为什么我的Git Bash不会访问“捆绑”?

时间:2021-07-28 00:22:07

I'm running through the Rails tutorial and I'd like to view a "test" through Git Bash since it looks like the test results are formatted more nicely.

我正在浏览Rails教程,我想通过Git Bash查看“测试”,因为看起来测试结果的格式更好。

However, whenever I try to run "bundle exec ...etc." through Git Bash, I get an error of "bad interpreter: no such file or directory". Now, I have checked that particular directory and I DO have a bundle.exe (since I recently did "gem bundle install" or "gem install bundle").

但是,每当我尝试运行“捆绑执行...等”。通过Git Bash,我收到“错误的解释器:没有这样的文件或目录”的错误。现在,我检查了那个特定的目录,我有一个bundle.exe(因为我最近做过“gem bundle install”或“gem install bundle”)。

Now, to be clear, I can run "bundle exec" / "bundle install" / "bundle anything..." through the Command Prompt on Windows. It's just that Git Bash doesn't want to do these things. How could I fix this?

现在,要清楚,我可以通过Windows上的命令提示符运行“bundle exec”/“bundle install”/“捆绑任何东西......”。只是Git Bash不想做这些事情。我怎么能解决这个问题?

Thank you.

1 个解决方案



The $PATH might have trouble interpreting "C:\Program Files (x86)\...", as mentioned in "Bundle command not found. Bad Interpreter".

$ PATH可能无法解释“C:\ Program Files(x86)\ ...”,如“找不到捆绑命令。错误解释器”中所述。

As illustrated in "Bundle command not found Windows x64", try installing anything ruby-related in a simpler path (no space, no special character).

如“Bundle command not found Windows x64”中所示,尝试在更简单的路径中安装任何与ruby相关的东西(没有空格,没有特殊字符)。



The $PATH might have trouble interpreting "C:\Program Files (x86)\...", as mentioned in "Bundle command not found. Bad Interpreter".

$ PATH可能无法解释“C:\ Program Files(x86)\ ...”,如“找不到捆绑命令。错误解释器”中所述。

As illustrated in "Bundle command not found Windows x64", try installing anything ruby-related in a simpler path (no space, no special character).

如“Bundle command not found Windows x64”中所示,尝试在更简单的路径中安装任何与ruby相关的东西(没有空格,没有特殊字符)。