MS SharePoint 2007 - 任何人都知道在哪里可以找到全面的学习资源?

时间:2022-05-30 03:13:25

Hey guys. I would like to learn about MS Sharepoint 2007...does anyone know where I can begin (the more thorough, the better)

大家好。我想了解MS Sharepoint 2007 ...有谁知道我可以从哪里开始(越彻底越好)

Thanks...much appreciated!

4 个解决方案



Inside Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 - easily the best book out there on SharePoint, covers everything in MOSS despite the title.

在Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0中 - 尽管有标题,它仍然是MOSS中最好的书籍,涵盖了MOSS中的所有内容。



Microsoft's Sharepoint site and technet are good resources.




If you want to learn to develop on WSS, please check this MSDN miniSite. this could help you get started.

如果您想学习在WSS上开发,请查看此MSDN miniSite。这可以帮助你开始。



SharePoint is a big thing. Your best bet getting started is to focus in a certain area (forms, web parts, etc). As a general development resource, this is the developer training center. If you have a specific need or target in mind I'm sure better resources can be provided.




Inside Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 - easily the best book out there on SharePoint, covers everything in MOSS despite the title.

在Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0中 - 尽管有标题,它仍然是MOSS中最好的书籍,涵盖了MOSS中的所有内容。



Microsoft's Sharepoint site and technet are good resources.




If you want to learn to develop on WSS, please check this MSDN miniSite. this could help you get started.

如果您想学习在WSS上开发,请查看此MSDN miniSite。这可以帮助你开始。



SharePoint is a big thing. Your best bet getting started is to focus in a certain area (forms, web parts, etc). As a general development resource, this is the developer training center. If you have a specific need or target in mind I'm sure better resources can be provided.
