都没有注意到。试试看。



The hard disk is not "memory" in the sense you're thinking of. None of it is used for active apps, the display, etc...


You're thinking of ram, but on modern OSs that isn't divided by task like it may have been on past systems. Where things are located is dynamically assigned as needed, and intentionally randomized for security reasons (google for ASLR for the randomization).

你正在考虑ram,但是在现代操作系统上没有被任务分割,就像过去的系统一样。根据需要动态分配事物的位置,并出于安全原因故意随机化(google for ASLR for randomization)。



If you go into the "Utilities" folder hidden in your Macintosh "/Applications" folder, you'll see an application named "Activity Monitor".

如果您进入Macintosh“/ Applications”文件夹中隐藏的“Utilities”文件夹,您将看到名为“Activity Monitor”的应用程序。

Open that, and you'll be able to see both memory usage (mine looks like this):


我在哪里可以找到Mac OS X的内存映射

And disk usage looks like this:


我在哪里可以找到Mac OS X的内存映射

Now these two views may look a little boring, or underwhelming, compared to what you might have seen with your Commodore 64 (or in my case, I was using a Trash-80 Color Computer).... but these screenshots are just a quick slice of data from about 10 seconds of looking at each view. If you leave the disk usage screen up for more than 10 seconds, you'll see the I/O ribbon gets more detailed with time. And there's probably more functionality hidden in there that I haven't even noticed yet. Try it out.

现在这两个视图可能看起来有点无聊或令人印象深刻,与您在Commodore 64中看到的相比(或者在我的情况下,我使用的是Trash-80彩色计算机)....但这些截图只是一个从大约10秒钟查看每个视图快速切片数据。如果您将磁盘使用情况屏幕保持超过10秒,您将看到I / O功能区随着时间的推移变得更加详细。并且隐藏在那里的功能可能更多,我甚至都没有注意到。试试看。