文件名称:dotfiles:我Linux和Mac OS X的dotfiles
更新时间:2024-02-24 03:16:35
python git vim linux dotfiles
概要 这个存储库包含我Linux(Ubuntu 19.10 LTS)和Mac OS X(10.15)的dotfiles设置,还有一点FreeBSD(10.0); 请参阅Windows的设置。 执照 。 建立 git clone git@github.com:HongxuChen/dotfiles.git /path/to/dotfiles # or with https: https://github.com/HongxuChen/dotfiles.git # my personal dotfiles folder is ~/tools/dotfiles # # close other applications for a smooth installation cd /path/to/dotfiles # see its usage ./install.py -h # dryrun to see whether there are dangerous operations ./install.py -n # install (if you're feeling lucky) ./in